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'An evil, satanic tradition': Halloween celebrations divide Perth

While celebrating Halloween has become increasingly popular in WA, it seems not all Perth residents have gotten into the spooky spirit. 

A series of pamphlets distributed in Perth's northern suburbs urge locals to denounce the holiday, as it is a mixture of "pagan traditions and idolatry" and "is an abomination to God".

"Most people today think of Halloween as harmless fun when children [sic] dress up in costumes and go from house to house to 'trick or treat'," the pamphlet, which was dropped into letterboxes around Duncraig and Carine, says.

"Householders then give the children sweets to avoid being tricked by them. They are blinded to the evil that lies behind this tradition.

"How can we to teach [sic] children it is acceptable to pay people back if they don't give you what you want? Is it right to cause harm or damage? Those who participate in Halloween are the ones who are really being tricked.

"Satan has always used tricks like Halloween to attract children into witchcraft and evil practices with the promise of a so-called 'treat'."


The pamphlet goes onto say "if you are a true Christian, you will have nothing to do with Halloween."

It's believed the pamphlets originated from a Perth religious organisation, and the message in the flyer has prompted a number of community Facebook pages to urge residents to lodge themselves as "Halloween-friendly" houses.

WA Police have also issued a series of guidelines for parents in order to ensure "safe" trick-or-treating, and have provided a simpler way for residents to kindly say no to trick-or-treaters.

Residents can now print off a downloadable sign to indicate whether or not they are celebrating the holiday, and stick it to their doors.

Constable Care has offered a series of tips for Perth parents to follow to keep their trick-or-treaters happy:

  • Plan a route
  • Keep to well-lit areas
  • Never trick-or-treat alone
  • Use a torch
  • Look both ways before crossing the street
  • Eat only factory-wrapped treats
  • Only visit homes indicating they are participating
  • Never accept rides from strangers