David Appell
Freelance writer and journalist





How to contact me:


Twitter: @davidappell

I'm a freelance writer living in Salem, Oregon, specializing in the physical sciences, technology, and the environment. My work has appeared in Scientific American, Physics World, Audubon, New Scientist, Wired, Salon, Popular Science, Nature, Discover, The Boston Globe, The San Francisco Chronicle, Yale Climate Connections, Physical Review Focus, Discovery Channel Online, Science, and many other publications, and on the syndicated radio program The Weather Notebook.

I have a B.S. in mathematics and physics from the University of New Mexico, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in physics from the State University of New York at Stony Brook. I've also done graduate work in the creative writing department at Arizona State University. 

In other incarnations I've been a systems engineer at AT&T Bell Laboratories and MCI Communications, a business partner/software developer/whatever-it-took at a startup telecommunications software company, Gold Systems, in Boulder, Colorado, and an assistant editor of technology at Laser Focus World magazine.

I've also gone through a fiction writing phase or two -- my short stories have appeared in The Seattle Review, Sycamore Review, Hawaii Review, and other publications.

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