Posts Tagged ‘Naji’

In the past six months, Saudi Arabia has arrested around 700 suspected terrorists.  Yesterday, the Interior Ministry released a statement which claimed that many of those arrested were trying to implement the blueprint laid out by Abu Bakr Naji in his Management of Savagery. Naji argues that if Jihadis want to take power, they need […]

Lebanon: In the Mouth of the Dragon

Posted: 9th May 2008 by Will McCants in Hezbollah, Lebanon
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The Jihadi forums are buzzing today about the impending civil war in Lebanon, which they ominously refer to as being “in the mouth of the dragon.” There were two items of particular interest. One was advice from a Jihadi name al-Jawahir to militants in Lebanon: 5-8-08-advice-to-mujahids-in-lebanon2 He counsels his brothers to operate in secret, shun […]