First Nations Assert Food Fishing Rights In Area of Fish Farm Restocking

fish farm demandsMusgamagw Dzawada’enuxw Cleansing Our Waters, October 23, 2017
Press Release
First Nations Assert Food Fishing Rights In Area of Fish Farm Restocking Several food-fishing gillnet boats operated by ‘Namgis and Musgamagw Dzawada’enuxw fishermen in Knight Inlet were approached on Friday evening by a salmon smolt restocking vessel, the Orca Chief, operated by the Norwegian-owned company Marine Harvest, on its way to restock the Port Elizabeth fish farm, owned by the same company. Read the rest of this entry


Totem pole raised on Lelu after LNG project falls

Lelu Island totem pole 1More than 100 people came to the pole raising on Lelu Island after the end of Pacific NorthWest LNG

by Shannon Lough, The Northern View, October 21, 2017

In a stand of defiance against federal authorities, members of the Gitwilgyoots Tribe and supporters raised a totem pole on Lelu Island on Oct. 20 to signify their claim to the land.

The occupation of Lelu Island began in 2015 on the site where Petronas proposed to build a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal and it has continued even after the company abandoned its Pacific NorthWest LNG project in July. People who either took part or supported the resistance movement came to witness the totem pole being raised on a mound overlooking where the sea meets the Skeena River. Read the rest of this entry

Video: Destroy Colonialism

Squamish Nation accused of not following through on reforms

squamish campbell khelsilem

Left: Squamish Nation Chief Ian Campbell. Right: Squamish Nation member and curent electoral officer Khelsilem Photo: File

Leadership says reform commission didn’t stick to its mandate

by Jennifer Thuncher, Squamish Chief, October 19, 2017

prominent Squamish Nation member is speaking out about what he sees as political interference in the band’s current election reform process.

In 2015, an independent electoral commission was set up to revise the 1981 Squamish Indian Band Election Regulations.  Read the rest of this entry

Open-net fish farm tenures will be reviewed: Horgan

fish farm bc coast

Fish farm on BC coast.

Amy Smart, Times Colonist, October 19, 2017

Premier John Horgan said Wednesday the province will review open-net fish farm tenures to ensure wild salmon don’t face “obstacles” along migratory routes.

“We are going to be reviewing tenures, consistent with the Cohen Commission recommendations, to ensure migratory routes for wild salmon are clear of obstacles or any other deterrents,” Horgan said. Read the rest of this entry

B.C. fish farm injunctions against protestors lifted

fish farm get out bannerby Laurie Hamelin, APTN National News, October 18, 2017

Injunctions against three First Nations activists protesting a fish farm off the northern coast of Vancouver Island was temporarily suspended Wednesday by the company.

Marine Harvest Canada, the owner of Port Elizabeth Fish Farm, was officially occupied by activists Sunday night. Read the rest of this entry

Tensions rise in fish farm dispute

fish farm masked cop

RCMP officers, one wearing a mask, during discussion with fish farm opponents, October 2017.

David Suzuki and BC Chiefs lend support for Fish Farm protests

by Hanna Petersen, North Island Gazette, October 18, 2017

Three fish farm protestors have been summoned to court for their participation in the occupation of three Marine Harvest fish farms off the coast of Vancouver Island.

The injunctions were served by the RCMP on Monday, just days after a gathering that included renowned Canadian scientist David Suzuki, Chiefs representing a number of BC First Nations, and local supporters near Swanson Island was held to voice support for the occupation. Read the rest of this entry

Fish Farm Protest Camp in Victoria by Kwakwaka’wakw Grandmother

fish farm victoria camp 1

Inside one of the tents outside of BC Premier’s John Horgan’s constituency office protesting against fish farms.

October 16, 2017 (Langford, Lekwungen Territories)

Kwakwaka’wakw grandmother and salmon protector Tsastilqualus Umbas from Yalis (Alert Bay) is ramping up support for her relatives at the Namgis and Musgamag’w fish farm occupations that have now continued for over 50 days—as well as the third occupation just launched at the Port Elizabeth farm.

She has committed to peacefully occupy the land next to Premier’s John Horgan’s constituency office until the NDP revokes tenure for fish farms: “Our demands are very simple and very important, close the fish farms and take them out of our waters; commit to cancel the tenures now”. Read the rest of this entry

Enbridge backtracks on decision to seize assets from environmental group

Enbridge No andy everson

No Enbridge, art by Andy Everson, Kwakwaka’wakw.

Staff at the Vancouver office of an environmental group got an unexpected visit on Tuesday from sheriffs who were holding court documents authorizing them to seize the organization’s assets on behalf of Enbridge.

Karen Mahon with, formerly known as Forest Ethics, said the documents authorized the sheriffs to take and sell all of their assets to recover money owed to the pipeline giant. Read the rest of this entry

Tensions rise between RCMP and First Nations against fish farms

Fish Farm RCMP zodiac cops

RCMP escorting fish farm vessel, October 2017.

by Musgamagw Dzawada’enuxw Cleansing Our Waters, October 17, 2017

For Immediate Release

RCMP, Marine Harvest, and Department of Fisheries and Oceans has just arrived on site to where Members from six First Nations of the Kwakwaka’wakw have been occupying fish farms, in their territorial waters for nearly two months near Alert Bay, B.C.

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