Showing posts with label douche. Show all posts
Showing posts with label douche. Show all posts

Saturday, 8 November 2014

The Video - Stone Temple Pilots' "Sour Girl"


The roller coaster ride's a lonely one - I'd pay the ransom note to stop it from steaming.  

Guess I'd call this this one a bit of a guilty pleasure.

I'm not a fan of the band and, if you looked up the word "Superdouche! (if that was a real word) in a dictionary (well, I guess, pictionary - if such a thing exists!), you'd see a shot of head honcho Scott Weiland! However, I've always liked the beautiful "Sour Girl" - a song from a century ago now.

Well, it does have a great title!

The song was written by Weiland and guitarist Dean DeLeo for the band's fourth album, imaginatively titled, erm ...  No. 4 back in 1999. Released as the second single therefrom, it  charted at #78 on the Hot 100; oddly, their only song to appear on that chart.

"She was a happy girl the day that she left me", indeed ... I guess someone had a premonition of what Weiland's performance in this vid would be. More of which anon.

Though containing glints of lightness - like the self deprecating "I was a superman; the looks are deceiving" - this is a dark, evocative, meditation on a painful love breakdown - a long relationship "she was a teenage girl when she met me."

In a stream of consciousness style lyric, an obsessive ("what would you do if I followed you?")  brooding protagonist meditates on the moment this love first sparked into life and on the moment of its final demise.

He's coming to the very painful resignation that the special thing they had once, had to end. He realises the relationship was damaging his partner emotionally, and begins to accept "the girl got reasons; they all got reasons." The rocky relationship ("the roller coaster ride's a lonely one. I'd pay the ransom note to stop it from steaming.") was in fact doomed from the start ("she was a sour girl the day that she met me.")


There are some autobiographical inferences that can be brought to bear on the song given that Weiland's marriage had broken down before the song was written. He married Janina Castaneda on September 17, 1994 and, after a separation, the couple officially divorced in early 2000.

 However, before 2000 was out, Scott had wed again - to a model, no less - so I guess he managed to get over that pain real quick!

I guess there's an alternative interpretation too whereby the song could also be about "the roller coaster ride" of substance addiction. The drug influences on the vid might add to this argument. Autobiographical inferences could be brought to bear too, given Weiland's history of alcohol, heroin and crack cocaine abuse.

Apparently, he was so fucked up in 1995 that he apparently moved into a hotel room for two months next door to professional widow - and queen of all douchettes - Courtney Love and "shot drugs the whole time" with her!)

Yap, if you looked up the phrase "fucked up" in a dictionary (well, the ones I read) you'll find the definition "willing to spend two months with Courtney Love"!


So, anyway, back to the video thingy, directed by David Spade .... sorry David Slade!

Yap, here's topless ponce Weiland wildly gyrating around like he's got a pair of hamsters up his caboose!

So, it seems, this guys girl has left him so now he's lost in another dark dimension, going gaga like a junkie Alice in a nightmarish LSD wonderland!

However, as well as erm ... loads of nefarious Teletubbies, giant sinister rabbits, a black witch, a blonde entranced pricess and other weird shit - the creepy video has a certain young stunner called Sarah Michelle Gellar (how the fuck did she end up in this?); so therefore it's not too bad!

One big issue though -  why the hell didn't they have a topless Gellar wildly gyrating around instead of Weiland?

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Mugshot Mayhem - Frankie Found with Finger in the Cookie Jar


Ol Blue Balls poses for a mug shot after being arrested and charged with carrying on with a married sheep ... sorry woman, in 1938 in Bergen County, New Jersey.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Television Totty AnnaLynne McCord shows sister's no Angel

Whoooaaa!! ... Nothing at all f*cking weird about this MK Ultra'd pair!

The sis of "90210" (aka "WTFF") star Analin' McCord, Angel (yap, irony is rampant in that family ... and their masters!) doesn't act or sing (just like sis), but she does photograph kinda well.

The skank sure looks damn hot in a bikini. Beelzebub must be proud!!

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Bad Day In The Office - Douchebag Referee Michael Oliver

A furious Chris Brunt of West Bromwich Albion protests to Referee Blind Douchebag Referee Michael Oliver after his team mate Pablo Ibanez was wrongly sent off during the Barclays Premier League match between Blackpool and West Bromwich Albion at Bloomfield Road in Blackpool last night.

Chris should've decked the dumb mofo!

Man, that was one amazing match set in the monsoon rains of the Riviera resort of the North East!

I expected this thing would be about as exciting as a conversation between Kim Kadarshian and Sarah Palin on existentialism, but it turned out to be rivetting.

Blind Douchebag Mike contributed immensly to the madness though when, after 11 minutes, effectively saying to Blackpool ... "It's your match boys. Here's a goal and an extra man! Exterminate 'em!!"

I guess he had a big bet riding on the Pool!


Thursday, 13 May 2010

Lies Beneath - Mad Dog Red Terrorist Leader Shot

OK, some months too late ... but some proper Government and Military action in Thailand. And, as they say, better a late terrorist scumbag than never!

This will save a hell of a lot of innocent lives in Thailand.

Word says this leader of Taksin's terrorist movement got hit in the noggin but has not passed to the right hand of Satan yet. There to wait for his paymaster Thaksin Shitwad! .. But a head shot to an empty skull doesn't really leave much hope for, erm .. hope! And judging from the CNN vid below,

This douche was a rabid, pschotic, military nut-job who'd been the so-called 'mastermind' behind the Red terrorists murders, attacks, sabotage and violence in Bangkok for months now!

The douche responsible for the deaths of soldiers, of police, of bystanders ... and, most despicably, of certain Red Shirt supporters (in order to create 'martyrs' for the cause.)

The douche responsible for injuries inflicted on many hundred people during said 'disturbances'.

Plus of course, the storming of a Government hospital and the fored evacuation of all inmates therein, with the resultant jeopardising of hundreds of innocent lives (babies on respirators to severely ill adults to the aged and the infrim.)

Plus too, countless bombings and grenade attacks.

There's a vid below from a few days ago when this arrogant snu speaks about not being remotely afraid of being shot! .... Just shows what a clever boy he really was!!

Send us a postcard from Hell, will ya buddy!!!

from CNN

Bangkok, Thailand

A leader of anti-government protests in Thailand was shot in the head while being interviewed at the demonstrations, according to the journalist who was with him at the time.

Seh Daeng was in critical condition, according to his guards with the Red Shirt protesters.

Video footage taken just after the shooting showed Seh lying on the ground, dressed in camouflage, as frantic protesters attempted to move him and get help. Seh appears to be bleeding from a head wound. Footage from the hospital showed medics covering Seh's face as he was brought in on a stretcher amid a throng of media.

Tom Fuller of the International Herald Tribune told CNN he was interviewing Seh at the time of the shooting.

Witnesses said the gunshot appeared to come from a rooftop in a corner of Bangkok's Lumpini Park, where protesters have amassed.

While it was unknown whether Thailand's military or government was behind the shooting, the government has previously made it clear it would shoot at what it called armed terrorists.

A renegade Thai general, Seh, whose full name is Maj. Gen. Kattiya Sawasdipol, is one of the Red Shirts' most radical, hard-line leaders, said CNN's Dan Rivers.

Other, more moderate leaders of the organization, who had insisted the protests were peaceful, had sought to distance themselves from him.

Explosions and gunfire were heard near the site of the protests in Bangkok. One of the explosions came just after She's shooting, according to witnesses. It was not immediately clear whether the explosion stemmed from Red Shirt retaliation for the shooting.

The incident came after Thai authorities set a new deadline to seal off the Bangkok intersection where protesters have gathered by the thousands for the past month.

Officials said soldiers will seal off roads and shut down rail service leading to the Ratchaprasong intersection from 6 p.m. (7 a.m. ET) Thursday.

However, the road on the park's eastern border remained open as of about 8 p.m. (9 a.m. ET), Rivers said. He said he had seen few soldiers.

The United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD), which has been leading the protests, greeted the announcement with defiance.

"We want peace but they want war. Come and get in," said Weng Tojirakarn, a party leader. "We will fight with our bare hands. We will stay."

Authorities had initially threatened to shut off power, cut supplies and seal off the intersection at midnight Thursday.

They postponed the plan because they wanted to limit the impact on area residents, said Panitan Wattanayakorn, the acting government spokesman.

The Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation in Bangkok said it has now asked businesses in the area to shut down until the situation is resolved.

The government said it has been forced to take action after demonstrators disregarded an ultimatum by Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva to vacate the intersection by Wednesday.

What are protests about?

The UDD has turned the posh commercial center into a fortress of tires and bamboo sticks as they continued their demand that Abhisit dissolve the lower house of the parliament and call new elections.

The Red Shirts are supporters of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who was ousted in a bloodless military coup in 2006.

Spokesman Panitan said continuing protests by Red Shirts would affect the proposed election date of November 14.

He said Abhisit had mentioned that the proposed date for the new election had been made with the condition that the Red shirts stop their protests. "He never said he withdrew his proposal," Panitan said.

More than two dozen civilians and military personnel have died in police-protester clashes in the ongoing unrest.

Over the weekend, two Thai police officers were killed and eight people injured in violence that began Friday night and lasted into early Saturday.

Warning - Vid below is a tad graphic.

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

The Shot - One Way To Shut Satanist NWO Drone Lady Gaga The F*ck Up

Since many probably think any connection between Lady Gaga and the Horus (Satanic) worship of the occult elite is just coincidence, let me present the following .... Lady Gaga - (w)Hore for Horus

Monday, 10 May 2010

The Dumb Side - Courtney Love’s Ugly Sex For The Clash

Courtney Love’s Ugly Sex For The Clash

9 May 2010

COURTNEY Love was performing at the Clash Magazine 50th Edition Party, at the Monarch in Camden, north London.

Camden is all the better for Love. No-one gropes her when she crowd surfs in Glasgow. She might not be great looking but she’s a good shag, as she says:

“I'm better because I was never pretty,” she said. “Pretty girls just lie there. Us girls who grew up a little more homely have to try a lot harder. That’s why pretty girls never threaten me, it’s like, yeah, you want to take me on? Take me on. Go for it.”

They have more to lose…

The Dumb Dumb Side - NWO Drone Lady Gaga named World's most influential artist

The symbolism surrounding Lady Gaga is so blatant that one might wonder if it’s all a sick joke. Illuminati symbolism is becoming so clear that analyses like this one becomes a simple exercise of pointing out the obvious. Her whole persona (whether its an act or not) is a tribute to mind control, where being vacuous, incoherent and absent minded becomes a fashionable thing.

Vigilant Reports

A certain androgynous cretin has been named the world's most influential artist in a new poll by America's Time magazine??

WTFF??! Where to begin with this bullshit!

This programmed NWO drone is a purveyor of insidious, base drivel which, replete with videos chockful of subliminal satanist/NWO imagery, that is designed with very specific and nefarious purpose - manipulating and messing up young girls.

Check out some great pieces on the vile Gaga drone and her owners at

Well, this thing comes from Time magazine (a nefarious and ridiculous NWO propoganda churner; a piece of crap owned by the same entity that owns Gaga) ... so there should really be no surprise!

LADY GAGA has been named the world's most influential artist in a new poll by America's Time magazine.

The singer saw off competition from TV titan Oprah Winfrey and Oscar-winning director Kathryn Bigelow to take the top spot in the list of 25 stars, which is part of the publication's 2010 Time 100 compilation.

Gaga's inclusion features a tribute from fellow pop star Cyndi Lauper, who calls the Poker Face hitmaker's lyrics "incredibly literary" and "sophisticated", and describes her "admiration" for the 24 year old.

Lauper writes, "When I see someone like Gaga, I sit back in admiration... She isn't a pop act, she is a performance artist. She herself is the art."

TV funnyman Conan O'Brien is second on the list, followed by Kathryn Bigelow in third place and Winfrey at four.

Twilight hunk Robert Pattinson makes an appearance at number six and young country star Taylor Swift is at nine, while Glee star Lea Michele is a surprise entry at number 13 - above music mogul Simon Cowell and Sir Elton John. (LR/TIM/ZN)

via WENN

Saturday, 8 May 2010

The Dumb Side - Cinco de Stoopidity

Retard "Jersey Shore" douches Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi and Jenni "JWoww" Farley celebrate Cinco de Mayo together with a sombrero and some tequila shots.

Well, a few thousand shots!!

The amazing thing about these bimbos is that, in contrast to human beings, the more shots they take, the higher their IQ becomes.

Sometimes it even hits double digits!!

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