
Police investigate road surface after cyclist's death

A cyclist has been killed in a collision with a car outside a school in Brisbane’s west.

The 54-year-old man was riding downhill past Ambrose Treacy College in Indooroopilly about 6.50am and collided with a ute driving in the opposite direction.

Police investigate a fatal cyclist crash in Indooroopilly.

Police investigate a fatal cyclist crash in Indooroopilly.

Photo: Jorge Branco

Police are investigating whether the rider lost control and if the road surface had any part to play in the accident.

Senior Sergeant Sean McKay said the man was riding with a friend, who was "obviously upset".

The man's wife and daughter had also been to the scene on Wednesday morning and were distraught.


"Obviously they’re upset," Senior Sergeant McKay said.

"When your father and husband goes out for a bike ride, this isn’t the outcome they expect."

Police investigate a fatal cyclist crash in Indooroopilly as the man's friend leaves the scene.

Police investigate a fatal cyclist crash in Indooroopilly as the man's friend leaves the scene.

Photo: Jorge Branco.

At least six ambulance crews were called out to the crash but were not able to revive the man.

Police spoke with two witnesses outside the school.

"It was just an accident," one of the witnesses said.

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