News & Analysis

Racist Robert Proulx Store's Targeted For a Second Time

Racist Robert Proulx Store’s Targeted For a Second Time

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info Hey Robert Proulx, We broke the windows of your storefront. We guess you don't have to clean any more paint or posters off of them now. We’ve hated you and your involvement ...
Noirceur Parfaite #2 - The Anti-Fascist Movement in 2017

Noirceur Parfaite #2 – The Anti-Fascist Movement in 2017

[We’re trying new things – and more than that, we think anarchists everywhere should be trying new things, because a lot of the old stuff hasn’t worked, and might even be a bit boring. In this vein, we ...
ANTI-RACIST ALERT! November, 25 — National Assembly, Québec City

ANTI-RACIST ALERT! November, 25 — National Assembly, Québec City

From Montreal-Antifasciste Mark your calendars: Montreal mobilization to Quebec City on November 25 Oppose racism and Islamophobia! Support migrants and people of colour! (please share this callout widely with Montreal-area networks) Two far-right, anti-immigrant groups — the ...
The Logistics City Announces the Death of the Terrain Vague

The Logistics City Announces the Death of the Terrain Vague

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info The east of Hochelaga is undergoing full transformation. The construction of the Cité de la Logistique (“logistics city”) is provoking chaos. This project of enlarging the facilities of the port implies, among ...
You Go No Further, Canada

You Go No Further, Canada

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info October 11th, 1869: A hundred and forty-eight years ago to this date, Louis Riel led a group of Métis to confront land surveyors sent by the newly confederated Canadian state. The surveyors ...
Junexit ♥ Bure

Junexit ♥ Bure

From Camp de la rivière - Galt-Junex From one forest to another, over the ocean, solidarity against tragic and toxic mega-projects! Bure: Lutte contre le projet d'enfouissement de déchets nucléaires ...
Vandalism of the store of Robert Proulx, member of La Meute

Vandalism of the store of Robert Proulx, member of La Meute

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info In the early morning of September 30, with the help of a fire extinguisher filled with paint, we repainted brown the exterior façade of JS RP Tech Informatique, owned by Robert Proulx, ...
Storm Alliance at the border: “We’re not racists, but …”

Storm Alliance at the border: “We’re not racists, but …”

From Montreal Antifasciste Is a racist who knows they’re a racist more, or less, racist than a racist who doesn’t know that they’re a racist? It’s a pertinent question, since it seems that a trait almost universally ...
Antifa Block Far-Right at US/Canada Border

Antifa Block Far-Right at US/Canada Border

From On September 30th, anti-fascists converged to the Lacolle “US/Canada” border crossing to support migrants and to oppose far-right group Storm Alliance. The group claims they are not racist but many in their ranks are known white ...
"Fascism is imperialist repression turned inward": Decolonize Graffiti

“Fascism is imperialist repression turned inward”: Decolonize Graffiti

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info “…fascism is imperialist repression turned inward” -Cope (2015) as quoted in Kesīqnaeh Following Saturday's "Open The Borders" demo at the Lacolle Border, the message "DECOLONIZE" appeared along a canal wall in an ...

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