Saturday, March 01, 2003

London Terror Attacks

(initial coverage at bottom - live coverage and significant posts in bold)

Sept 05

  • europhobit - Am I seriously more efficient than the Mayor's office and the government put together?
  • Europhobia's St John Ambulance thank-you piss-up - success!
  • I didn't poo my pants
  • Tonight's London bombs piss-up

  • Aug 05
  • Europhobia's emergency service workers piss-up update
  • Remember that London bombing business?
  • Tony versus Terrorism
  • europhobit - NYPD agree with Nosemonkey
  • Beer Fund Update
  • europhobit - MPs to return from recess to discuss bombings
  • Again?
  • europhobit - Italian police agree with Nosemonkey

  • Jul 05
  • europhobit - Simon Jenkins is spot on
  • Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair is a trigger-happy psycho who wants us all dead
  • MI5 - apologists for terror
  • europhobit - top Muslim states the bleeding obvious
  • europhobit - British stoicism goes to shit
  • Clichés are becoming hard to avoid
  • europhobit - London bombs and Iraq
  • europhobit - arrest
  • ID
  • europhobit - "suicide bombers: what makes them tick?"
  • europhobit - more responses
  • europhobit - shooting in the head most effective
  • europhobit - nonsense terrorism arguments
  • europhobit - IT chickens
  • The Vauxhall Incident 2
  • europhobit - interesting questions and theories
  • UK race relations improve no end...
  • The Vauxhall Incident
  • Stockwell shooting Liveblog
  • Tube Bombs 2: Electric Boogaloo
  • 21st July attacks Liveblog
  • europhobit - Civil liverties
  • europhobit - The little shepherd boy
  • Terrorism: a piece of piss
  • europhobit - Chicken Yoghurt: for all your UK terrorism needs
  • europhobit - more terror aftermath
  • If this is true...
  • Buy a pint for London's emergency services update
  • europhobit - Melanie Phillips: scumbag
  • europhobit - London at a standstill
  • europhobit - Tony Blair's patronising bullshit
  • europhobit - The Safety Elephant
  • europhobit - security alert and Israel bombing
  • London bombs: BLame the BNP
  • Terrorists: wankerish amateurs
  • europhobit - Time Magazine
  • europhobit - Northern Ireland, Luton, Leeds
  • europhobit - The US military: fucking pussies
  • europhobit - police name first bomb victims
  • Charity / legal help needed
  • europhobit - Britblog roundup
  • europhobit - why we love this city
  • europhobit - Mark Steyn = The London bomber!
  • Birmingham city centre evacuated
  • europhobit - insensitive dickhead
  • More support from around the world
  • Fuck you, terrorist dicks
  • The morning after - messages of support
  • 7th July attacks Liveblog

    Anonymous govtop said...


    9/26/2006 11:44:00 am  

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