The Baltic Sea islands – seaside resorts and wellness, luxury and secluded coves

Wellness enthusiasts and lovers of relaxation will be spoilt for choice on the Baltic Sea islands. The islands' gorgeous, sandy beaches and stunning natural scenery will also delight romantic souls and those enjoying recuperative breaks.

With 2,200 hours of sun every year, endless stretches of natural beaches along 78 kilometres of coastline, picturesque freshwater lakes and rugged cliffs, Fehmarn is an idyllic holiday destination.

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Endless stretches of white, sandy beaches, broad expanses of salt marsh, wild, craggy cliffs and beautiful pine forests: Hiddensee is a land of beauty and of contrasts. A place to linger and relax.

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The island of Poel is an enticing destination, thanks to its healthy sea air and picturesque scenery. Beautiful natural surroundings, long sandy beaches and a charming harbour district are all features of the largest Baltic island in the Bay of Mecklenburg.

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Rügen is Germany's largest island. Its 926 square kilometres contain everything you need for a perfect holiday: Baltic beaches as far as the eye can see, unspoilt natural surroundings and luxurious seaside resorts. A dream – in the middle of the Baltic.

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Ummanz, Rügen's small sister island in the Baltic Sea, has a special ambiance of calm and tranquillity. With its charming fishing villages and unspoilt scenery, it offers everything you need for a relaxing break.

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42 km of fine white sandy beach, five piers, uniquely preserved spa architecture and untouched natural landscapes with 200 km of cycle paths and 400 km of hiking trails await you!

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