It’s Our Future: Now is the time for Labour to make good on its criticism of the TPPA

Over the last 6 years tens of thousands of New Zealanders have hit the streets in opposition to the TPPA.  Hundreds of thousands have signed petitions, and polling has consistently shown that the public were against the agreement. 



Dollars and sense – Joyce’s hypocrisy

By Frank Macskasy 

You’d think that after the humiliation of being dumped from government, that National’s ex-Ministers would keep a relatively low profile in the next few months.



Mainstream media claim no Youth Quake (cough, cough – bullshit)

Remember all those msm political pundits who claimed there hadn’t been a Youth Quake and that the Left had failed to rouse them to the ballot boxes?



What Jacinda Ardern is really doing with the TPPA

…I think that keeping their heads down and allowing the TPPA to implode all on its own to escape an open confrontation with the elite rich of NZ is a smarter move for a new Government than declaring war on the neoliberal establishment on day one. 



What NZ First Chief of Staff appointment really means

The truth is that this Government intends to be far more interventionist and radical than others before it and the corporate punditry are tactically in denial about that so that they can express faux outrage when the free market neoliberalism on steroids gets challenged. 



Police can arrest suicide survivors, steal babies, illegally search Nicky Hager & me – but can’t arrest a Tobacco lobbyist?

Let’s get this straight.



Update on my case against the NZ Police with the Human Rights Review Tribunal

It has become obvious to me from the outset that this entire process to hold the NZ Police to account for breaching my privacy and civil rights is made to be as difficult and impossible as possible so that people complaining give up rather than hold them to account.



Setting The Agenda View All →

Dollars and sense – Joyce’s hypocrisy

By   11 hours ago

You’d think that after the humiliation of being dumped from government, that National’s ex-Ministers would keep a relatively low profile in the next few months.

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Who Is Craig Renney, And What Is He Advising Grant Robertson To Do?

By   1 day ago

But what, exactly, does that mean? Is Craig merely putting flesh on the bones of Grant’s, and the Labour Policy Council’s, ideas? Or, are Grant and Labour merely repeating ideas and policy positions fed to them by Craig? And, if it’s the latter, then what are the ideas and policies our new government is being asked to swallow?

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“Inflamatory Remarks”

By   3 days ago

You know, it is a peculiar thing to wake up to various people demanding the expulsion of an Iranian diplomat for remarks he made at a private gathering about the state of Israel. I mean, correct me if I’m wrong about this … but it was not Iran which boldly threatened a state of war with our country only a few months ago, now, was it.

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Avoiding another pledge-card government

By   3 days ago

There are some encouraging signs this Labour-led government will not be a “pledge-card” government. If it can develop and maintain programmes of change across housing, health, welfare, the environment, employment rights etc then while it will never be a revolutionary government, it could be a transformational government.

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Balfour’s disastrous legacy

By   3 days ago

On 2 November 1917, at the height of the First World War, Britain’s imperial voice expressed itself in a statement of intent from its Foreign Secretary, Lord Balfour, to Lord Rothschild – for passing on to the Zionist Federation. The message is known as the Balfour Declaration. The 30-year-long British occupation of Palestine that followed […]

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Socialism and Populism: The Party is Just Beginning!

By   4 days ago

ZACH CASTLES is sitting, gutted, in a café overlooking the Thames. The former “National ministerial adviser”, no longer having any National ministers to advise, has clearly relocated himself to a more promising political marketplace. Even so, our brave young capitalist has taken the time to share his thoughts with The Spinoff. (Who else!) And, oh, comrades, what thoughts they are!

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Tracey Martin – The Children’s Champion

By   5 days ago

On 25 October, incoming Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, announced that NZ First’s talented Tracey Martin would be appointed to the new Labour-NZF-Green cabinet as a full-ranking Minister;

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The Minimum Wage decision is big win for workers and should be celebrated

By   6 days ago

It is a mistake to underestimate the importance of the decision to lift the minimum wage to $20 an hour by April 2021. This will involve a significant real increase in wages for hundreds of thousands of workers in this country.

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Deconstructing Headlines View All →

Meanwhile – the planet is melting

By   9 hours ago

…the current political template that us focused on quarterly profit margins simply can’t produce policy to protect us from this new reality.

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The horror of the Ministry for making Vulnerable Children

By   9 hours ago

…when the State can steal your baby with impunity, at what point do we demand massive reform inside these neoliberal welfare agencies who only serve to damage and punish the most vulnerable amongst us?

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100000 new houses, ban on foreign land buyers, re-entering Pike River & sugar tax – this is what political leadership looks like

By   10 hours ago

I have said it once, I’ll say it again – pundits still don’t understand how radical this Government intends to be. 

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What Jacinda Ardern is really doing with the TPPA

By   10 hours ago

…I think that keeping their heads down and allowing the TPPA to implode all on its own to escape an open confrontation with the elite rich of NZ is a smarter move for a new Government than declaring war on the neoliberal establishment on day one. 

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What NZ First Chief of Staff appointment really means

By   11 hours ago

The truth is that this Government intends to be far more interventionist and radical than others before it and the corporate punditry are tactically in denial about that so that they can express faux outrage when the free market neoliberalism on steroids gets challenged. 

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Arresting suicide victims

By   3 days ago

How the hell does arresting a suicide victim help that person? How cruel have we become under 9 years of National that arresting suicide victims is even considered a positive step forward?

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Can Labour resist the Prison Industrial Complex?

By   3 days ago

It takes far more money to heal human beings than punish them, but the results are far healthier for society as a whole.

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Media Watch View All →

Can the NZ Herald explain how this is breaking news?

By   1 hour ago

Since when was Mike Hosking’s bullshit hot takes on any subject ‘Breaking News’.

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Mainstream media claim no Youth Quake (cough, cough – bullshit)

By   2 hours ago

Remember all those msm political pundits who claimed there hadn’t been a Youth Quake and that the Left had failed to rouse them to the ballot boxes?

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Why we need a change of Media as well as a change of Government

By   6 days ago

Look at the utter bullshit most mainstream media outlets have spread creating the insinuation that National won the election, unless a new Government is prepared to invest in a far more critical media, these rich white wing male broadcasters and the cultural and economic hegemony that they endorse will continue to manipulate the voters of NZ.

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WaateaNews: The sad joke of Labour Day

By   6 days ago

Labour Day became a national holiday in New Zealand in 1899. It was to commemorate and celebrate the rise of worker powers and how the earliest Pakeha settlers coming to New Zealand fought to create a fair balance of power between the boss and the worker.

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TwitterWatch: Greatest Political Burn of 2017

By   1 week ago

So ‘pretty legal’ as a copyright defence by National didn’t quite have the same cut through they’d had hoped for then? I’m still laughing.

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I’m not joking, NZ mainstream media accuse Jacinda of witchcraft

By   1 week ago

Will she get blamed for curdled milk and crop failure as well?

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The Neverending Story in Mainstream Media Fairytale Land

By   2 weeks ago

The media role is reporting post-election politics has not been an edifying spectacle to watch. Put simply, the most exacerbating aspect of three weeks of coalition negotiation has not been the length of time – remarkably short by international standards – but the interminable, inane,  media commentary we’ve had to endure.

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WaateaNews: As we celebrate a magnificent political win – let’s remember those who could not survive National

By   2 weeks ago

The Labour-NZ First-Green Government was a dream, an illusion with no fixed reality 10 weeks ago, yet here we are after MMP with a mandate for change and a functioning Parliamentary majority. This is indeed a time for us to rejoice and feel empowered by our democracy. But after we have celebrated, let’s remember those who could not endure National’s 9 years in office or who were crushed into apathy by their brutal policy decisions.

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Guest Blogs + Sponsored Posts View All →

GUEST BLOG: Stephen Parry – It’s Our Future:  Now is the time for Labour to make good on its criticism of the TPPA

By   6 hours ago

Over the last 6 years tens of thousands of New Zealanders have hit the streets in opposition to the TPPA.  Hundreds of thousands have signed petitions, and polling has consistently shown that the public were against the agreement. 

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GUEST BLOG: Brian Easton – The Future of New Zealand Capitalism?

By   11 hours ago

Announcing that he was going with Labour, Winston Peters said that he was committed to making capitalism in New Zealand more human. One could write a book on possible meanings of ‘capitalism’ and libraries on the potential, or not, for improving it. We must be briefer.

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GUEST BLOG: Te Reo Putake – Catalonia; Why the Left does not support Puigdemont

By   1 day ago

The working class of Catalonia is not overwhelmingly of Catalonian heritage. In the Franco years, Barcelona was flooded by ethnic Spanish workers seeking a better life. Generations on, Catalonia is as much Spanish as it is Catalan.

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By   4 days ago

I was really pleased to see the response from all the Maori Party supporters over the last couple of days with my comments about the Foreshore and Seabed.

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GUEST BLOG: Arthur Taylor – Prisoners react to Labour winning

By   2 weeks ago

Not since the Rugby World Cup have I heard a cheer as loud in the unit as when the new Labour government was announced last night .

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GUEST BLOG: Barbara Creswell – Why are martial law military exercises being held in Local Communities?

By   2 weeks ago

Forest and Bird chief executive Kevin Hague said in July that documents released under the Official Information Act indicated that ‘the scope of law and regulation that the government is proposing to suspend, to facilitate these developments, is breath-taking’.

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GUEST BLOG: Nadine McDonnell – Why Harvey? Why now?

By   2 weeks ago

The term sexual harassment is a bit distracting as the activity is more about power than sex.  Sex does often come into it – but most of the time it is about men using their power to abuse women in any way they can. 

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GUEST BLOG: 2 chain* – Happy Labour Day (except at Talley’s)

By   2 weeks ago

A Talley’s owned meat plant has given their workers an ultimatum; sign a new contract that includes an effective 85 cents per hour pay cut or be paid as a casual, with no sick days, no holidays, no production bonus and no rights of ongoing work. Oh, and no pay this Labour Day either.

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The Liberal Agenda View All →


By   6 hours ago

Reds is written by Dean Parker (Came A Hot Friday) and will be at the Thirsty Dog on Karangahape Rd on Sunday November 5, Guy Fawkes’ Day, 2pm.

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Matilda’s Magic, Geoffrey Palmer’s consitution & School leaver’s toolkit

By   3 days ago

My companion and I attended the very final night of Matilda the Musical at the Civic in Auckland.  And his response was similar to mine, – “Wow! That was Amazing!”

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By   6 days ago

You’ve seen Dickens at The Basement, you’ve seen JC himself, you’ve even seen a Real Housewife, but now it’s time for the big man himself: Santa Claus! He’s made his list. He’s checked it twice. He knows if you’ve been naughty or nice.  And he’s coming through the chimney/trap door to the Basement stage to […]

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The Liberal Agenda – Jubilation – A CAPPELLA GOSPEL CHOIR

By   1 week ago

WHEN: 6.30pm Sunday 29th October
WHERE: Tapac

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By   1 week ago

Human rights and LGBTIQ+ people are under attack all over the world. In 2018, the Auckland Pride Festival and Parade will make space and march for peace, love and unity. “As last year’s 30th anniversary of homosexual law reform reminded us, human rights – and especially LGBTIQ+ rights – have been hard won, and often […]

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Review: The Winterreise Project

By   2 weeks ago

Basement Theatre maintains its crown as the best venue in Auckland for experimental theatre that really does manage to change perspective with The Winterreise Project.

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Orchids – review

By   3 weeks ago

The moment that summed up such an exquisite exploration of the female was the raw cry of the audience who jumped to their feet and bellowed their support and appreciation of such art.

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REVIEW: Blade Runner 2 – Masterpiece Cinema or Artificial Intelligence narrative from the computer program running our reality?

By   3 weeks ago

For me the scene which most perfectly summed up the confusion of the manufactured reality of this hollowing out of the human experience is when an artificial intelligence program synchs over the image of a real life biological woman to have sex with a synthetic life form.

If there is a better metaphor for modern humanity, I’ve yet to see it.

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The Daily Gallery View All →

Political Caption Competition

By   11 hours ago

Bill English and Paula Bennett convinced new look will succeed in 2020.

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The Daily Blog Open Mic – Wednesday 1st November 2017

By   11 hours ago

Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

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Malcolm Evans – Sport & Politics

By   1 day ago

Malcolm Evans – Sport & Politics

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The Daily Blog Open Mic – Tuesday 31st October 2017

By   1 day ago

Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

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Political Caption Competition

By   3 days ago

God wants us to have this rich car despite God spending most of his time reminding people not to be rich pricks

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The Daily Blog Open Mic – Monday 30th October 2017

By   3 days ago

Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

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Political Caption Competition

By   3 days ago

What the right think you will spend your minimum age increase on

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The Daily Blog Open Mic – Sunday 29th October 2017

By   3 days ago

Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

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Raw News feed View All →

Senior doctors commend Health Minister for seeking answers in dubious Waikato process – ASMS

By   6 hours ago

“The new Health Minister is to be commended for seeking answers to Waikato District Health Board’s dubious decision to spend millions of dollars on a virtual health strategy,” says Ian Powell, Executive Director of the Association of Salaried Medical Specialists (ASMS). He was commenting on reports that Health Minister David Clark has expressed concern about […]

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E tū welcomes demise of National’s pay equity bill

By   8 hours ago

E tū has welcomed the Government’s decision to scrap the former National Government’s pay equity bill. E tū took the pay equity case, Bartlett v Terranova which ultimately led to the equal pay settlement for 55,000 care and support workers. The Employment (Pay Equity and Equal Pay) Bill passed its first reading in August by […]

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Standing by UN Security Council Resolution 2334 – Palestine Human Rights Campaign NZ

By   10 hours ago

A NZ Palestine Human Rights Campaign (PHRC) response to Shalom Kiwi Press Release: UN Security Council Resolution 2334 Criticised The Israel Institute of New Zealand, in an article entitled Post Election outlook for New Zealand’s relationship with Israel, noted with pleasure that Winston Peters was now in the position of ‘king maker’. The article considered […]

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Thousands sign open letter to PM Ardern on TPPA11 – Action Station

By   10 hours ago

Thousands sign open letter to PM Ardern on TPPA11. Jacinda responds. In just three days nearly 6,000 people have signed an open letter to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern urging her to put people and planet first in the upcoming TPPA negotiations in Vietnam. Today Jacinda responded, committing to do her ‘utmost to push against ISDS […]

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EDS releases new report on Biobanking in New Zealand

By   10 hours ago

The Environmental Defence Society has released a new research report aimed at exploring how habitat banking could contribute to the management of New Zealand’s biodiversity. Banking on Biodiversity: the feasibility of Biobanking in New Zealand is available free on the EDS website from today. “We are aware that offsetting the harm to nature in development […]

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E tū fights employer moves to undermine minimum wage rise

By   11 hours ago

E tū is very disappointed to learn that some employers are trying to avoid the upcoming minimum wage increase by building workers’ allowances into their basic hourly pay. The allowances are typically paid for such things as service, travel time and in recognition of shift work. E tū’s Industry Coordinator Food Sector, Phil Knight says […]

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Working and Welfare: how do they mix? – Beneficiary Advisory Service

By   11 hours ago

Rebecca Occleston of Beneficiary Advisory Service states that she read another article recently on “Generous welfare benefits make people more likely to want to work, not less” and she agrees with this statement. “Research has consistently shown that when more jobs are available, more people are working and when there are fewer jobs, there are […]

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BSA confirms accuracy of Greenpeace criticism – Greenpeace

By   11 hours ago

Broadcasting Standards Authority confirms accuracy of Greenpeace criticism of fishing industry The BSA today confirmed the accuracy of criticism made by Greenpeace of the fishing industry and MPI over its awarding video monitoring systems to the industry-owned company, Trident Systems. Trident complained to the BSA about a Radio New Zealand story on video monitoring in […]

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