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Tasers kill, but not in San Francisco: Community, unified for 13 years, again tells SFPD ‘No’ as new Taser vote looms Nov. 3

Thursday, Sept. 28, 2017, marked the death of the 1,044th person that we know of killed by Tasers in North America. The most recent Taser-related death occurred after a man, Marcellus Toney, was detained by Oakland Police for allegedly trying to flee a multi-vehicle accident. This unnecessary death throws into relief the primary reason why the people of San Francisco have consistently rejected Tasers for the SFPD. Yet on Nov. 3, the San Francisco Police Commission will vote again on a renewed proposal to arm the SFPD with these weapons. Why?

Behind Enemy Lines

Support demands of Prisoners United on hunger strike in Alameda and Santa Clara Counties

Oct 16, 2017

On Oct. 15, 2017, Prisoners United in Glenn Dyer Detention Center courageously led the way in a hunger strike that will span across two counties and four jails. Santa Rita Jail, Santa Clara County Main Jail and Elmwood D.O.C. will continue the strike in solidarity on Oct. 22. We are calling for support from families and the community to contact the Alameda County Sheriff administration, at 510-272-6878, and Alameda County Board of Supervisors, at 510-272-6347, to meet our demands.

Don’t let CDCR reverse our hunger strike-won legal victory: Statement of prisoner representatives on second anniversary of Ashker v. Brown settlement

Oct 12, 2017

The Oct. 14, 2015, victory was achieved through three hunger strikes and the non-violent legal and political action of thousands of California prisoners, their families, supporters and their attorneys. Now, however, we believe that CDCR is still engaged in constitutional violations that deny prisoners due process and seeks to put us back in the hole – for many, indeterminately under the guise of Administrative SHU.

Free speech is a battlefield and the oppressed must unite

Sep 30, 2017

Many in this country believe all citizens enjoy the right to free speech. But this is a myth. Free speech is reserved only for those who control the media and other power structures and those who agree with the political establishment. Oppressed nations in particular are regularly denied free speech, especially when that speech involves pointing out what’s wrong with Amerika. Once locked up in U.$. prisons, people further lose their ability to read and communicate freely.

‘Security/welfare checks’: Call for 602s, 22s and artwork

Sep 29, 2017

Are you living in segregated housing – SHU, Ad-Seg, PSU, Condemned Units? Are correctional officers coming around to your cell every half hour or hour to conduct security/welfare checks? Are these checks conducted in a quiet manner? Or do these checks disturb you? Do they interfere with your ability to sleep, or cause physical or mental health problems? The PHSS Committee to End Sleep Deprivation and CFASC/Family Unity Network want to help prisoners pursue this grievance.

Aljerwon Moran: Can a Black man get George Zimmerman’s verdict?

Sep 28, 2017

Like George Zimmerman, Aljerwon Moran, a 23-year-old African American man, was accused of second degree murder. Zimmerman and Moran both admitted to pulling the trigger causing the death of another human being. Both alleged the homicide was done in self-defense. However, Zimmerman is a free man – and Moran is sentenced to spend the rest of his life in jail.

Letter to a young gangster
Watani Stiner: Tending to historical wounds
Let’s fight hard to get Rashid out of Florida now!
O’ dungeon master, my dungeon master!
Lynching culture: Florida officials are experts at killing prisoners by natural causes
War on Blacks at Wabash Valley: Shaka Shakur charged with attacking guard
Harvey’s victims: Prisoners drink toilet water in a fight to survive under lockdown
The right words can help tear down the prison system
The condemnable and the condemned: To live and die in Texas prisons
US prisons practice the same slavery and racism celebrated by Confederate monuments
Political Prisoner Herman Bell assaulted
Ruchell Cinque Magee: Real people not scared of freedom support the truth regarding your rights
San Quentin Six: Millions for Prisoners Human Rights March on Washington, D.C., Aug. 19, 2017, Solidarity Statement
Kwame Shakur indicts legalized slavery

News & Views

Remembering Muammar Qaddafi and the great Libyan Jamahiriya

Oct 20, 2017

Oct. 20, 2017, marks the sixth anniversary of the martyrdom of Muammar Qaddafi, revolutionary Pan-Africanist and champion of the Global South. This day also marks the sixth anniversary of the historic battle of Sirte, where Qaddafi, along with a heroic army, including his son, Mutassim Billal Qaddafi, and veteran freedom fighter Abu-Bakr Yunis Jabr, fought until their convoy was bombed by French fighter planes. Wounded and demobilized, they were captured by Qatari scavengers and executed by Al-Qaeda operatives.

Ingabire Day: We are all Victoire and Victoire is all of us

Oct 18, 2017

Oct. 14 marked the seventh anniversary of Rwandan political prisoner Victoire Ingabire’s arrest shortly after she attempted to run for president against Rwanda’s military dictator, President Paul Kagame. The Brussels-based International Women’s Network for Democracy and Peace commemorates Oct. 14 as Ingabire Day, a day of solidarity with Victoire Ingabire and all political prisoners. I asked Claude Gatebuke, Rwandan genocide survivor and founder of the African Great Lakes Action Network, to explain Victoire Ingabire’s message.

Caribbean power bloc forms to challenge Trump’s war mongering and climate change denial

Oct 18, 2017

I recently attended the first Caribbean Peace Conference in Bridgetown, Barbados, Oct. 6-7, 2017. The theme of the Conference was “Resisting Nuclear and Environmental Disaster: Building Peace in the Caribbean.” Attendees included representatives from Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Lucia, Venezuela and Barbados. The purpose of this conference was to consolidate a serious Caribbean Peace Movement equipped with a concrete agenda and guiding philosophy.

Witnesses to a police murder are mysteriously dying

Oct 17, 2017

As the trial over the police murder of Luis Demetrio Gongora Pat, an innocent, unhoused Mayan father, husband, brother and son who was killed 18 months ago on the streets of San Francisco, approaches, the witnesses to his murder are mysteriously dying. One witness, John Visor, died in his single room occupancy (SRO) hotel room on Aug. 11. Last week another person related to the case also died mysteriously in his SRO room in the same hotel. “It is critical that the death of John Visor be examined by an independent agency to uncover any foul play that might have occurred,” said lawyer for the people Adante Pointer.

FBI says ‘Black Identity Extremists’ are the new terrorist threat

Oct 13, 2017

In a disturbing report leaked to Foreign Policy, the FBI manufactures threats from so-called “Black Identity Extremists” (BIE): “The FBI assesses it is very likely Black Identity Extremist (BIE) perceptions of police brutality against African Americans spurred an increase in premeditated, retaliatory lethal violence against law enforcement and will very likely serve as justification for such violence,” the report reads.

Hipsters de-Blacken Oakland, cause the encampments they abhor
Solidarity Uganda: Rural Ugandans resist land grabbing and US-backed dictatorship
March Against Police Murder, San Francisco to Sacramento, starts Oct. 6
Goodbyes hurt the most when the story was unfinished
U.S.-backed dictator Paul Kagame risks another violent implosion by tightening his grip on Rwanda
Life of Bobi Wine, Ugandan singer and parliamentarian, threatened for protesting Museveni’s attempt to rule for life
Welcome her home
Picking up the torch of abolition: Millions for Prisoners Day of Action!
It’s not mass incarceration, but slavery
California Legislature approves juvenile justice bills to update Miranda rights, allow parole for youthful offenders
DACA: The latest from the un-Obama
Morehouse graduates team up with local rappers for East Oakland charity event
Black contractors and workers protest exclusion from project funded with $123 million tax dollars
Hope needs a witness and a witness hope
Consultant hired to help the Treasure Island Development Authority consortium dodge legal bullets as it eases low income San Franciscans off the island

Culture Currents

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October 24, 2017
Justice 4 Kayla Moore! Support the Moore family in court in Oct! 8:00 am Phillip Burton Federal Building 450 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, California 94102, United States FINAL PRE-TRIAL HEARING
Show up this October to support the ... more>>
October 24, 2017
Community Tuesdays at Radio Africa & Kitchen -- dinner for $10 5:00 pm Radio Africa & Kitchen, 4800 Third St., San Francisco You’re invited to “break bread” with us in the ... more>>
October 24, 2017
Library Holds Hearings in Every District for Community Feedback about Library Hours 6:30 pm SF Public Library MAIN BRANCH (Latino/Hispanic Meeting Rm) 100 Larkin St, San Francisco, CA 94102 Library hours, too many? Too few? We want to hear ... more>>
October 25, 2017
Justice 4 Kayla Moore! Support the Moore family in court in Oct! 8:00 am Phillip Burton Federal Building 450 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, California 94102, United States FINAL PRE-TRIAL HEARING
Show up this October to support the ... more>>
October 25, 2017
Free Drop-in Job Counseling Every Fourth Wednesday 2:00 pm Central Library, 2090 Kittredge at Shattuck, Berkeley Looking for a job? Or perhaps have a job and ... more>>
October 25, 2017
Library Holds Hearings in Every District for Community Feedback about Library Hours 6:30 pm SF Public Library EXCELSIOR BRANCH 4400 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94112 Library hours, too many? Too few? We want to hear ... more>>
October 25, 2017
Diversity Film Series: "Code: Debugging the Gender Gap" 7:00 pm Ellen Driscoll Theater 325 Highland Ave. Piedmont, CA 94611 The current make-up of leaders, engineers and coders at the ... more>>

Black psychologist Dr. Jonathan Lassiter fights for society’s ‘ultimate underdogs’

Oct 18, 2017

A clinician actually fighting for America’s ultimate underdogs – as his academic “focus” – immediately grabbed my attention. Dr. Jonathan Lassiter, PhD, a clinical psychologist and an assistant professor of psychology at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pennsylvania, visited San Francisco this past summer, as he was enrolled in the Visiting Professors’ Program at the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies at UCSF. He’s a polymath, a critical thinker and notably a healer.

‘Whose Streets?’ Free community screenings Oct. 25 in Fruitvale, Nov. 10 in Bayview Hunters Point

Oct 12, 2017

“Whose Streets?” exemplifies what the great Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael) stated about an organized Black people, that there is nothing we cannot accomplish. Although the policeman who killed Mike Brown escaped punishment, “Whose Streets?” shows how the people still won and continue to win. What is beautiful about “Whose Streets?” is the peoples’ will and commitment to not relinquishing their power and right to claim what is theirs – their neighborhoods, their streets and their right to occupy both.

Black woman entrepreneur making ‘money moves’ to recapture the $500 billion Black beauty and haircare industry

Oct 12, 2017

Shanon Nelson, owner of Amari Hair Extensions, the online hair boutique, is both anxious and excited about the future. The seasoned entrepreneur and former business professor with an MBA is poised to take her love of travel and international business for a foray into the massive $500 billion Black hair care and beauty industry.

Wanda’s Picks for October 2017

Oct 6, 2017

Folks have probably heard by now that the African American Museum and Library, Oakland (AAMLO), is without a permanent director. While the search is being articulated and mounted, Susan D. Anderson, Bay Area author and founder of Memory House, will act as interim director and chief curator for the next six to nine months as the Oakland Public Library (OPL) mounts a national search to find the right person for the job.

Always in flight: Malik Seneferu’s new sculpture at Sundial inspires youth with places to go

Oct 6, 2017

About a year ago Bayview’s Hilltop Park received a renovation which covered a new lawn and upgraded the plaza, amphitheater and lighting surrounding the sundial. Earlier this year an artist who was born and raised in the neighborhood felt the need to add his own artistic touch to the park: local hero Malik Seneferu. The Hilltop Park sculpture, titled “Harbor’s Landing,” features a bird, its blue color reflecting the cobalt blue of the summer sky, emerging from the blue Bay.

Grove Street College
In love with being … a ‘has-been’
DREAM lives!
Lori Nairne, Oct. 23, 1951-Aug. 19, 2017: She leaves love in her wake
Wanda’s Picks for September 2017
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