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Anarchist Wallpaper #3 October 2017: Sabotage the surveillance state! Let’s all be perpetrators

Here is the third edition of the Anarchist Wallpaper! This time on surveillance, the dragnet law and the necessity of sabotage. Download the wallpaper, print and circulate it!

Download the wallpaper:

Sabotage the surveillance state! Let’s all be perpetrators.

On surveillance, the dragnet law and the necessity of sabotage.

You are being watched; on the street, at the train station, on social media, through your phone calls and e-mail correspondence. The state and its collaborators desire total control, whether you’ve ‘done something’ or not, everyone is a suspect. As per the 1st of January 2018 the intelligence agencies will be granted new powers. They are permitted to expand their information collecting beyond specific suspects and so implement mass surveillance. In the eyes of the state everyone is a suspect. So let us all be perpetrators and accomplices!

Last June the First Chamber approved the so called ‘dragnet law’. This law gives intelligence agencies more powers than they already had. They will be able to monitor and store digital data on a massive scale. They will also be able to hack all automated devices such as phones, laptops and tablets without a person being a ‘suspect’. A secret DNA database can be created to store anyone’s DNA, again without being ‘suspected’ of having done something. All stored data can be shared with foreign intelligence agencies without prior analysis by the domestic intelligence agencies.

The dragnet law is a big step for the state towards total control and fits in the recent trend of repression such as forced identification, camera surveillance and preventive stop and searches by the police. The new law, like others in recent years, is enforced with the excuse of security risks and the growing need to protect citizens from terrorism. The actual implementation of this law can be found in poorer neighbourhoods, and will be used against people who do not conform to the white status quo. In poor neighbourhoods like the Schilderswijk in The Hague camera surveillance, stop and searches by the police and intimidation are rampant. The information collected by new state methods will be used against people who resist this harassment. A growingly repressive state does not ensure less terror attacks, quite the opposite. A repressive state ensures exclusion and protects only those who claim to have financial interests; government institutions, big companies and powerful institutions. The rest of us are considered a constant threat and to be constant suspects while we are chased, controlled and humiliated. The mechanisms of state control seem to be untouchable, but nothing is further from the truth. Every system has its weaknesses and every system is susceptible to sabotage.

A control mechanism developed and created to protect a system that only protects the interests of capitalist institutions is a direct attack on us. And an attack on us cannot remain unanswered. Let’s take down the cameras on street corners that form the eyes of the state. Let’s burn the cables and power supplies of the servers and computers that monitor and store our information. Let’s attack the companies who make their profits through this control mania. Let’s sabotage the state so we can live. If we are all suspects, let’s all be perpetrators!

Freedom for Peike!

During the G20-protest last July in Hamburg thousands of people took to the street to protest the meeting of the leaders of the 20 most industrialised nations. The protests encountered heavy police repression that started a riot. The German state seized this opportunity to attack and criminalise autonomous structures.

The German news website Indymedia Linksunten has been banned. More than 100 people were arrested under whom Peike from Amsterdam. Peike was the first to go on trial and was sentenced to 2 years and 7 months imprisonment for allegedly throwing two beer bottles at police officers. The prosecution demanded 1 year and 7 months, the judge made it 2 years and 7 months. Peike is momentarily imprisoned in Hamburg. Freedom for Peike and all the prisoners! For more information see:

Poland: Warsaw’s Anarchist Black Cross invites you to 4th Anti-Prison Days [27th-29th October]

Dear Friends,
on 27th-29th of October ABC Warsaw invites you to join 4th edition of Antiprison Days in Warsaw. The main topic of this year is “Support your local ABC”.
Here in Poland, we see the need of discussion about the big role of anti-rep structures in our struggles so we would like to invite different people and groups to share their experience with repressions and how it was possible to deal with them. There will be also space to talk about difficulties in being support group and why and how anti-rep and anti-prison campaign is part of every social/land/climate/world struggle.
Of course we will not be able to talk about everything what is important because the event will be open for everybody – but the aim is to start some process in people’s mind. There will be also space to present your activities and/or your groups.
If you would like to join the event and prepare some presentation/discussion – feel more than welcome to contact us: ack.waw [at] riseup. The program is still open so if you have any ideas, please just write. The deadline for program proposals is 12th of October. We can also offer to cover the travel costs if it would be needed.
All the best! In solidarity,
Warsaw ABC

Warsaw’s Anarchist Black Cross invites you to 4th Anti-prison Days!

The topic of prison system in Poland is still considered a social taboo and it is still common to paint a black picture of those behind bars. At the same time, the authorities are enforcing the policy of fear to justify the implementation of gradually more strict laws aiming at all those opposing their authoritarian intentions.

In west Europe and the us the anti-prison campaigns are naturally connected with social fights in others fields: fighting for workers’ laws, fighting against land usurpation and elimination of small farmers, supporting immigrants, protecting environment, fighting for the tenants rights and many more. In Poland if this topic exists at all, it is still a newborn rather than taking its toll.

Meanwhile, only in 2016 in Poland more then 70 thousand people were imprisoned in 64 remand centres and 84 prisons.. What that system actually generates is more pathology, deprivation of dignity, violence and modern slavery. This is not a joke – as many as 22,5% of those imprisoned are forced to work for free, and the new amendment to the prison system law, that have been forced through not long ago, will increase those numbers fast. Those imprisoned will have to work even more for the glory of capitalism, for the growth of “our” economy, similar to the prisoners building Kulczyk’s the so called “Highway of Freedom”. Does it constitute to conditions in which they are kept? By no means. They are still treated as an underclass, dregs of society to be ashamed of, to be stripped of what is left of their humanity, to be humiliated, beaten, abused, and deprived of hope. Is it still unbelievable that statistically every second day someone behind bars tried to commit suicide?

Do you think that living “outside” makes you a free person? Think again: how much time do you spend at work? How much time do you spend with your loved ones? How often do you have to sacrifice those relations in order to survive? And finally – do you really feel safe? How far can the forces go to control you? Just a year ago, 3 new acts came into force turning the meaning of the word “freedom” into dust – the amendment to the police act (also known as the surveillance act), the anti-terrorist act and the public assemblies act. Statistics are clear – the brutality of police is increasing every year, and those responsible stay unpunished, e.g. as many as 98,7% charges pressed against police imposing statements with tortures did not end in indictment. Meanwhile, at the police stations, people are murdered; more criminal and minor offence cases are being issued for every resistance act: writing leaflets, participating in demonstrations or organizing events and actions.

We are not going to be passive any more! We need solidarity with those who are repressed, behind bars and those outside prisons, we need to build wide anti-repression structures. This is what we want to discuss during the 4th Anti-prison Days.

Repression are becoming more and more common.
To fight back we need to act together.
Until all of them are free, none of us is free.
Support you local ABC.

Join us during 4th Anti-prison Days!
27-29th October 2017
Przychodnia Skłot // Cafe Kryzys

What is planned for 4th Anti-prison Days?

– meetings and discussion panels;
– anti-prison art gallery, an exhibition of works by artists involved in
projects with prisoners;
– anti-prison movies screenings;
– writing letters to prisoners;
– collecting books for prisoners;
– soli tattos;
– ABC’s distro;
– soli party for ABC.

in Polish, Portuguese, German

Milan, Italy : Sit-in in solidarity at the courthouse of Milan

In the event and in support of the International Week for Antispeciesist Action, we communicate the performance of a sit in, planned for the 30th of October, from 9 a.m., at the courthouse of Milan in solidarity with the comrades who, on that day, are going to be subjected to the second hearing regarding the occupation of the animal facility of the Department of Pharmacology of the State University of Milan, that occurred on the 20th of April of 2013, and that led to the liberation of 400 mice and a rabbit, in addition to the disclosure of the documentation, intended to bring down the wall of silence which still allows to excuse the exploitation of animals.

The cages are not just that four heavy walls that contain the animals, forced to suffocate between the narrow gears of the conveyor belt, prisons without light, labs closed between walls that have been stripped for years by lacerated nails, mutilated paws, but they are every room that has bars, even mental ones. Freedom is a moral duty that urges the individual to extend it to the multitudes, without limits or barriers, regarding the species, the skin, the color or the scent. As long as there is still one of us who is imprisoned don’t talk to us about rights. Our rights have the shape of the blade which denies them to others. Labs are full of beings who are massacred and stoned to death for our rights, to extend, up to a day, our chained lives, the lives of the “Us” who are shortsighted, and have the convictions of brotherhood and respect, a controlled and dosed kind of respect. Furthermore, scientific research through the suffering of non human animals carried out within the walls of universities, has many valences: considering individuals as tools, objects, goods which can be used as it wishes, makes university a place where speciesism is taught and instilled in students’ minds; very often research performed at the universities is carried out in collaboration with big pharmaceutical groups and grants from companies and private foundations like Telethon: where university should be the base of free and democratic knowledge, there this knowledge, along with students’ minds, is sold off and commodified.

We are complicit and in solidarity with the ones who are victims of a repressive system that criminalise liberators, legitimising those who make their weapon of control and social manipulation out of the prevarication of non human and human animals; and who are subject to imprisonment or reduced to a mere commercial item. For total liberation, against any form of slavery and exploitation of Earth by humans, of animals by humans, and of humans by other humans, as long as there is submission there will be rebellion: in memory of Barry Horne, Jill Phipps, Clement Meric, Remì Freise and of all the victims of fascism, capitalism and speciesism.

The sit in is independent, self-determined and self-organised with a grass-root approach, free from any symbol of parties and associations, based on the principles of antifascism and, therefore, antispeciesism.

Hierarchical and discriminatory attitudes are not going to be tolerated, consequently those who don’t respect the values of an initiative which aims to total liberation are going to be banished.

via contagioantispecista

[Belarus] Brutal repression against anarchists; Pyotr Ryabov, anarchist philosopher imprisoned for 6 days, declared a hunger strike

Received 10/14/17

[Information provided by anarchist group Pramen]

– To 9 th of October, the police attacked the lecture of Pyotr Ryabov

Around 16.30 it became known that in Grodno, Belarus police broke into a lecture from Pyotr Vladimirovich Ryabov, which was going on in “Tsentr Garadskogo Zhytsia” (Belarusian – “The center of the city life”).

Two lectures of the senior lecturer of the Department of Philosophy of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, candidate of philosophical sciences Pyotr Ryabov (well-known anarchist) were supposed to take place in Grodno today and in Baranoichi tomorrow. The topic of today’s lecture was “Libertarian social thought of the last third of the twentieth and early twenty-first century.”

Cops arrested all those present: around 20 people, including Ryabov himself. Now they are taken to the police department.

This is the 3rd act of a brutal repression against Belarusian anarchists in last 2,5 month. In August local police broke into the lecture of Russian anarchist and ex-political prisoner Alexey Sutuga. In September, 28th, cops searched 2 houses of Minsk anarchists and confiscated printing facilities and electronics.

-To 11th of October, the city court of Baranovichi, Belarus, sentenced Russian anarchist Pyotr Ryabov

Pyotr Ryabov, anarchist philosopher, lecturer of department of Philosophy in Moscow State Pedagogical University was sentenced to 6 days of prison for “small hooliganism” and “distribution of extremist materials (statute 17.1 and 17.11 of codex of misdemeanors of Belarus).

The Court considered Belarusian anarchist journal “Svoboda ili Smert №6”, published in 2007, as extremist material. However these were trumped up charges, real reason of the arrest was lecture on anarchist movement, for which Ryabov came to Baranovichi. Ryabov was arrested on his way back to Moscow in Baranovichi train station, he was supposed to talk in another event in Moscow.

– After sentence, Pyotr Ryabov declared a hunger strike.

In Portuguese, German

International call for antispeciesm actions


Sharpen your ideas against animal exploitation



in portuguese, greek

Italy: Call for International Solidarity on 16 November — Scripta Manent Trial

On November 16th, at 10 am, in front of the high security court in Turin, will be held the first hearing of the trial Scripta Manent, and it will be a long-running case, in which 22 anarchist comrades are charged, and seven of them are still in prison.

The repressive State apparatus accuses a part of the anarchist movement of attacking it with the practices of: destructive direct action against its structures and its men, realization and distribution of anarchist publications, and support for revolutionary prisoners.

The theorem of prosecutor Sparagna is that the positions of accused comrades are isolated and distant from the anarchist context.

It is a blatant attempt to factionalise and confine the anarchism to certain fenced enclosures, legal and interpretative.

We demolish the attempt to isolate these comrades and we affirm that the practices and positions they are accused of, constitute a patrimony of all anarchists and revolutionaries, and we reaffirm our closeness and our solidarity with the defendants.

We make a call to take part in the gathering on Thursday, November 16th, at 10 am, in front of the high security court of “Le Vallette” Turin prison, and we relaunch the call for international solidarity with all anarchist, rebel and revolutionary prisoners; in any place and in accordance with the modalities that each person considers more appropriate.

in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, German

Uruguay: Agitation Week to gain Mumia´s Freedom (October 15 – 22, 2017)

received 10/11/2017

Many of you already know about the untiring struggle of Mumia Abu-Jamal, one of the most recognized political prisoners in the world. He is allegedly found guilty and sentenced to death for the murder of the white cop Daniel Faulkner in Philadelphia on December 9, 1981.

In fact the Police and Prosecutor of Philadelphia criminalized and tried to assassinate him for being Black Panther, sympathizer of MOVE and revolutionary journalist, always writing on people´s side and against power.

Perhaps you have participated in actions and activities that in 1995 and 1999 achieved to stop the execution that was already planned.

Or perhaps you were part of the international movement that finally turned out in the revocation of the death penalty in 2011.

Or maybe you took part in the campaign to gain medical care for hepatitis C after he almost died on March 30, 2015.

Without a continuous struggle for two years, they would never have given him the treatment with the new antivirals, which healed Mumia almost immediately and helped him feel much better. But unfortunately prison authorities let so much time pass that he developed cirrhosis of the liver. That is why now more than ever is urging freedom.

There is now a new legal possibility to dismiss the guilty verdict for Mumia. The US Supreme Court in the recent Williams vs. Pennsylvania case found that Ron Castille, the Philadelphia Attorney General who later became a Pennsylvania Supreme Court Judge, violated the US Constitution by serving as a judge and part in the case of Terrance Williams. The same happened in the case of Mumia with Castille, who played a prominent role in the Prosecutor’s Office in obtaining a false guilty verdict, and then, as a judge, rejected more than 30 appeals from Mumia.

We are now pushing for the Prosecutor’s Office to hand over all of his files on Castille’s involvement in the case as a first step to filing appeals again. It takes the action of all to gain his freedom. That is why we are calling on all the singularities, collectives, communities and organizations to a Week of Agitation for Mumia’s freedom.

For the freedom of Mumia Abu-Jamal and the fall of prisons and the system that engenders them!

Amigxs de Mumia Uruguay

in Spanisch

[Italy] Anarchist comrades Billy, Costa and Silvia have trial process ended

Fight against biotech does no stops, solidarity and complicity

received 10/10/17
A few days ago the trial court in Turin held a hearing of the trial going on in the Italian state against eco-anarchist comrades Billy, Costa and Silvia. The Supreme Court confirmed the “non-procedural default of jurisdiction”, as already decided at first instance and in appeal, for the principle of not being able to process twice a defendant for the same act. It then closes once and for all, with this definitive decision, their affair in the state courts.

Solidarity to the comrades – Fire to IBM and the techno-prison world

in italian via CNA italia, portuguese

Porto Alegre, Brasil: Our Country is the World

The World is My Country!

received 10/8/17

Today we stretch a strip in a busy avenue of Porto Alegre with the words “O Mundo é Meu País!” (The World is My Country!). We want to remind all people that no country, new or old, will solve our problems or give us the freedom we want! On the contrary, more borders further restrict people’s freedom. Mainly in a country based on regionalism and eurocentric notions.

Separatists argue that is not possible to indentify what in fact unites
people born in Brasil. We can not but agree. But that’s because all
nations are abstractions! Borders are nothing more than arbitrary
separations, based on superficial or invented similarities that ignore
the original people, such as the Guarani people wo inhabit the region of three states, but also others parts of Brasil and also Paraguay and
Argentina. Nations are born motivated by forced migration, genocides and ethnic cleansing. A nation, however small, is an abstraction that serve us nothing. And inthis case, even worse, because it is racist when it is based on a european ancestry.

These newly invented borders allow us to paint as an enemy who is on the other side of the line, and thus control us all even more (and send us to unfounded wars). In the case of the movement “O Sul é Meu País” (The South is My Country) this enemy is created by placing the southern states as exploited by the northern states. They go so far as to say that the southern states are like a colony from the rest of the country. This myopic view generates a scapegoat and obfuscates the real responsible for scarcity and crisis.

Capitalizing on the growing rejection of partisan politics, the movement balances on a tightrope by declaring itself no-partisan, seeking to appear neutral. Despite this, their laderships can not hide their neoliberal and right-wing tendencies, bordering on fascism. In fact, the independence of the south is even a pattern of neo-nazi movements.

Defenders of the separation of the three southern states say that
“Brasília does not represent us”, but wants to replace it with another
government that, like every government, is a tool to control and oppress the people.
Yes, Brasília (capital of Brasil) does not represent us, but Piratini (capital of this new country) does not represent us either. No one represent us. We are ungovernable!

No more countries! For the end of ALL borders!

in Portuguese, Spanish

International Week of Action against Speciesism [October 30 to November 5]

received 10/09/17

An international call for a week of action against speciesism, from October 30 and November 5, has been launched. It encourages folks to carry out all kinds of actions, from street propaganda (paintings, posters, distribution of leaflets …) to workshops/forums and debates in your meeting spaces – to self-organizing various actions against specific businesses with the tools that each person may consider appropriate – to mass mobilizations and demonstrations. May each one be organized as it suits each one involved, and may they shake all the cages. In memory of Barry Horne and all the human and nonhuman victims of speciesism and domination.

Solidarity between species is not just a written word!

in Spanish, Portuguese

Graz (Austria): Spontaneous demonstration against the power plant

On Monday (October 2nd) we went into the streets to show our anger against the construction of the water power plant at the Mur river. With a banner saying “Cut down the state, not the trees” around 20 people moved through the inner city of Graz in an uncontrollable way. Some hundreds of leaflets were handed out to passers-by, traffic was temporarily blocked and fireworks were used as well.

After an hour the demonstration dissolved, the banner was hung to a construction fence and before the cops arrived, everybody was already gone.

A short quote from the leaflet, that was handed out:

“The fight for the Mur river is only one aspect of the conflict about our neighbourhoods and finally of our lives. Every started attack against authority is a step out of immaturity. It shows, that nothing is impossible – no matter how hard they try to convince us of the opposite day after day.”

Let us sabotage the projects of authority, that bore and destroy our lives! With all the means, we prefer…

Down with authority!

in German

Italy: News from Florence

received 10/05/17

[This text explains the recent police operation against anarchists in Florence, Italy]

On the 1st of January 2017, following the explosion of home-made bomb in front of the fascist bookshop in which a policeman from the bomb disposal unit lost a hand and an eye, several homes of comrades were searched. The police were hoping to find firearms and/or explosives. The searches didn’t lead to nothing except for the seizure of pamphlets, computers, clothing and other generic objects ( or can say materials). An investigation against persons unknown  was launched with intention to charge with the offences “manufacturing, possession, and transportation of an explosive or incendiary device to a public place”  and “ attempted murder”.

The police began a separate operation called  “Operazione Panico”  (Operation Panic) on January 31st . At 12:30am the police knocked at the door of several comrade’s houses to notify them of the enforcement of ten provisional measures. These consisted of 3 people confined to house arrest, 4 people given orders to prevent them from leaving the city also forcing them to return by evening to their houses  and to sign on a daily basis at the police station. And lastly 3 people were given bail conditions of signing on at the police station everyday.

During the course of Operazione Panico 35 people were directly targeted. It also lead to the eviction of Villa Panico,one of Florence’s historic squats which had been occupied for the past 10 years. In total 12 peopl were charged with the offence of “ membership of a criminal organisation”. The suspects of this repressive operation are all under investigation for a series of contested events which happened in the city in 2016. These events include an attack with clubs and bricks on the fascist bookshop, an explosion at the same bookshop and distribution  of anti-militarist leaflets at a local market which resulted in a handful of people being brought to the police station and charged with “ resistance and refusal to provide evidence of identity”. Other events were a fight with police in April following one to many of ntheir usual provocations which ended up in the arrest of 3 comrades (Michele, Francesca and Alessio), a sit in and solidarity demostration/march with those arrested.

Two months following the end of the operation two comrades were imposed a series of repressive measures constantly escalating in their severity from daily signature at the pig station to house arrest. A 3rd comrade was also bailed to sign on daily at the police station. This new wave of repression and arrests were linked to the simple appearance of militant graffiti across the city.

On the 3rd of August, a joint nation-wide operation between the DIGOS (the police special operations unit) , the ROS ( the Carabiniri’s special operations unit) and the counter-terrorism police ended up in 8 further arrests: 6 in Florence, 1 in Rome and 1 in Lecce.  Five comrades were charged with attempted homicide for the New-eve bombing .The others with the  offence of “manufacturing, possession, and transportation of an explosive or incendiary device to a public place”. The second charge relates to a molotov attack against a Carabinieri barracks which happened on the night of the fight against police mentioned earlier.

On Augusts 5th, 6 arrestees were released by the GIP (judge for the
preliminary investigation) due to lack of evidence against them. One
comrade, Salvatore Vespertino, is still in jail because the authorities
claimed to have found traces of his DNA on components used to build the bomb. Paska, another comrade, who should have been released for lack of evidence for the events New Years eve, is still being held in prison for alleged “ membership of a criminal organisation” based on evidence gathered during Operation Panico.

As Paska’s case shows, the investigation against persons unknown  has therefore been incorporated with Operation Panico. This means that they have adopted the same line of inquiry be it for those charged with “membership of a criminal organisation” or for the several specific offences.


Salvatore Vespertino
casa circondariale Sollicciano
Via Minervini 2/r
50142- Firenze

Pierloreto Fallanca
Casa circondariale
Via Paolo Perrone, 4
73100 – Lecce

To support the comrades and the legal costs:

Youssra Ramadan
Card Number: 5333 1710 3998 6134
IBAN: IT81R0760105138290113490114

in portuguese, spanish

Amsterdam: Spontaneous demonstration in solidarity with G20 prisoners

Received 10-01-2017

Yesterday (30-9-2017) a manifestation took place in Amsterdam in solidarity with comrades who are momentarily in prison after the G20 protests in Hamburg (Germany) this July. After the manifestation a spontaneous demonstration started through the inner city of Amsterdam.

100 people took part in the manifestation in solidarity with G20 prisoners. There were speeches and music acts. After the manifestation about 50 people walked an unannounced demonstration through the centre of Amsterdam to Spuiplein.

Freedom for all G20 prisoners! Freedom for Peike!

[UK] Bang Up and Smash: Women’s Prisons, Probation and Bail Hostels

[New book] Bang-up and Smash  is an overview of women’s prisons in the UK, and a political analysis of their physical and ideological construction.

From the moment of arrest, to coming home, Bang-up and Smash critically engages with the procedures, concepts and apparatus the state relies on, and the economics behind the expansion of the prison industrial complex.

Bang-up and Smash is a practical guide to women’s prisons in the UK, and a rallying call to attack. Solidarity is a weapon, and abolition is not enough…

Click here to download the book.

Print version (paper and hardback) available from active distribution.

For more info email

Copy left. share, discuss, dismiss…. comments welcome.

[Argentina] WE CAN STILL BE WORSE – Reflections and considerations on the month following the disappearance of Santiago Maldonado

Received 9/24/17

Reflections and considerations on the month following the disappearance of Santiago Maldonado

On August 1st, members of the Pu Lof Mapuche community in resistance in the province Cushamen barricaded National Route 40, along with allies in solidarity. They cut off traffic in solidarity against the legal proceedings confronting el Lonko Facundo Jones Huala (for the second time). Minutes later, cars and trucks arrived carrying about thirty border police armed with rifles. The peñis (Mapuches) began throwing rocks, responding to the presence of the bastard forces of order. The Gendarmerie advances to the shots, burning the precarious houses and belongings of the Lof, forcing the occupiers to retreat across a river. Santiago Maldonado (“Lechuga” or “el Brujo“) fell behind the rest. Some of the inhabitants of the Lof saw that the Gendarmerie grabbed Santiago; others testified as to hearing the police say they “got one.”

Afterwards, images and testimony began to circulate about how Santiago was missing, and that it seemed the Gendarmerie had taken him away in a “unimog” all-terrain military vehicle. The authorities were silent through this whole process.

On Friday, August 4, various anarchists and individuals in solidarity entered the seat of government in Chubut province, demanding Santiago’s return. The place was ripe for destruction. Computers, notebooks, windows, and decorations were all viciously destroyed, and fliers and graffiti were left behind referring to the repression in Cushamen.

On Monday, August 7, a gathering was called in the Plaza del Congreso, bringing various organizations and groups together with Santiago’s family. The gathering ended up being quite large, and many comrades showed up. Enraged not only because of what had happened, but also because the political apparatus — getting ready for their elections — had been distributing fliers for their Leftist Front. On the same day, after the gathering, Entre Ríos street was cut off, and the occupiers threw rocks and firecrackers at the infantry, fending off the two city police and one National Congress guardsman who had been stationed nearby. Afterward, two police motorcycles were set ablaze. In the end, the group dispersed, without any arrests or injuries on our side.

On Friday, August 11, marches and actions were coordinated throughout various parts of the country: Bolsón, Bariloche, Rosario, and Buenos Aires. In the capital, human rights groups (including a section of the Madres de la Plaza de Mayo, the mothers of individuals disappeared during the period of dictatorship), gathered alongside family members and friends of Lechuga’s, with more leftist organizations bringing together a “peaceful” gathering in the Plaza de Mayo, in front of the Pink House, the seat of government. In front of the multitude, one of Lechuga’s brothers read some of his writing, leaving his anarchist, anti-police position completely clear.

One of the things that makes us quite angry is the way these events have been used by political parties — the PO, the MST, the MAS socialist convergence, and Kirchnerist parties — as well las NGOs, and unions like the CGT, with its dark history during the Peronist period, involving the AAA and para-police groups. They use partial images and histories of our comrade to give themselves a few more kernels of legitimacy in the middle of an electoral process. The kidnapping of Lechuga IS NOT A POLITICAL CAMPAIGN. These scavengers would never feel strange defending private property, the border police, or even the same governments that repress them and bury them in the misery of everyday life — because they themselves desire to obtain that same power, and exercise that same authority. We have nothing to do with them, or with their conciliatory responses to the kidnapping of our comrade.

On Thursday the 17th, a march was called in Cordoba Capital, where a great multitude demanded that Santiago be returned, alive and whole. The police deployed a massive riot-control apparatus. That same night, in the early morning, some anonymous deployed a rudimentary device that burned out the doors at the entrance to the Association of Non-commissioned Officers of the National Gendarmerie in Córdoba. No one claimed responsibility. Days later, a national march against trigger-happy cops resulted in confrontations and destruction throughout the center of Córdoba. Later, various anarchist, platformist, and political spaces were raided, including a dining hall, as well as the homes of mothers whose children were murdered by the police. Here, they only left with posters, flags, and fliers that had to do with Santiago’s case (as well as the milk from the dining hall). A few people were detained, but they were released after a few hours.

On Thursday the 24th, the group H.I.J.O.S. (made up of children of the disappeared) and other leftist groups called for a gathering and march in the Plaza San Martin in La Plata. Quite a few people attended, including a black bloc of anarchists. During the march, there was vandalism on some of the central streets of the city. The march ended in the same plaza where it had begun, across the street from the Buenos Aires Senate. Under the astonished gaze of several indignant citizens, the street was cut off, a well-placed truck was destroyed, and the senate was attacked with rocks and a pair of molotov cocktails, resulting in some destruction and burning the facade of the building. Two hours later, two individuals left large cans filled with naphtha, burning two cars parked next to the senate. No one claimed responsibility for the attack. Several days later, the intelligence chief of the Buenos Aires police was fired.

In some of these gatherings and marches, as well as in the streets and universities, and above all on social networks, we have seen that the a majority of the public has empathized with Santiago, and a smaller part has supported violent actions. It is true that in Argentina, to speak of forced disappearances is to speak of the military dictatorship and of histories that have been engraved in social sensibility. The vast majority of politicians try to hide the continuation of the repressive apparatus — hide the similarities between the dictatorship and the current democratic government. Repression, torture, and forced disappearances never really ended…

We believe that it is necessary to expand this conflict. From the first moments, comrades and allies creatively demonstrated around the world, first in Uruguay, Chile, Bolivia, and Peru, but then in the U.S., Spain, India, France, Syria, Colombia, Mexico, and many other corners of this worn-out planet. These demonstrations have spread not only the news of what happened to Lechuga, but the fact that solidarity must be internationalist and without borders other than the limits that we set for ourselves.

The press takes aim, and the state pulls the trigger

What to say about the news articles and journalistic investigations by mercenaries like Jorge Lanata, Mauro Viale, Eduardo Feinmann, and other information lackeys in the press? They put forward the name of the Mapuche Ancestral Resistance (RAM, a separatist guerrilla group), crediting them with more than thirty actions from one day to the next, from flyering to the burning of ranches, the death of a border policeman in San Martin de los Andes, and the sale of weapons and drugs. They pass along images of possible future Santiago Maldonados — individuals who could face the same fate — in Mendoza, Entre Rios, and Buenos Aires; they put together theories that Santiago was a hostage of the Mapuches, that he had died in an attack on a ranch, that he was never in the Lof, or that he was a simple artisan or traveling hippie.

After the attack on the seat of government in Chubut, the press attributed the attack to a cell of the RAM, stating that the attack “alarmingly” took place two blocks from the obelisk, and that they went in shooting; but if we look at the place for two seconds through the photos that were released, we can see clearly that there were several circle-A signs painted up, and that the damage was not done by bullets. Their exaggerations really are limitless…

The state needs to vindicate its own authority – it needs to create internal enemies. The unemployment crisis and the general economic crisis have resulted in an emergent malaise that can be felt clearly in the streets; what could be better than blaming the economic collapse on non-Argentine students, like Jorge Lanata’s news program argued? Or blaming the destruction of the formal economy on pirate disc vendors, like the América 24 news channel tried to do? What could be better than the president Mauricio Macri saying that the workers have to stop messing around with all of this about blocking roads, have to going over their bosses heads — because this discourages foreign investment?

Declarations from Patricia Bullrich (the Minister of National Security) have said that she won’t allow the Gendarmerie to be crucified (“…I’m not going to throw the Gendarmerie under the bus…”), claimed that the Maldonado case is not a forced disappearance, and declared through clenched teeth that she thinks it’s impossible that thirty border police would conspire to kill and disappear someone. As she says, this police force is not the same as it was 40 years ago, always playing the same game of “bad dictatorship, good democracy.”

The Bullrich family has always known how to defend their ideological and economic interests. Adolfo Bullrich headed a business that auctioned land off after the disastrous Desert Campaign — a campaign pushed forward by the ten-president Avellanada and continued by Julio A. Roca, the goal of which was to annihilate the native peoples who lived there, seize immense land holdings, reaffirm national sovereignty, and generate juicy business contracts with English and Welsh companies, as well as whoever wanted to invest. Esteban Bullrich, Patricia’s brother, left his post as minister of education in order to stand for election. In an election ad, Esteban spoke of the positive changes that the Cambiemos government had generated during those months, stating “We have put more kids in school, more pavement on the streets, and more young men in prison…” Are these words surprising, coming from someone who defended the repressive murderer Luis Patti so that he could exercise his position in congress? He did declare that in a democracy, there is space for debate between different ideologies…

After the proposal for a week of action for Santiago went out over the internet, state security forces were put on alert — so much so that a senior official in the intelligence department of the federal police sent a document to the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, María Eugenia Vidal (of the center-right PRO party) ordering an increase in security and patrols in the streets. The document described possible attacks, and risks to individuals belonging to the security forces, infrastructure, and buildings. The result was not only a visible increase in the number of police (in plazas, border police buildings, train stations, police precincts, and troubled neighborhoods), but that they brought out the shiny toys that we hadn’t seen for a long while: Federal Police armored vehicles, water cannon trucks, and troop transport vehicles all over the place. Everything but the army in the streets.

This new escalation of repression that has been taking place — and will continue — in the streets of the Capital, demonstrates that the ministry of security, as well as the bosses of police “intelligence” intend to restrict all solidarity, rage, and the actions that were unleashed following Santiago’s disappearance. Perhaps these sparks can bring us to break new limits…

In some of our spaces, their harassment is plainly visible. Now it’s not just phone taps and cops following some comrades home, but investigative teams taking pictures, infantry trucks on the corner, and patrols coming and going.

All of this responds to a specific context. In some neighborhoods of the province of Buenos Aires, police have been stopping members of collectives to ask for their documents and check their belongings; the notable increase in patrols and police officers is not just an effort at control and surveillance, but also at the same time, an attempt to clean up the terrible image of both the border police and the cops. During Children’s Day, border police brought trucks of toys to different schools and cafeterias — that is to say, they shamelessly repeated slogans of “solidarity” in the same places where they perform intelligence work, go in shooting, and carry out fierce repression. If their intelligence work was designed under the framework of Project X in the Kirchner epoch, when they built a database following militants and organizations, now they’ve come out onto the field of play more than ever before, becoming one more shock force that the State can employ in its favor.

Of course, the law follows not far behind, not only with the reform to law 24.660 (which removes almost all prison benefits and temporary releases, giving more decisive power to the Penal Service), but also the increases in sentences, broadening legal definitions of illicit association, carrying weapons, and damage to private property.

Relationships between Mapuches and anarchists

We have seen that in the last couple years, some Mapuche communities have been leaving aside legalistic angles of struggle, and have decided to occupy the properties of large landholders and portions of state land. Machines have been burned, there have been coordinated attacks on various positions on single ranches — similar to what is going on in the Wallmapu on the Chilean side.

The media have taken it upon themselves to declare that all Mapuches belong to the RAM, or that the Mapuches who live in the Lof belong to the RAM, generating a perfect internal enemy. In reality, the RAM (Mapuche Ancestral Resistance) are nothing more than the abbreviation with which some Mapuches claim their actions in the Wallmapu in Argentina.

El Lonko Facundo Jones Huala is recognized as belonging to this Mapuche group. At the moment, he is detained in the prison at Esquel, where he spent 18 days on hunger strike, awaiting a presumed extradition to Chile. He has recognized the occurrence of a historic confrontation not only with the Argentine state, but the Chilean state as well, along with the corporations that have devastated indigenous territories without fear of reprisal, with the excuse of “progress.” This is an ancestral struggle that has lasted more than 500 years. The RAM is only a small expression of this long struggle.

Harassment and persecution not only by the forces of order, but also by the business owners and the media is disgusting. They try to justify both repression and the advance of neocolonialism. They throw out headlines alleging that the Mapuches are connected to the FARC, that they have military assault weapons, that they are “fake indians,” and many other idiocies.

For us as anarchists, it’s impossible not to be angry with the ways that the state harasses, attacks, and disappears the Mapuche, as well as the Qom, the Wichi, or the Guaraní, not to mention the tribes living in the Amazon, who resist the advance of the machines and “human progress” understood as civilization. We share much with the Mapuche who are fighting in the south of the region, but there is also a chasm distancing us from them. Their forms of organization and the relationships that they have developed, involving themselves with nature and the land are a demonstration of their own, specific cosmovision. As anarchists, we recoil from their desire to advance and obtain their own Mapuche nation. We respect their rebel dignity, and will stand in solidarity, but we do not share in the totality of their struggle.


We all desire that our comrade be returned alive, that he might follow whatever path he might desire. We know that the state is responsible for this disappearance, because that is one of the functions of persecution and the “extermination” of the “disturbing elements” that impede the normal functioning of society. For the same reason, we cannot demand anything of our persecutors. They are responsible for the disappearances for trafficking, connections between the narcos and the police, executions of youth in our neighborhoods at the hands of the cops, the approval of laws raising sentences, playing with the lives of prisoners, responsible for the application of new technologies for social control, for the destruction of natural territories in order to put up concrete walls and plantations of soy or GMO corn – everything that turns the wheels of capitalist progress.

We feel that they have tried to depoliticize our comrade. They have attempted to deny his anarchist convictions, and they have tried to hold him up as a slogan for one more political campaign. On one hand, Cristina Kirchner and her bootlickers seem to have very short memories: They talk about Santiago, but they evaporate when we bring up Julio López. Although Hebe de Bonafinni (one of the founders of the Madres de la Plaza de Mayo) might have said that López was a jailer and that Santiago was a social activist, she said it to defend Kirchenerism. And what’s more, it’s a lie – López was a carpenter and was disappeared in 2006 because he was going to testify against Miguel Osvaldo Etchecolatz, a leader of the forces of repression during the dictatorship. López’ disappearance demonstrates that even after 15 years, the military still has plenty of power. Nor do they want to talk about Luciano Arruga — a youth from the marginal neighborhood Lomas de Mirador, who was kidnapped, murdered, and buried as a John Doe in the la Chacarita cemetery, because he refused to steal for the police. Nor do they want to remember Cristian Ibáñez, who was detained by the police only to later appear to have “killed himself” in his cell in a police precinct in Jujuy, or Marcelo Cuellar, who was murdered in the town of Libertador General San Martín in 2003, at a march following Ibáñez’ murder — both were militants with the Combative Classist Current. They don’t want to talk about Carlos Fuentealba, killed by police repression in Neuquén during a labor organizers’ roadblock of Route 22 in 2007, or Juan Carlos Erazo, killed in Mendoza in 2008 following a brain abscess resulting from an injury when he was hit by a rubber bullet and tear gas, during a factory takeover where he worked. They want to forget that on June 17, 2010, Diego Bonefoi was murdered by police in Bariloche, shot in the back of the head. On the next day, the neighborhood organized a protest, and two more youths were killed in the resulting police repression: Nicolás Carrasco and Sergio Cárdenas. On October 20 of the same year, Mariano Ferreyra – a militant in the Workers’ Party — was shot twice and killed by strikebreakers from the Railway Union, during a protest organized by workers whose jobs at Roca Railways in Avellanada had been outsourced. During the Kirchner era, indigenous peoples have had the same bad luck. The indigenous community member Javier Chocobar, part of a Diaguita community in Tucumán, was resisting displacement alongside other members of the community. On October 12, 2009, An ex-police member in service of the landowners drove in and started shooting, killing and injuring other inhabitants of the community. On November 23, 2010, in Formosa, some indigenous Qom members of the community La Primavera blocked a road to reclaim their lands. The police repressed them violently, murdering two members of the community, Sixto Gómez and Roberto López

This has not only taken place under Kirchenerism. All governments are of one color, and have dozens of repressive murders on their hands. Further back there are Víctor Choque, Teresa Rodríguez, Mauro Ojeda, Francisco Escobar, Aníbal Verón, Carlos Santillán, Oscar Barrios, the youths Maximiliano Tasca, Cristian Gómez, Adrián Matassa, Miguel Bro, Javier Barrionuevo, Petete Almirón, Dario Santillán and Maximiliano Kosteki, and so many more who have been beaten, tortured, disappeared, and murdered by the forces of order — in neighborhoods, in police precincts, in psychiatric hospitals, in brothels and jails.

Their hands are bloody — soaked with the blood of the marginalized, the blood of illegals, the blood of rebels. Passivity is not an option: It’s time to demand vengeance. Vengeance against the executioners, and vengeance for the life of misery they have imposed. Vengeance for their constant violence. There has never been peace, with so many dead, and we know who is responsible. We know their names, their titles, and their intentions. They try to call us infiltrators, to call us violent, and we reply:

Some anarchists in Buenos Aires, September 2017

in Spanish, Portuguese

UK: End Toxic Prisons Tour Dates & Details

received 09/24/17

Tour Details

Thursday 28th September
7pm, 125 Caledonian Road, London, N1 9RG

Friday 29th September
With IWW Cymru Wales and No Prisons De Cymru
Connect International English Academy, First Floor, 26-28 Churchill Way, CF10 2DY Cardiff

Saturday 30th September
Port Talbot
10.30am, Aberavon Beach Hotel, The Princess Margaret Way, Swansea Bay, Port Talbot, SA12 6QP

With No Prisons De Cymru
7pm, Swansea Environment Centre, SA1 1RY

Sunday 1st October
With Bristol Anarchist Black Cross
7pm, Kebele, 14 Robertson Road, Bristol, BS5 6JZ

Monday 2nd October
With Manchester No Prisons
11am, Partisan Collective, 19 Cheetham Hill Road, M4 4FY Manchester,

Tuesday 3rd October
With Yorkshire Campaign Against Prisons
Wharf Chambers, 23-25 Wharf St, Leeds LS2 7EQ

Wednesday 4th October
With Leicester Prison Resistance
Venue TBA

Thursday 5th October
With DIT Collective
Space Studio, Swan Lane, Norwich, NR2 1HZ

Friday 6th October
Venue TBA

This Autumn, the Campaign to Fight Toxic Prisons from the US will be touring the UK with Community Action on Prison Expansion.

All over the world prisons are toxic environments causing social and ecological harm. Folks from the US have been organising resistance at the intersection of mass incarceration and the environment, successfully delaying the only current Federal prison construction for over 2 years!

Through grassroots organizing, advocacy and direct action they have been challenging the prison system which is putting prisoners at risk of dangerous environmental conditions, as well as impacting surrounding communities and ecosystems by their construction and operation. Learn about their strategy and tactics, as well as broader struggles of prison abolition, anti-racism, and environmental justice.

Information will then be shared about resistance to the six new mega-prisons in England and Wales, which themselves are proposed for toxic sites, including radiological contamination and asbestos pollution, as well as habitat destruction at every site. Learn how you can get involved!

Learn more:

Check out a recent article we wrote: Fight Toxic Prions: Mass Incarceration and Ecology –
Campaign to Fight Toxic Prisons –
Community Action on Prison Expansion –
Empty Cages Collective –

Empty Cages Collective


Hamburg: Upcoming trial of imprisoned anarchist Riccardo (G20)

received 09-23-2017

The trial that will see Riccardo accused will be held on 5 October at 9.00 at the court of Altona – Hamburg (Max Bauer Allee 91.)
It will be open but we donot yet know whether the judgment will be on the same day or will slip to another date. It depends on the hearing (in many cases they have been judged in a single day also because the defendants have confessed).
He will be judged by the second degree court that has sentences from two years upwards (in Germany the courts are divided into 3 levels based on the requested sentence, it is not a special court).
The formal charges are: breach of the peace, attack by assault and resistance.
Regarding mail censorship, there have not been any systematic blocks but some letters are blocked (so far they are 3, spread over time: a postcard, a letter, an envelope containing newspapers from Hamburg). Then envelopes containing counter-informative material and brochures were blocked.


Riccardo Lupano
Jva Billwerder
Dweerlandweg 100
22113 Hamburg

Support the Bloomington ABC Anarchist Prisoner War Fund

Donate here:

Since October 2015, Bloomington Anarchist Black Cross has been providing consistent  monthly funds to anarchist prisoners throughout the United States via our Anarchist Prisoner War Fund. We are now asking for help keeping this project going strong into the future.

We have specifically chosen comrades who were receiving very little money or support from the outside, who have no familial support, or who were otherwise in need of monetary aid. These funds have been essential when some comrades did stints in solitary due to activities surrounding the September 9th prison strike, aiding their survival in the most oppressive conditions. We also emphasize support for rebellious prisoners who have maintained the struggle behind the walls. We want to make it clear to our comrades in prison and those taking action on the outside that they can continue to struggle without fear of abandonment if they are caught.

Currently, we provide $40 each month to five anarchist prisoners:

  • Michael Kimble, a gay, Black anarchist and long-time prison rebel imprisoned for the self-defense killing of a racist homophobe.
  • Sean Swain, an anarchist prison rebel in Ohio.
  • Eric King, an anarchist doing 10 years for attempting to firebomb a Congressman’s office in solidarity with the Ferguson rebellion.
  • Jennifer Gann, an anarchist trans woman and long-time prison rebel in California.
  • Andy H., a local anarchist comrade in prison for assaulting a cop.
  • In addition, we have sent substantial amounts of money to other comrades and projects on a temporary basis: Casey Brezik, the Cleveland 4, Marius Mason, prison rebels facing repression for organizing and revolt, an anarchist social space in Malaysia in need of repairs after a fire, and imprisoned fighters of other social struggles.

Thus far, we have raised this ourselves through fundraising, exclusively through the support of local friends and comrades. This constant need for funds means our other efforts (two prison zine distros, a monthly anti-prison info night, letter writing events, a widely-distributed prison newsletter, correspondence and visits with our imprisoned comrades, sending monthly packages of zines and books to anarchist prisoners, maintaining anarchist infrastructure in Bloomington, etc) sometimes have to take a backseat. We live in a small town, and the pool of people willing to give money to anarchist prisoners isn’t large. In an effort to alleviate this, we’re asking people elsewhere to help us keep the War Fund going.

All money sent to us will go directly to imprisoned comrades:  consistently to those on our list, and periodically to others who need it.

If we can meet our goal, we will begin sending consistent funds to additional imprisoned comrades.

We thank anyone who donates, and we carry forth the promise of expanding and deepening our efforts to set our comrades free and destroy the  prison society that keeps us all confined.

Bloomington ABC

[Portugal] Means and purposes different, no enemies in common

With regard to the guerrillas in Kurdistan and its propaganda as well as the calls for an anti-fascist struggle in common between leftists and anarchists, it is necessary to make clear the distinction between anarchists and leftists:

We are libertarians, they are authoritarian.
We are anti-statists, they are in favor of the state (evidently theirs);
We fight for freedom, they for the dictatorship (of the proletariat, they say to disguise this, but dictatorship, in the background).

In Latin America in particular, but also in other parts of the world, sometimes there are comrades who look at them as if they are on the same path as us, which seems aberrant, since both our means and our purposes are completely different.

History reveals that in all situations, in all the different places where anarchists and marxists came together, the latter eventually murdered by backs or betrayed the former.

Some think it best to put all this aside, forget the facts and fight “against the common enemy” but this is a serious misunderstanding: we have no enemies in common. We are staunch enemies of every kind of state, they are enemies of this state not of the institution of the state as such.

Therefore, in the revolution we see ourselves on the side of the people and the leftists on the other side of the barricade, defending the reconstitution of the state, but this time in their hands.


in Portuguese l Spanish  l German

[September 11, Chile] No one is forgotten, nothing is settled, memory to the f@llen

Eve of 11 September. We threw pamphlets and put a banner – to steps away from where our library project works – where could read: ” NO ONE IS FORGOTTEN – NOTHING IS SETTLED – MEMORY TO THE F@LLEN”

From somewhere in the Chilean territory
Anti-authoritarian Library Libertad
Winter, 2017

In Spanish l Portuguese l German

G20. Updates on trial against Riccardo

received 9/15/17

The date of the hearing against Riccardo, an anarchist charged with criminal offences relating to riot days against G20 in Hamburg in July, is set. It will be held on 5 October at the Court of Hamburg.
We call on everyone to take part in solidarity presence, organised for that day, in the courtroom (Riccardo will be there) and at the Court, as well as in activities which will be promoted in Genoa during those days. Updates will follow.

Meeting to discuss solidarity initiatives and updates:
Tuesday 19 september, 20.00 pm.
Il Mainasso — 6, Square Santa Maria in Passione — Genoa

[Argentina] Destroy Sergeant(ina)

Headquarters of the GEO (special group of anti terrorist operations) in Argentina.

received 08/09/17

Destroy Sergeantina!!!

Those are not just words: we reached the “level” of direct action and they lie about us because they fear us. Not everything that happens hits the system’s newspapers! Even ours! And everything runs really fast, comrades. Revolutionary vertigo, which shakes up the heart: it was what we wanted and finally what we’ve got. Let’s not flatter ourselves. As our beutiful comrades from Portugal warn us, let’s be intelligent: neither “library anarchism” nor “self destructive punk”, fine? We don’t make up anything. We met el Lechu and better listen to us very well those who now claim he is a public figure… He is, to say, one of us: ANARCHIST! Enemy of the state, the capital and the shitty “social peace” of those who now (…and may a lightning fall in the head of those who call him “ayahuasca junkie”) whip his missing doing politics with our ideals. We are not “infiltrated”, as those people conniving with the spectacle cluck every time it burns passion for the anarchic revolt.

In August 31, the building of GEOF was torched… the “anti terrorist” Federal Operations Special Group building in the middle of the burgeosie neighborhood of Palermo… plenty Buenos Aires downtown, and the shitty media has hidden; they did the same thing with a lot of offensives that, did not even go through their heads, could strike their power structures.

After the demonstration, on September 1, the 35th Gendarmerie Battalion was almost torched with Molotovs (were they “infiltrated”, too?).

In La Plata, we torched a part of the senate, and then there was an attack on the security ministry, with a wounded gendarme and burned cars, with no arrests.

After the demo in Buenos Aires, where 31 people were arrested, without even being at the barricade of Avenida de Mayo, the media again said that everything was calm until about twenty hooded ones attacked the government building and were, by little, near to burn his filthy office.

It did not end there: the headquarters of the gendarmerie were destroyed in a coordinated action of great risk and great bravery…

We can not fail to mention the repression in Cordoba! Police officers entered several anarchist spaces (information about that are circulating in the networks), in the provincial capital, and took drums and banners.
The fascist newspaper “La Nación” now aims at the former FLA (Argentinean anarchist federation), which has now become an anarchist cultural center, let us stay alert… If they touch one @, they touch all @ and even if the repression become stronger, we will make their worst nightmares turn into reality.

We thank the Contra Info for its work and also to all those who (everywhere) support our struggle until death against all authority.

M@K (i), Anarchic. Kosmic. informal Movement


translated by tormentas de fogo

Translators note:
This made us give a smile of complicity to our comrades fighting in the territory under domain of the argentinian state. This one text is claiming responsibility of some actoins on the agitation month for Santiago Maldonado. It has also a statement about some lies thrown against them by the masses. For example, in august 1st demos they were accused of being “infiltrated” just because they chose to disrupt normality instead of behave peacefully. This is what happens when the state attacks us. We hit them back with all our strength!!! WE WANT OUR COMRADE BACK NOW!!!

In Spanish l Portuguese  l German

Wien, Austria: Banner drop outside EKH

Santiago Maldonado – Apparition with life (A)

There was a banner dropped outside the EKH (autonomous center and living project) in Vienna (Austria) in solidarity with Santiago Maldonado.


In German l Portuguese l Spanish

Argentina: Actions by the appearance with life of Santiago Maldonado in Buenos Aires and La Plata (videos)

Received on 1/09/17

Actions by the appearance of Santiago Maldonado, kidnapped by the Argentine state:

Buenos Aires (10/08/17)  (English/Spanish)

La Plata (24/08/17) (Spanish)

in Portuguese l Spanish

[Chilean prisons] Letter from comrade Marcelo Villarroel concerning the case of Santiago Maldonado

Received and revised at 05/09/17

This is a letter from the libertarian prisoner Marcelo Villarroel concerning the case of Santiago Maldonado who is still missing. It also has a call for action. His words are welcome by us!!!
Fire to the prisons!!! We want our comrade Santiago Maldonado alive now!!!

translated by tormentas de fogo


These words are born and become necessary at the same time when it is necessary to embrace all those who give themselves without limits when seeking encounter with total liberation.

For the expansion of the revolt, for the unequivocal confrontation with power, for the extension of autonomous practices to deny domination and everything that makes possible its existence.

As I write, hatred and anger guide me… While each person realizes his life, there is a dear friend missing…

SANTIAGO MALDONADO – el “Lechu”, el “Brujo”, disappeared.
And I can not stay silent or ignore his physical absence.

Since we had to live prison in the region dominated by the Argentine state, our steps crossed. There were us, the prisioners in the province of Newken and there was Santiago, in the city of La Plata, next to a universe of active comrades, sharing complicity and standing in solidarity…

It’s been more than 9 years since our footsteps have crossed the continuous path of the brotherhood, this path that sets both of us on the same side of the trench.

Because we have to say clearly: We are at war against oppression and misery! Against all the police, states, countries and cowards that accommodate their speeches and lives to make it harmless and integrated.

There is no way to forget that we who have decided to continue the offensive take permanent risk. We are not passive victims of circumstance nor mere spectators.

Just like Santiago, a person in complete coherence with his anarchic feelings, who is missing since August 1st, when he was kidnapped by the Gendarmería (intermediate force between the Police and the Army), while actively supporting the Mapuche struggle in Cushamen, province of Chubut, in the south of Argentina and near the Chilean border.

It’s been a month already and Lechuga did not show up. And although Santiago is among all of us who do not forget or abandon the daily struggle, his physical presence is lacking.

We will bring him back by striking blow by blow, multiplying his gestures and actions throughout the planet against the miserable ones responsible for his disappearance.

From prison, today, my call is to deepen the attack against amnesia and fear. Because those who say they believe in anarchy must act in accordance with this conviction.

Hundreds of revolutionary prisoners around the world united by similar convictions, we are the living expression of a struggle with no nations and no borders that seeks the total destruction of all the chains, cages and prisons where most of the people on this planet are living.

These are times of combat, we can not hide the obvious.

The rebellious and ancestral fire is incinerating the machines of predatory capital, the insurrectionist blood spilled from our fallen comrades is among our war rituals, our silent conspiracies seek the only possible justice: vengeance becomes urgent and necessary.





Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda, libertarian prisoner.

High security level prison.

Santiago, Chile.

August 30, 2017.

in spanish l portuguese