Khurram Dastgir-Khan


RTs are NOT endorsements~This is a PERSONAL account~Official tweets EXCLUSIVELY at ~ Honoured to represent citizens of Gujranwala in Parliament

Se unió en noviembre de 2009


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  1. Tweet fijado
    27 ago. 2014

    "Pointing to sins of others does not make you a saint"

  2. hace 4 horas

    'Pakistan to have surplus power from November'

  3. hace 2 horas

    کی میرے قتل کے بعد اس نے جفا سے توبہ ۔۔۔۔

  4. hace 32 minutos

    Deepest condolences & prayers to family of Naib Subedar Azher Ali who embraced shahadat due to terrorist fire at Mustil Pass, Khyber Agency

  5. Word of the day: "logophile" - a lover of language, one who relishes the taste of words on the tongue & in the mind's eye.

  6. hace 7 horas

    Our real enemy is not man; it's not another human being. Our real enemy is our ignorance, fear, discrimination, temptation, craving, and violence.

  7. 2 oct.

    Foreign Minister praising Pakistan Army response to India on working boundary area

  8. 3 oct.

    شہبازشریف کا جوشیلا انداز دهواں دهار خطاب مخالفین پر شدید گولہ باری اک واری فر شیررر🐆

    , , y 7 más
  9. 3 oct.

    لیکن اقامہ اور 40 سال پرانے کاروبار پہ کسی بھی وقت نااہل کیا جا سکتا ھے

  10. 3 oct.

    اقتدار سے نکالنے اور داخل کرنے کی کنجی ان کے پاس ہو، نواز شریف

  11. 2 oct.

    حالات پہلے جیسے نہیں رہے کارکن شاعری کی کتابیں خرید لیں اور وہی ٹویٹ کیا کریں ، ترجمان ن لیگ

  12. 3 oct.

    نواز شریف بلا مقابلہ پارٹی صدر منتخب ہونے پر تنقید کرنے والے انصافیو مت بھولنا عمران خان بھی بلا مقابلہ پارٹی چئیرمین منتخب ہوا تھا

  13. 3 oct.

    : 1st consignment of Orange Line metro train arrives in Lahore via

  14. 2 oct.

    As a wise man once said: 'You snooze, you lose'. Politics means learning the rules of the game, though I admit rallies are more fun.

  15. 3 oct.

    جوقومیں پرانی روش پر اڑی رہتی ہیں وقت انکا انتظارکیے بغیر آگے نکل جاتاہے،نواز شریف

  16. 2 oct.

    On the question of why Rangers did what it did today, says this is not the issue. The issue is tomatoes have gone costly

  17. 3 oct.

    Violence is violence. Terror is Terror. But it has many names when the color of your skin determines it.

  18. 3 oct.

    "Pakistan lost on Monday. RSS, and its proxies in Western capitals, are all licking their lips."

  19. 3 oct.

    'Everything went dark': Kashmir girl blinded by pellets

  20. 3 oct.

    ~love him or hate him~stands alone as the symbol & standard bearer of Pak democracy & Pakistanis' constitutional right to rule

  21. 3 oct.

    Moment of piteous silence for intellectuals who crowed that the court had "got clean" & his disqualification was "rule of law"

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