This Site Contains Photos of Someone You Know.

We have over 500,000 members on our site who are ONLY looking for romantic encounters. There is high chance that you will see a profile of someone you know. It may be a secretary from your office. It may be a girl from your college or school. It may be your ex g/f. Many of them will have pictures on their profiles.

Before signing up you must agree to the following rules:

Step 1: Confirm Your Age

Step 2: Read Our Guidelines

If you see someone you know, you DO NOT publicize it. Do not spread rumors.
Respect the desire of other members. Our members are normal men and women.
We periodically close registration for men. This is to have approximately an equal number of male and female members. Registration for MEN is currently OPEN and it is FREE, so we advise you to register now, while slots for male members are open.

If you Agree, click the "I Agree" button below to proceed to Registration Page.