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1 November 2017

Activist Faces Imprisonment For His Book Criticizing The Indian River Inter-Linking Project

"Sedition case for writing against river linking! This is a most financially, socially, environmentally disastrous idea."

31 October 2017

After 121 Years, the First Indigenous Singer Performs at Brazil’s Teatro Amazonas

The theatre was built in the late 19th century with the wealth from rubber exploitation in the Amazon, which brought devastation for the indigenous communities in the forested region.

In Paraguay, a Community Fights for the Right to Grow Food

The community of Primero de Marzo can't sell their produce in a country where 700,000 people go hungry every day.

Fake News Tries to Link Austria's Chancellor-to-Be and Philanthropist George Soros

A known fake news purveyor published disinformation that Sebastian Kurz had expelled Soros' Open Society Foundations from the country. It's not the first time fake news producers tried to connect...

30 October 2017

Global Voices Summit 2017: Countdown to Sri Lanka!

Over 50 countries will be represented at the Global Voices Summit 2017. Join us in Colombo, Sri Lanka on December 2-3!

The Portuguese People Want Justice for Victims of Fires That Ravaged Their Country This Year

According to the European Forest Fire Information System, around 500,000 hectares of forest have burned in 2017 alone – an area roughly twice the size the district of Lisbon.

Jamaican Prime Minister’s Barefoot Campaigning Inspires Laughs—and Questions About Infrastructure

Despite the showmanship involved in the campaigning in a key constituency in an important Jamaican by-election, netizens wonder whether anything will actually change after the votes are in.

Japan's Largest Diwali Celebration Featured Food, Dancing and a Naan Flatbread Mascot

Thanks to increasing ties between the two countries, the number of Indians living in Japan has increased over the past two decades to at least 28,000.

A Son of Indian Billionaire ‘Resides’ in a Modest Post-Communist Building in Macedonia

Indian billionaire son's residence in Skopje -- and whether or not he actually resides there -- has brought up questions of corrupt ties to the former ruling party of Macedonia.

28 October 2017

Kyrgyz Media Outlet's Report Shows President-Elect's Campaign Gained Access to Private Data

"What we have shown is that government servers that process and handle the data of citizens of Kyrgyzstan … was hosting an election campaign website that was collating similar data."

27 October 2017

In Trinidad & Tobago, It's No ‘Small Thing’ How People Rallied After Flooding

While most people had "no words" to describe the damage caused by days of flooding, the deputy head of the country's disaster agency called the situation "a small thing".

Kyrgyz People of Central Asia Shocked to Be the Bad Guys in New Japanese ‘Tokusatsu’ Movie

In Japanese, the 'kyr' in 'Kyrgyz' sounds a lot like 'kill'.

Indonesian Law Makes It Easier to Disband Extremist Groups, but Could Undermine Civil Liberties

"There are many ways for the government to combat radicalism and defend social cohesion. Removing meaningful legal protections of freedom of association is not the way to do that."

Netizen Report: Voices of Yemen’s ‘Forgotten War’ Speak Out, Despite Legal Barriers

Global Voices Advocacy

Global Voices Advocacy's Netizen Report offers an international snapshot of challenges, victories, and emerging trends in Internet rights around the world.

26 October 2017

Ex-Refugee Who Slept Rough in Rome Now Runs Several Businesses, Dreams of Rebuilding Afghanistan

The Bridge

"I want to invest in Afghanistan, I have never forgotten my country and I can’t live happily, knowing that my people are suffering."

The Families of Trafficked Boys From India's Arwal Say Police Don't Care

"There were eight of us...They would beat us if we didn’t chop wood and not give us food...They killed four boys. And threw them in the river nearby."

Albanian Prime Minister Insults Journalists After Parliament Votes to Protect Lawmaker From Arrest

Global Voices Advocacy

The Albanian Journalists' Union condemned "that such behavior and insulting communication is directly related to the dire situation faced by journalism in Albania."

25 October 2017

Czech President ‘Jokingly’ Threatens Journalists With an Assault Rifle Replica

Global Voices Advocacy

Last Friday, Czech president Miloš Zeman brandished a wooden replica of an assault rifle with the inscription 'for journalists' written on its side. Journalists, however, failed to appreciate the 'joke'.

The Latest Threat to Beleaguered Environmental Activists in Honduras Comes from the Law

Protesters have long been victims of extrajudicial assassinations and arbitrary incarcerations. Now they have simply been criminalized.

Tonga Government Accused of Controlling State Media Ahead of Elections

"Government needs to stop using so-called losses as an excuse to apply punitive changes aimed at gagging newsroom and management in a leading public broadcaster of the region."

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