Enshrined in the programming principles of the United Nations reforms – and indeed the Global Goals and other global development agendas – is the principle of leaving no one behind.
Cyuve, Musanze District | August 11, 2017 – In Rwanda, many disabled persons including blind people often have little access to education, as the result of this, they cannot actively participate in their communities’ socioeconomic development.
To formally kick-off the start of the YouthConnekt Africa Summit, the RBA Director, Abdoulaye Mar Dieye, visited Rwanda from 15 to 21 July 2017. During his visit, the Director took the opportunity to meet government officials, partners and UNDP staff
This keynote address was delivered during the opening session of the Youth Connekt Africa Summit. The session was called "How do we get to 50 million jobs by 2020 session!" This is aligned to the overall of the summit which is about unleashing the youth potential of Africa
This was during the Youth Connekt Summit that took place in Kigali from the 19th-21st July 2017. The Summit was organised by the government of Rwanda in collaboration with UNDP and UNCTAD
A delegation of UNDP Rwanda staff and their deveelopment partners all convened in Nyabihu District to witness a demonstration by electoral volunteers on how ballot-box voting works.
During a Joint Field Visit, featuring staff from One UN Rwanda and institutions of the Justice Sector as well as members of CSOs, it became evident that enhancing Access to Justice is front and center on the government’s priority list, which UNDP is honored to support both technically and financially.

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