

depictions of mental illness through ages and more

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Project 1 in 4 - check it out

Project 1 in 4 - check it out

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(Source: ivorygate)

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graffiti in an abandoned mental institution.

Reblogged from antonioprenna with 245,010 notes | Permalink

In the autumn of 1951, doctors treating tubercular patients at Sea View Hospital on Staten Island with a new drug — isoniazid — observed sudden transformations in their patients’ moods and behaviors. The wards — typically glum and silent, with...

In the autumn of 1951, doctors treating tubercular patients at Sea View Hospital on Staten Island with a new drug — isoniazid — observed sudden transformations in their patients’ moods and behaviors. The wards — typically glum and silent, with moribund, lethargic patients — were “bright last week with the happy faces of men and women,” a journalist wrote. Patients laughed and joked in the dining hall, as if a dark veil of grief had lifted. Energy flooded back and appetites returned. Many, ill for months, demanded five eggs for breakfast and then consumed them with gusto. When Life magazine sent a photographer to the hospital to investigate, the patients could no longer be found lying numbly in their beds: they were playing cards or dancing in the corridors.

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Cas psychiatriques, catalepsie

Bibliothèque de Toulouse

(Source: coldfl0wer)

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(via Bloom: 28,000 Potted Flowers Installed at the Massachusetts Mental Health Center | Colossal)

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(and more)

(and more)

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Look at the whole content of one of the Willard Asylum Suitcase on Jon Crispin’s Notebook) (via h-madness)

Look at the whole content of one of the Willard Asylum Suitcase on Jon Crispin’s Notebook) (via h-madness)

9 notes | Permalink

Presumed Curable: An Illustrated Casebook of Victorian Psychiatric Patients in Bethlem Hospital- Colin Gale & Robert J Howard Wrightson Biomedical Publishing Ltd (2003) ISBN-13: 978-1871816488

Presumed Curable: An Illustrated Casebook of Victorian Psychiatric Patients in Bethlem Hospital- Colin Gale & Robert J Howard Wrightson Biomedical Publishing Ltd (2003) ISBN-13: 978-1871816488

47 notes | Permalink

Presumed Curable: An Illustrated Casebook of Victorian Psychiatric Patients in Bethlem Hospital- Colin Gale & Robert J Howard Wrightson Biomedical Publishing Ltd (2003) ISBN-13: 978-1871816488

Presumed Curable: An Illustrated Casebook of Victorian Psychiatric Patients in Bethlem Hospital- Colin Gale & Robert J Howard Wrightson Biomedical Publishing Ltd (2003) ISBN-13: 978-1871816488

10 notes | Permalink