What Does It Mean To Be A Democrat?
Have you seen our '12 Days of Congress' video? Watch below and SHARE SHARE SHARE!
Martin Sheen: Stand Up for Medicare

Senator Grassley's comments are abhorrent. If Republicans honestly believe the teachers, students, seniors and families who'll see their taxes spike under the GOP tax scam were originally spending their money on "booze or women," then they have no business being in public office.

GOP Sen. Chuck Grassley argued that getting rid of the estate tax, which largely applies to the wealthiest Americans, will reward those who invest their money.

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door" 🗽


Share if that's the America you're fighting for. #NoMuslimBanEver

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The justices approved a request from the president’s lawyers to lift restrictions on the order — which bans most travelers from eight nations, most with Muslim majorities — that had been imposed by lower courts.

What Republicans have done to this country is inexcusable. Their days are numbered -- let's make sure they know it →

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BREAKING: In the dead of night, Republicans voted to raise YOUR taxes and repeal YOUR health care. **SHARE if you're ready to kick every last one of them OUT of the office they're so profoundly unfit to serve**

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Remember when Michael Flynn chanted "Lock her up?"

Poetic justice ⬇️

The guilty plea by President Trump’s former national security adviser brings the special counsel investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election into Mr. Trump’s inner circle.

Republican promises mean nothing. Their tax scam only makes rich people richer — and destroys these critical programs Americans have paid for and rely on! 👖🔥👖🔥

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Republicans are trying to convince you that 13 MILLION of our most vulnerable Americans don't need health care, yet their billionaire donors need MASSIVE tax breaks?! Tell Republicans you're not buying it! →

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📺 MUST WATCH: Help us share Eliz's moving story about how Republicans' Medicare-GUTTING tax bill will devastate her life.

LIKE if you'll keep fighting back against the GOP's tax scam for Americans with disabilities like Eliz.

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Posted by Democrats

Are you a ✏️ teacher? 🎓 college student? 🏠 homeowner? 👵🏽 retiree? According to Republicans, billionaires deserve massive tax breaks more than you deserve to keep the deductions and health care you rely on.

They couldn't be more wrong. Fight back →

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Instead of racing to pass a tax bill that scams Americans, Republicans should be prioritizing the IMMEDIATE reauthorization of the Children's Health Insurance Program. These are kids, for goodness' sake.

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Donald Trump couldn't even make it through an event honoring our country's Navajo heroes without hurling racial slurs at the entire Native American community and a strong Democratic woman. Persist, Senator!

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What do you call a tax plan that:

RAISES taxes on lower- and middle-class Americans
‼️ REPEALS health care from millions
⁉️ All to fund HUGE TAX BREAKS for billionaires like Trump?


An absolute SCAM.

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The GOP wants you to believe that raising taxes on teachers in order to hand tax breaks to private jet owners is good for everyday Americans. Make sure Republicans know you're not falling for it →

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This Thanksgiving, we couldn't be more thankful for the grassroots movement. Just this year, you've saved health care for millions, stood up for our immigrant brothers and sisters, spoken out for our LGBTQ family, marched across the country, and never given up on what makes America great. Here's to you.

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Climate change? Obamacare? Taxes? You can bet your Republican relatives will have a LOT of misguided opinions on those subjects. That's why we prepared a comprehensive guide to surviving Thanksgiving this year →

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It happens every year. You sit down for Thanksgiving dinner — and before you know it, the conversation turns to politics. Prepare yourself with our full guide to surviving Thanksgiving with your Republican relatives →

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