Culture & history from A to Z

From the Stone Age to the peaceful revolution – museums of cultural history

For thousands of years people all over the world have been shaping the era they live in. What did they used to think, how did they live, love and celebrate? What was life like twenty, 200 or 2,000 years ago? Discover recent history and the distant past in Destination Germany.

In 1826, as a tribute to his friend the Russian Tsar Alexander I, Kaiser Friedrich Wilhelm III built the Russian enclave of Alexandrowka in Potsdam .

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A UNESCO World Heritage site in the heart of the city, Berlin's Museum Island is a hugely popular attraction both with locals and international tourists.

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Over time, Hamburg port saw over five million people set sail to try their luck in the New World.

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The site of the Battle of Varus in the Osnabrücker Land region is internationally regarded for the research opportunities it presents today.

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The Berlin Wall Memorial runs along the Bernauer Strasse section of the former no man's land between East and West Berlin.

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Buchenwald near Weimar bears powerful testimony to the Nazi atrocities and the history of extremism in the 20th century.

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Founded in 1852, the Central Romano-Germanic Museum in Mainz showcases exhibits from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages in their historical context.

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A permanent exhibition about the fate of the Sinti and Roma, and the Nazi acts of genocide against this minority, has been on display at the Documentation and Cultural Centre of German Sinti and Roma since 1997.

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