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Articles that link to audio recordings

The origins of RAG & the production of their magazine at the 2008 Dublin zine fair

Last Sunday I staffed the WSM stall at the first Dublin independent zine fair and while I was there made an audio recording of the Revolutionary Anarchist Feminist Group (RAG) session at the zinefair. WSM stall at the Dublin Zine fair



Revolutionary Anarcha Feminists on their origins and the production of the RAG magazine by Andrew Flood on Mixcloud


Report on the Nov 2008 Grassroots Gathering in Cork

Performance at the Grassroots Gathering

 I spent Saturday at the Grassroots Gathering in Cork. The event was pretty successful I'd guess there were at least 80 there on the Saturday. It's good that after its two year interruption the Gatherings seem to be getting back on their feet.

Bloom conference in Dublin

I spent yesterday morning and the early part of the afternnon removing 6 years accumulation of grease from the kitchen wallks. But in the late afternoon I escaped amd got to the Bloom conference in the Teachers Club.

More audio - on the economic collapse

I've been editing the audio recorded at a WSM meeting last Wednesday on The cause of the crisis in global capitalism to turn into podcasts and a google video. This is the second google video I've done, I'm very interested in the additional reach that producing material in this format may provide, the previous video has around 400 views at the moment.


Some recent audio work - Rossport, Fascism and Kibbutz

I've not been blogging anything like as often as intended for a variety or reasons including going through a tough period. But what I have been doing a fair bit of is audio recording, some of it with my new Olympus DC-40 which I'm delighted with. I'll try and blog a bit more often in future but in the meantime here are links to some of that audio

Anarchism & the Chinese Revolution - video and audio

A 60 minute recording of a talk and discussion on the Chinese revolution and the Chinese anarchist movement. It's available here as google video, mp4 and mp3 formats, the first two are preferred as the viewer will then be able to see the images referenced during the talk. 


Shell to Sea escalates struggle in Mayo as pipeline ship approaches

After a quiet period the struggle against Shell’s attempt to impose a dangerous experimental gas pipeline in Erris, Co. Mayo has escalated once more over the last month. Shell are now attempting to bring the pipe ashore at Glenagad and over 20 people have been arrested to date resisting this. Shell’s Solitaire pipe-laying ship has arrived at the port of Killybegs and is expected in the Erris area any day making this a key period for Shell and for the community that is determined to halt its project.

Interviews with anarchists in 17 cities across the USA

Interview citiesBetween February and May 2008 I interviewed 31 anarchists in the USA located in 17 different cities. The interviews are linked to below and provide a snapshot of the anarchist movement across the United States and anarchist attitudes towards local struggles and the US elections. The interviews were conducted during my 'Building a Popular Anarchism in Ireland' speaking tour during which I spoke at 45 locations across the USA and Canada.

Interviews from the occupation of the Shell HQ in Dublin

Audio from Shell HQ occuption in Dublin to protest the give away of natural resources.  Shells HQ on Leeson street in Dublin has been occupied by activists protesting the give away of Ireland natural resources to this corporation depriving the health and education system of billions of euro worth of needed funds.

Report from Shell-2-Sea blockade of Shell HQ in Dublin

 This morning at 7.30 Dublin Shell to Sea members brought a taste of Mayo to Corrib House. Over 50 people took part in an ongoing blockade of the three entrances of the Shell HQ.



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