Daily Life

Sarah Berry

Lifestyle Health Editor

Daydreaming activates parts of the brain that help us to live better.

Daydreaming may be sign you're smart

New study shows that people whose minds wander more tend to score more highly on creative and intellectual tests as well as having more efficient brain patterns.

Letting go: Sarah Wilson.

The act of letting go to lead a better life

"I've let go of a lot of things," says Sarah Wilson, who after a four month solo overseas trip is living out of her lightweight travel backpack and calling Airbnb home. "I've let go of possessions, I've let go of how a 43-year-old woman should be living." 

Our image of beauty is becoming more diverse, but is it enough?

What the 'world's most beautiful' list reveals about us

The eye of the collective beholder may be changing for the better. At least, this is the first-glance appearance of new analysis of how beauty has changed over the past 30 years. It found there is more diversity in age and ethnicity when it comes to what we consider beautiful.