Monumental Error·

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Will New York City finally tear down a statue?
Illustration by Steve Brodner

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Star Search·

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The race to rebuild the Democratic Party
Illustration by Taylor Callery

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Pushing the Limit·

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What the U.S. Olympic Committee can — and can’t — do about sexual abuse
Illustration by Shonagh Rae

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Why America’s roads are in tatters
Photograph by David Emitt Adams
Bad Dog·

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Illustration by Katherine Streeter

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Number of pages of the Watergate special prosecutor’s report that have been released to the public:


Among the faculties of alcoholic men, the most impaired may be irony.

“I had a very respectful conversation” tweeted Trump, who has said that he likes soldiers that “weren’t captured,” that the mother of a US soldier killed in action did not speak about her son’s death because she was a Muslim, and that his “personal Vietnam” was having sex with women in the 1990s without contracting a sexually transmitted disease.

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Art, Monday Gallery — October 30, 2017, 11:38 am

Photograph by Dorothée Pierrard, from the series Blossoms, which documents plastic bags in the trees of New York City. Courtesy the artist

Postcard — October 26, 2017, 12:53 pm

The World Stage

The death of China’s most famous political dissident 

Context — October 26, 2017, 10:55 am

Killing the Competition

Monopolization of our public markets is first and foremost a political crisis

Art, Monday Gallery — October 23, 2017, 3:10 pm

“Woven No. 464,” a photograph by Tanya Marcuse, whose work is currently on view at Julie Saul Gallery, in New York City. Courtesy the artist and Julie Saul Gallery, New York City

Weekly Review — October 23, 2017, 2:19 pm

Weekly Review

US president Donald Trump, who once said that “disabled veterans” were “clogging and seriously downgrading” Fifth Avenue and that veterans selling goods on the “most important and prestigious shopping street” would make the “image” of New York City “suffer” if the “deplorable situation” wasn’t stopped, called the widow of La David Johnson, a Green Beret killed in action in Niger, and reportedly told her that her husband “knew what he signed up for” but that it “hurts anyway”; Trump tweeted that he had “proof” that Florida congresswoman Frederica Wilson, who had recounted the details of the call, had “totally fabricated” …

Commentary — October 20, 2017, 3:10 pm

American Rage

On Ken Burns and Lynn Novick’s The Vietnam War


November 2017

Bumpy Ride

Bad Dog

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Preaching to The Choir

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Monumental Error

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Star Search

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Pushing the Limit

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Report — From the June 2013 issue

How to Make Your Own AR-15

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"Gun owners have long been the hypochondriacs of American politics. Over the past twenty years, the gun-rights movement has won just about every battle it has fought; states have passed at least a hundred laws loosening gun restrictions since President Obama took office. Yet the National Rifle Association has continued to insist that government confiscation of privately owned firearms is nigh. The NRA’s alarmism helped maintain an active membership, but the strategy was risky: sooner or later, gun guys might have realized that they’d been had. Then came the shootings at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, and at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, followed swiftly by the nightmare the NRA had been promising for decades: a dedicated push at every level of government for new gun laws. The gun-rights movement was now that most insufferable of species: a hypochondriac taken suddenly, seriously ill."

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