Sarah Huckabee Sanders(Credit: AP/Evan Vucci)

Sarah Huckabee Sanders stumbles trying to spin Trump’s terror hypocrisy

The White House press secretary told many of lies about Trump’s statements on U.S. immigration policy

Taylor Link2017-11-01T21:54:37Z2017-11-01T21:54:37Z0 Comments

Sarah Huckabee Sanders tried defending her boss Wednesday the only way she knows how — by spinning the already befuddling things he's said, and lied about, to create an even more confusing mess.

Following the first terror attack in Manhattan since 9/11, President Donald Trump has embarked on a campaign to politicize the tragic death of eight people to push for stricter immigration policy. Trump singled out the Diversity Visa lottery program, which Sayfullo Saipov, Tuesday's terror suspect, used to become a legal resident in the U.S in 2010.

It was Sanders' job during Wednesday's press briefing to make sense of Trump's political response to the tragedy on the last day of October after refusing to "politicize a tragedy" after a gunman opened fire on a Las Vegas concert on the first day of the month. All the White House press secretary could do, however, was mislead the press about what Trump had said.

The White House press secretary then tried to justify Trump's stance on the Diversity Visa lottery by claiming there was "no vetting system" over the program.

Rationalizing Trump's tweets and off-the-cuff remarks is likely the hardest job in Washington, but Sanders has taken to completely misrepresenting her boss to protect him from negative press.

As even Republican Sen. Jeff Flake pointed out, Schumer was actually part of a Gang of Eight that attempted to do away with the visa application in question.

Sanders also got the basics about the program Trump has proposed to eliminate wrong.

“The fact that we have a lottery system that randomly decides who gets the greatest opportunity in the world ... And to give that away randomly, to have no vetting system, to have no way to determine who comes, why they’re here, and if they want to contribute to society is a problem," she said to defend Trump's call to end the Diversity Visa lottery.

But as reporters in the room pointed, an immigrant selected through the lottery program is vetted by the State Department. When Sanders wasn't lying Wednesday about Trump's erroneous beliefs on immigration, she was refusing to condemn slavery.

And continued the White House tradition of whining about the press:

Taylor Link
Taylor Link is an assistant editor at Salon. You can find him on Twitter at @taylorlink_
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