
The Densho eNews is a monthly electronic newsletter highlighting our digital archive of life stories and documents, organizational news, and community items of interest.

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  • Pertinent articles with selections from Densho’s rich collection of video interviews, photos, and documents.
  • Advance notice of programs, exhibitions, and events around the country addressing Japanese American history and its relevance to current affairs.
  • Leads on the best resources and websites for teaching and research.

See the latest editions of Densho eNews:

September 2017
August 2017
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June 2017
May 2017

eNews Archive

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  • Criminalizing immigrants & POC to justify the #ColorofSurveillance is a recurring theme in American history.…
  • How two decades of gov surveillance led to a civil liberties nightmare for 9,000 Japanese immigrants during WWII.
  • Modoc County, FAA want to build a fence through Tule Lake. Official Densho response: OH, HELL NO. Send your letters…
  • Civil rights scholar and general badass Megan Ming Francis is keynoting our Nov. 18 Densho Dinner! Buy tix today:…
  • Yes! We cannot resist Islamophobia without also resisting anti-Blackness, xenophobia, and white supremacy.…