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Jun 5 2017

News · Press Release

SHOT/CHASER: Hypocrite Darrell Issa Deceives Voters Over his Immigration Record at Heated Town Hall

  SHOT: Darrel Issa this past Saturday during his town hall: “… got booed by my own party’ for wanting to tackle immigration reform. I’m tired of people being afraid when that’s not what America’s about.” CHASER:  Darrel Issa voted for three cruel mass deportation bills in the Judiciary Committee two weeks ago: This horrible […]

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Jun 5 2017

News · Press Release · Shareable

DCCC targets Rep. Mast and his campaign’s lie in digital ad buy ahead of town hall

Today, the DCCC launched a significant digital ad buy in FL-18 targeting persuadable voters. The ad highlights Representative Mast and his campaign’s lie about their use of information stolen by Russian hackers.   The ad-buy is timed to turn out voters to the town hall Rep. Mast’s voters pushed him to hold.    “When he […]

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Jun 1 2017

News · Press Release

UPDATE: Yes, Carlos Curbelo JUST blamed Al Gore for Republican climate change denial

Jake Tapper: Why are so many Republicans — so many of your Republican colleagues not on board with what you’re talking about? Some of them seem to think that it’s environment versus jobs. We heard that from the President today. Some of them seem to think that climate change is not a problem. Congressman Curbelo: […]

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Jun 1 2017

News · Press Release

Curbelo and Republicans in Climate Solutions Caucus: all bluster, no results

President Trump’s decision today to pull the United States out of the Paris Climate Accords makes one thing abundantly clear: Congressman Carlos Curbelo and Republicans in the “Climate Solutions Caucus” are powerless to change the direction of their party and unwilling to seriously challenge President Trump’s reckless record of climate change denial. Curbelo’s empty rhetoric […]

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Jun 1 2017

News · Press Release

Peter Roskam Has No Regrets in Kicking 700K Off Health Care in Illinois

Today, in a recorded editorial board meeting with Crain’s Chicago Business, vulnerable Rep. Peter Roskam said he has no regrets when voting for the Republican Repeal & Ripoff health care bill, which has 8 percent support among Americans recently polled by the Kaiser Family Foundation. “Today, Peter Roskam doubled down on his heartless vote to […]

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May 31 2017

News · Press Release

Someone please FWD this to Congressman Pittenger

Congressman Pittenger took to social media today to complain about how unfairly the press has treated his vote on the Republican repeal and ripoff bill. But there’s one key area he chose to ignore outright: President Trump and Washington Republicans are singularly responsible for triggering a 22.9% Blue Cross Blue Shield rate increase in North […]

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May 31 2017

News · Press Release

Minnesota Republicans Hiding After CBO Report Released

Last week, the Congressional Budget Office released new numbers on the impact of the Republican Repeal and Ripoff health care bill that Minnesota Republican Reps. Paulsen and Lewis voted for. The bill would result in 23 million Americans losing their insurance nationwide, but the bill’s impact is just as eye popping in Minnesota: 251,400 Minnesotans […]

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May 31 2017

News · Press Release

ICYMI: Local TV Stations & Newspapers Spotlight Issa’s Unhinged Episode

In case you missed it, Congressman Issa’s unhinged behavior received widespread coverage across Southern California. Here’s a sampling of the coverage…   San Diego Union-Tribune: Issa appears on rooftop as hundreds protest outside his Vista office U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa stepped onto the roof of his Vista office building Tuesday, as hundreds of people protested […]

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May 31 2017

News · Press Release

Washington Republicans can’t handle the truth…

… so instead they’re spinning lies about what their healthcare repeal bill will do to people with pre-existing conditions The jury’s out on the  disastrous and historically unpopular Republican Repeal and Ripoff bill: it’s bad news for the vast majority of Americans who need health insurance, especially older Americans and those with pre-existing conditions. Nearly […]

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May 31 2017


ICYMI: Mike Coffman Embraces Donald Trump’s Mass Deportations; He Can’t be Trusted to Protect Immigrant Families

  In case you missed it, when Representative Mike Coffman was recently asked if he supported President Trump’s harsh stances on immigration – stances that have resulted in the deportation of thousands of law-abiding immigrants – he shamelessly agreed with Trump’s cruelty. TRANSCRIPT: REPORTER: “You’re telling me that you support what Trump is doing on immigration […]

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