
Giuseppe Pinelli - Death of an Anarchist

A radio interview by the BBC History Hour program on the death of the Anarchist Railway worker Giuseppe Pinelli and a discussion of the Strategy of Tension period of Italian politics.

The Communist Left and Marxist Humanism - Part 1 On Trump and Neo-Fascism

Neo-Fascists march in Charlottesville

The rise of ultra-right in the United States, with the barely hidden encouragement of Trump, is worrying. Not only the American proletariat, but the international working class as a whole is threatened by repressive trends.

The 43 Group - An interview and Evaluation

Some information about the 43 Group and its impact.

Bakkavor Factory Newsletter Issue #1

Bakkavor runs four factories and one warehouse in our area, employing around 3,500 permanent and agency workers. We have been in and around the factories for a while, this is our first newsletter specifically dedicated to Bakkavor workers, in Gujarati and Tamil translation. Main issue is the recent pay deal.

Reflections on the Counsel of Clowns, Anarchists and Social Movements

Ex-Caserma Liberata

Ex-Caserma Liberata thought it had something to learn from my movie but I knew the real reason I was in Bari, Italy was to learn from Ex-Caserma Liberata.

Durham Teaching Assistants – Conned by the Labour Movement

The solidarity against injustice and the self-organisation of the Durham Teaching Assistants was, as we wrote in July, an inspiration to other workers throughout the North East and beyond (see Their refusal to allow 25% of their colleagues to be sacrificed for the sake of a sordid deal with Durham County Council has deservedly earned the TAs (or Lions of Durham as they were labelled) the admiration of many.

Neither Chavismo Nor Anti-Chavismo: For the Autonomous Struggle of the Working Class

Contrary to the cries of the Venezuelan government and its hypocritical Opposition, Venezuela remains, as before, a state-capitalist economy based on the extraction of oil rents.


Parable of the good boss, the good unionist, and the wicked worker




6 underrated Marxists who don't get enough love

It's a sad fact that many of the most radical Marxists, whose participation in working class struggle and ideas challenged not only capitalist society but also the social democratic and Leninist tendencies in the workers' movement tend to get ignored by anarchists and Marxists alike.

Right and Left against the state: education without classes

Education reform, whether promoted by the Left or Right, often fails to deeply address the class-based issues driving the alleged "failure" of the educational system.

Paul Mason's workers' bombers

Paul Mason's response to BAE job losses has been to promote a 'left-wing' brand of militarism, summing up many of the problems facing the UK left as it coalesces around the Labour Party, and the limits of this politics as it approaches the reality of state power.

Conversations about domestic work

A lot of our work-mates live in shared housing, ‘patch-work families’ and other domestic set-ups. This questionaire is meant as a guideline for conversations about proletarian reproductive work and wider living conditions. It is a draft version, please send comments to:

Living The Dream Amidst A Non-Binding Postal Survey On Same-Sex Marriage

Latest episode of Living The Dream a podcast hosted at The Word From Struggle Street. This episode is a discussion about the ongoing non-binding postal survey on same-sex marriage.

Catalonia: Competing Nationalisms against the Working Class

The conflict between the factions defending the existing Spanish state and those seeking a separate Catalonian state continues to accelerate. Whatever the outcome or the detailed twists and turns it is clear that class-conscious workers need to be equally independent from those arguing for either a separate Catalan state or the preservation of the existing state order – both represent the façade behind which the bosses’ class exercise their control.

Ten Years Since the Financial Crash: What Price Education?

Ever since the post-war principle of free education was abandoned in 1998 by Blair’s New Labour government, fees for higher education have risen steeply and expanded to include maintenance charges.


Mass strike of precarious couriers, Milan 2017. Credit: Deliveroo Strike Raiders


2010智利地震后无产者互助 灾难、资本主义和无能政府之下的自我救赎

Chile earthquake 2010


Marx’s Textbook Ep.2: The basic dynamics of capitalism

Episode 2 of Marx's Textbook - a special series of Living the Dream hosted at The Word From Struggle Street blog

4 ways Labour are attacking the working class right now

Sign on picket line in Birmingham bin strike, 2017.

As the Labour Party conference gets underway, left-wing media personalities, public intellectuals and grassroots activists will discuss important issues of contemporary social injustice. But how much discussion will there be of Labour involvement in that injustice?