Last updated: October 30, 2017

Early success for literacy program

Noel Pearson

The rollout of indigenous leader Noel Pearson’s signature literacy program will be extended.

Muslim school to lose funding

Entrance to the Islamic School of Canberra in the southern suburb of Weston.

About $1 million in annual federal funding to the Islamic School of Canberra will cease next month.

School punishes protest students

Parents and students hold a street protest at Somerville House Girls School in Brisbane, Friday, October 27, 2017. Parents and supporters at Brisbane's prestigious Somerville House girls school have taken to the streets to protest the axing of principal Florence Kearney and gag orders by the school's governing body. (AAP Image/Glenn Hunt) NO ARCHIVING

Students who attended a protest with their parents outside a prestigious private college have been issued with detention notices.

Identity politics in schools push

Prominent Australians Discuss Human Rights Challenges Facing The Country

English students face being drilled in the politics of class, race, gender and sexuality.

ASIO alert over campuses

ASIO director-general Duncan Lewis speaks during Senate estimates hearings at Parliament House in Canberra, Tuesday, October 24, 2017. (AAP Image/Lukas Coch) NO ARCHIVING

ASIO chief says Australia needs to be “very conscious” of the possibility of foreign interference in universities.

HECS debt plan for death

Supplied Editorial Fwd: Go8 Op Ed

The Productivity Commission has resurrected a plan to collect unpaid HECS loans from deceased estates.

Degree no longer enough


The number of Australians with a postgraduate degree has jumped 46 per cent as the battle for jobs intensifies.

Gonski changes blamed for fees

School Catholic

Three school sectors have attacked the Turnbull government’s new funding deal.

Uni spending package shelved


The Turnbull government has been forced to again shelve $2.8 billion in higher education savings.

‘Strip unis of VC pay decision’

Liberal Democratic Party Senator David Leyonhjelm speaks to the media after arriving at Parliament House in Canberra, Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2016. (AAP Image/Mick Tsikas) NO ARCHIVING

Universities would lose control over the salaries of vice-chancellors under a plan floated by the Liberal Democrat David Leyonhjelm.

Howard blast for history study


John Howard says the rise of identity politics in history courses at Australian universities is damaging education.

China spy reports ‘a bad omen’

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop addresses media at the launch of the 2016-17 Consular State of Play at an Insurance Council of Australia event, in Sydney, Thursday, October 5, 2017. (AAP Image/Dan Himbrechts) NO ARCHIVING

China has labelled government warnings over foreign interference in Australian universities ‘a bad omen’.

Call to end funding is ‘crazy’

Senator David Leyonhjelm speaks to the media during a press conference at Parliament House in Canberra, Monday, Nov. 28, 2016. (AAP Image/Lukas Coch) NO ARCHIVING

The Liberal Democrats want to radically rewrite the way tertiary education is funded in Australia.

History ‘lost’ in identity politics


Identity politics has become a dominating force in history courses offered by Australian universities.

Troubled school’s results plunge

Aurukun Education

Key NAPLAN results have plunged in the Aboriginal school on Cape York at the centre of a bitter row.

Aussie values in schools push

Rob Stokes - Newport Public School

A call for a debate on how schools can better embrace Australian values is gathering support.

Labor to pick fight on education


The party is determined to ensure school funding is a key battleground at the next federal election.

Uni abandons bullying inquiry

Professor Simon Stewart, Director, NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence (CRE) to Reduce Inequality in Heart Disease Director, Mary MacKillop Institute for Health Research.

The ACU has abandoned investigations into sexual harassment and bullying at the university.

On Country curriculum a key


Remote area students are going bush to learn their ancient culture and understand its relevance to modern Australia.

Safe Schools’ top marks for disorder

Generic pic of a teacher standing at the blackboard while talking to students in a classroom.

Primary school students in Victoria believe their classmates are more disruptive this year.

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