29 October 2017

Christopher Hayes Done With WCAI After November 4

When the Justin Trudeau visited Spruce Grove, AB on October 20, the folks in the WCAI took notice.... and really did nothing about it other than write about how if they had the chance they would totally burn with their wit.

Or something like that.


Yeah, it's funny I guess because Christopher Hayes was convicted of threatening the Prime Minister.

I guess Chris and I have very different senses of humor.

Among Hayes' latest efforts has been to organize an "Anti-Anifa" rally in Regina. Since his planned rally is scheduled for November 4, I can only assume that someone as credulous as Hayes has bought into the "antifa are starting a civil was on November 4!!!!" paranoia hook, line, and sinker.

However for much of the time he has been promoting the event, Hayes' was stuck at only 6 people who claimed they would be attending:

As a result, Hayes appears to have been a bit humiliated and resorted to begging which really is quite unseemly. Of particular interest however is his claim that he will be "retiring" from the WCAI and that people attend his sad little rally as a personal favor to him:

PEGIDA Canada Protest in London, ON Routed.... Again

This is becoming common place whenever PEGIDA Canada protests. They had moved their protests out of Toronto since they were routinely outnumbered. Seems the change of location hasn't helped:


28 October 2017

Massaad, Myatt, and Phalange Media Productions: Fascism With A Lebanese Twist

Last Saturday's "Trudeau Must Go" rally in Toronto organized by Ronny Cameron, while ostensibly an anti-Trudeau and anti-Liberal government protest, was in fact a nakedly anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim event which should be clear to anyone who actually watched the footage or was present at the event. And though Ronny continues to dissemble regarding the nature of the event, he continued to put his foot deep down his throat:

The numbers of the Islamophobes and anti-immigrant protesters were initially limited and significantly outnumbered by counter-protesters who held a rally in support of immigrants and refugees as well as opposing white supremacy. However as some of the counter protesters had been in Nathan Phillips Square for several hours by the time Ronny Cameron's small group arrived, and perhaps thinking that would be the extent of the anti-immigrant rally, some of those counter protesters decided to leave. Eventually Steven Alexander "First of Her Name the Unburnt Queen of the Andals and the First Men Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons" Gregory Myatt, Georges Massaad, members of the Northern Guard, and others arrived:


When all was said and done, the Islamophobes, white nationalists, and anti-immigrant protesters' numbers were more or less equal to that of the counter protesters who remained with some saying there were slightly more fascists and others slightly more counter protesters. In order to achieve this they needed people from outside the GTA, Ottawa, Quebec, and as far as New Brunswick while the counter protesters all appear to be from Toronto or the GTA.

So of course, being able to equal the number of counter protests counts as a great victory I suppose:


Personally, and no doubt they won't particularly care about my thoughts on the subject, it seems to me that declaring "victory" because you managed to not be grossly outnumbered is a pretty low bar to set.

But hey, whatever helps you wake in the morning.

Still, one also can't ignore that they have certainly been energized by the event and are now planning future events under the aegis of a "patriotic counsil [sic]"  or an "elite protest team":


Back in August, Myatt and Massaad announced the first of their efforts in establishing a "movement" they are calling the Order.... like never before!

Please, try not to laugh too much at the posturing for the camera, the numerous contradictions, or the overblown and self-aggrandizing rhetoric:


After the Toronto event on October 21, Myatt and Massaad have decided to launch a new initiative with a rather interesting title for folks who claim not to be fascists:

I suppose it shouldn't be surprising that Myatt and Massaad would make reference to the Phalange movement, a Maronite militia first established in the 1930s and who were among the more notorious militias active during the Lebanese Civil War (1975 - 1990):


Founded in 1936 as a Maronite Christian paramilitary militia by Pierre Gemayel, the Phanangist Party was first modeled on the Nazi Party of Germany after Gemayel visited the country during the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, though it had more in common with the Spanish fascist movement under Franco which, given the claims that they are not fascists themselves, may prove to be somewhat problematic:

25 October 2017

Far Right Losing Mind Over False November 4 "Civil War" Story

On September 26, 2017, the American-based Refuse Fascism called for a nation wide protest against Donald Trump and his policies in a rather dramatic way. A group of activists holding signs blocked traffic on Highway 101 in California. Each sign was a letter that combined stated "Nov 4 It Begins!" The activists were arrested, charged with misdemeanors, and released.

The protests is being called, "This Nightmare Must End: The Trump/Pence Regime Must GO!" Refuse Fascism, calling for non-violent protests that will last several days (or until both Trump and Vice-president Pence are no longer in office) looked to the Women's March in January as the model to best emulate. Another group associated with Refuse Fascism organized similar protests in 2005 and 2006 when President Bush was in office.

So to sum up, a leftist movement has called for peaceful national protests against a government they find objectionable. Doesn't sound particularly menacing.... unless of course you're a member of the far-right in which case this is obviously an effort to overthrow the American government in a violent civil war sponsored by George Soros:
The idea of “Antifa” (short for anti-fascism) has become a fixture in America’s popular imagination in the wake of President Donald Trump’s election, albeit in a way that tends to have very little basis in reality. The group—which has no formal organizational structure, and is best defined as a tactic associated with protesting against the threat of fascism—has been falsely blamed for everything from the deadly mass shooting in Las Vegas to covert collaborations with the Islamic State militant group (ISIS). Now, “antifa” is apparently plotting a civil war in the United States that will begin on November 4, according to a pervasive right wing conspiracy theory. 
This story, which can be found across social media, sometimes attached to the hashtag “#CivilWar2017,” is not only utterly fake, it’s also potentially dangerous, according to half a dozen left wing activists who spoke to Newsweek, expressing concerns that it could inspire senseless violence from people who believe it to be true. 
The spark of this conspiracy, as one might guess, emerged from Alex Jones’s InfoWars website. Paul Joseph Watson, a British YouTube performer who frequently functions as Jones’s sidekick, posted a misleading story with the headline, “CIVIL WAR: Alt-left Plans Anti-trump Riots in Major Cities on November 4.” The August 22 report, if it can credibly be called one, clocks in at less than 400 words, and features no first-hand reporting outside of a link to a page on the website of a far-left activist group, The Revolutionary Communist Party. Regardless, it performed well for InfoWars, generating more than 9,000 shares on Facebook and more than 2,000 comments on the InfoWars website.
This isn't the first time that the far-right, a group composed of Islamophobes, white nationalists/supremacists, "alt-right" personalities, and militias have embraced misinformation disseminated through social media and far-right conspiracy sites such as Breitbart and Infowars:

However this particular rumor is perhaps more concerning because it feeds into the far-right's paranoia and many seem very anxious, even excited, at the prospect of dealing out retribution to those they have long considered to be traitors.

As far as this writer knows, there is no event on November 4 being planned by any anti-racist or anti-fascist group. However that hasn't stopped the same paranoia we've witnessed in the United States finding it's way up here:

The statement above or ones of a similar nature have found their way onto other Canadian far-right groups including the Northern Guard, Canadian Combat Coalition, and WCAI. For example, Steven Alexander Huey Dewey Louie Gregory Myatt has been going on about this since September:

 The comments in the III% Canada page are what I have come to expect:

Other posts promote both violence towards "antifa" as well as related conspiracy theories:

The last screen shot is interesting. It purports to be "leaked footage" of "antifa" training for civil war, however it looks more like some of the videos I've seen coming out of Russia of far-right activists training with weapons. In addition, if training with weapons is indicative of a desire to violently overthrow the government, I could point to perhaps 1000s of videos and photos of members of the far-right paramilitary training. You know, like these ones:

But I digress.

So given the paranoia, it is understandable that some people are worried that a hothead might do something stupid.

22 October 2017

Jason Kenney Doubles Down on Outing Gay Students

I believe last time ARC mentioned Jason Kenney on the blog was in relation to a story about Andrew Benson and his then friendship with a supporter of Mr. Kenney's Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta aspirations. As everyone knows Kenney went on to win the leadership of the moribund party on a platform of uniting with the Wildrose Party then in opposition to the governing NDP.

Now he's running to lead the newly formed United Conservative Party and, using similar methods that won him leadership of the PCs, seems likely to become the new party's leader. Many of those methods have been described as of questionable ethics. He's also running in large part on an overtly social conservative platform attacking the provincial education system currently undergoing a curriculum redesign which is sort of a page right out of the American culture war playbook. Perhaps his most controversial proposal, and of special interest to ARC, would basically out LGBTQ youths who wished to join a GSA in their schools:

Kenney has been traveling around the province giving speeches in urban, suburban, and rural
communities. On Sunday he was in the small city of Strathmore where he gave a speech that was full of conservative raw meat; impugning the intelligence of the current prime minister, referring to the NDP government at an, "accidental socialist government," attacking the curriculum redesign and the Alberta Teachers' Association which he refers to simply as a "union," promising to shut off natural gas to British Columbia if the province gets in the way of Alberta oil pipelines, stopping further increases to the provinces minimum wage, taking pot shots at Quebec, and of course focusing on LGBTQ issues and once again promising that students who join GSAs would be outed to their parents under a Jason Kenney regime. Kenney uses half-truths and clipped quotes taken out of context, however he wishes to be a "facts" premier.

By coincidence, I was able to find a video of the speech followed by Q and A on Facebook posted by a Kenney supporter. I will post the entire video at the end however here are a few clips that I considered significant (I'll continue to update the article with clips as they are added):

1. Kenney comments on the changes to the Alberta K - 12 curriculum implying the NDP is using the process as a means of indoctrinating children into icky socialism:


2. He then comments on gender being taught in the class room, gets a lot wrong when discussing the ATA's PRISM guidelines, and goes on to confirm that parents would be informed about what is going on regarding any discussion of human sexuality, including students who join GSAs:


3. Discusses his heroic role in unifying the right. He first describes winning the PC leadership despite the backroom people breaking rules to keep him from winning.... again, a rather awkward thing for him to bring up:
He also compares the unification vote of 95% to numbers that would be found in North Korea, but in a GOOD way:


4. The NDP are described as an "accidental socialist government" that will be "one and done" and that Alberta needs a premier who will defend the province against the attacks by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Kenney humbly submits that he is that person and that he feels he's been preparing for the day all his life. Soooo, I guess suggesting he feels (divine?) providence is leading him to the premiership is Kenney's idea of humble:


5. Time to beat up on Quebec! Also, he plans on changing equalization payments by a Supreme Court challenge. Regarding BC and the difficulties of getting an oil pipeline from the oil sands to the west coast, Kenney suggests he will start charging a toll for natural gas passing through Alberta from BC and that he will turn off the oil currently going into the province: "The mayor of Vancouver says he wants a carbon free Vancouver by 2040. I'm prepared to give him one by 2020.":


By the way, the shoutout to the Peter Lougheed, a man who's memory is still wildly admired and respected in the province? Mr. Kenney should have a word with the jerk who referred to Lougheed's legacy as neo-Stalinist:


6. I didn't get the first part of the speech where he introduced Kenney, but Derek Fildebrandt appears to be acting as a surrogate and at one point talks about "our party." This is of interest in that (a) Fildebrandt's endorsement of Kenney seems very low key which is odd since every other MLA endorsement of Kenney has been accompanied by a press release and (b) Fildebrandt  is not currently a member of the UCP:


Then again....
Anyways, Fildebrandt believes the motto of the UCP should be, "just say no" which is even less inspiring than when Nancy Reagan first started using the phrase in 1982. Kenney tries to save it in the next video.

7. Q and A time! First question relates to Trudeau. Kenney questions Trudeau's intelligence by saying that "if you don't think he's very bright you've over-estimated him." So then a blithering idiot kicked your ass in 2015? That's got to be a bit emasculating Jason. Also, and I'm sure it is completely coincidental, Kenney has with him a number of quotes he attributes to Trudeau that he just happens to have on him that are absolutely not taken out of context and intended to agitate a rural Alberta crowd against a Québécois politician with the name "Trudeau."

What? Cynical? Naw! But what does he mean by, "there will be consequences?":


7. Mostly policy discussion, Kenney lays out an ambitious three month program of which stopping any rise in the provincial minimum wage is a key plank:


8. Ah, back to education. Kenney learns that while it is one thing to deal with the curriculum changes under the NDP government, there has been nefarious indoctrination of students for a long time. But don't worry. Jason will help the good teachers fight the ATA who seems to have been built up in Kenney's mind into some sort of Orwellesque Ministry of Truth:


Those are all the clips I found interesting. The entire video, aside from the start when Mr. Fildebrandt introduces Mr. Kenney, can be found here at ARC's YouTube channel:

Family Feud: Former "Rebel" Personalities Lauren Southern and Laura Loomer Attack Each Other

Alternative title 1: "The Kids Are Not Alright (But Are Alt-right)"

Admittedly, the bigger story regarding Ezra Levant's alt-right "Rebel Media" is the revelation that despite claiming the Conservative Party of Canada was cutting ties with "The Rebel," party leader Andrew Scheer has in fact tasked former corporate executive Hamish Marshall with running the Conservative election campaign and that he had been involved in Scheer's campaign for party leader while still working at "The Rebel":

However while this is going on, a minor drama is going on between two of "The Rebel's" former journalists correspondents reporters propagandists:

Lauren Southern left "The Rebel" suddenly and under rather mysterious circumstances. Little was known until another former personality for the website, Caolan Robertson, posted a video allegedly exposing Levant's efforts to essentially buy his silence. In the audio of the meeting with Levant, Robertson's partner also recorded Levant talking about how Southern was being smart by not causing waves after her departure suggesting that despite how it looked publicly, she didn't leave "The Rebel" on the best of terms.

This revelation came about at a rather difficult time for Levant as the events in Charlottesville and then "Rebel" personality Faith Goldy's association with the tragedy resulted in an exodus from the alt-right vehicle:
Around this time this screen shot also started floating around:

ARC didn't post this then (or the one purporting to be from Levant which was also critical of Southern) because it didn't pass the smell test. I mean, I just can't see Gavin McInnes being worked up against someone who held antisemitic views because.... well.... he sort of has a bit of a recent history of that accusation being leveled against himself:
The other reason why it didn't, and still doesn't, seem to be legitimate is because of the really ugly sexual slur directed at Southern. Now, I'm not suggesting that McInnes wouldn't use that word to describe women, because I have a feeling he would (you know, free speech and all that). But as Southern had been a recent member of "The Rebel" family it didn't seem like something a then personality for the website would say about a former colleague no matter what the nature of her departure might have been.

Hold that thought for a moment.

There's another former "Rebel Media" correspondent who we need to take a look at now:

Laura Loomer's most infamous publicity stunt while working in for "Rebel Media" was when she arrested for rushing the stage during a (for some reason) controversial adaptation of "Julius Caesar" (another now former "Rebel Media" employee, Jack Posobiec of "#pizzagate fame, filmed the incident). The thing is though, the whole thing appears to have been pre-planned:

Things began to sour between Levant and Loomer when the former ordered her to stop stalking Hilary Clinton at her book signings. Under normal circumstances I think that Levant would be happy with the controversy Loomer's actions would generate as it is red meat for the American right-wing audience he craves. However, as already mentioned earlier, Levant had become a little gun shy. Unlike Southern who was shown the door, Loomer quit in a huff:

I didn’t want to stay in a situation that was aggravating me and pissing me off, so I resigned. I’m not going to play the victim. I didn’t agree with what they were telling me to do, and I don’t agree with the policy.
Since then Loomer has continued to harass Ms. Clinton at book signings as well as claiming to investigating the horrible tragedy that occurred in Las Vegas (hint: it was a conspiracy with more than one shooter and no doubt she will determine the Clintons, Obama,  "deep state" false flag operators, Muslims, George Soros, or a combination of all of these were culprits). And no, I'm not kidding:
However prior to all this and while still working for Ezra she was also getting caught in transparent lies:
I mean, come on! Who you think you're fooling with THAT?

Now that I have set the table and introduced the guests, it appears that should one day there be a "Rebel Media" family reunion, Ezra might not want to use the good china as Ms. Southern and Ms. Loomer might start throwing plates at each other:

This is Cassandra Fairbanks, fyi.

21 October 2017

October 21, 2017: Toronto Anti-Government/White Nationalist Protest and Counter-Protest Updates

Today is Ronny Cameron's big (remains to be seen) "Trudeau Must Go" rally which also serves as a cover for an anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim rally. Hate groups such as the Northern Guard from Ottawa and Quebec are on their way to attend and will arrive at around 2:30 (half an hour after the event starts):

Hmmm, I thought according to these people that only, "antifa cowards" wore masks. 


Isn't it cute how Myatt likes to play soldier while still in his mid 20s?

There is a planned counter rally opposing these groups.

As of this moment (2:26 Central Time), and numbers may very well change, there are around 15 - 20 fascist supporters surrounded by 175 counter protesters. Seems like there may have been a scuffle and one arrest.

ARC will do our (yep, I can say "our" again) best to provide information as it becomes available.

UPDATE 1: While Ronny is currently live videoing the event from his perspective, this is the reaction from at least one individual.

He's also claiming that they are "winning" because they are showing how brave they are to be standing up to a larger group all the while complaining to the police about the counter protesters.

By the way, the fascist side is chanting the following at the counter protesters:
You can't run. You can't ride. You get a helicopter ride.

You know, because they totally aren't fascists.

In an earlier, briefer, live video update, Ronny appeared pretty salty about people not showing up:


Currently there appear to be a handful of Son's of Odin, Proud Boys, III%ers, and assorted bigots.

UPDATE 2: Well, it seems Myatt, Massaad, and the small contingent of Northern Guard members have joined the party.



UPDATE 3: Ronny having a hissy fit that Ron Banerjee might be showing up. Warning Northern Guard member that he might be showing up for.... reasons:

Ronny letting Northern Guard member that Banerjee is not permitted to come.
UPDATE 4: The numbers have evened out it seems. Though the fascist are still outnumbered, they are sitting at maybe 150. The counter protesters are about 200. Massaad interviewing people who talk about counter protesters not being informed and that they are, "faggots."

By the way, while Ronny continues to complain about counter protesters who, "don't realize this is an anti-Trudeau rally" it seems he did a poor job of communicating to his supporters that they need to hide their agenda a bit better:

Again, I thought only "cowardly antifa" wore masks?
Well it's sure a good thing these people oppose the injection of religion into politics, amirite?

UPDATE 5: Things seem to be winding down as of 5:00 pm.

UPDATE 6: And at 5:18 pm, this is where the crowd was at....

.... and 8 minutes after that:

I'll write a more detailed summary later, but for now it looks like the anti-racists at the height of their numbers was in the 175-200 range while the fascists were around 150 at their height.

Massaad posted a video of the fascist side leaving the area which provides a decent look at some of their numbers:


Cameron posted a live video feed. I may eventually publish it, however in the mean time here are a few of the comments which range from the usual "George Soros pays antifa" to calls to commit acts of violence:

I'll finish this up with some links from the msn: