Game of Chicken

Global trade once made us rich. Now it unleashes a full-spectrum assault on our well-being. Read more.

Stock Answer

Why I took the plunge at last and converted (almost) to veganism Read more.


The joints of meat that do more damage than a long-haul flight Read more.

Pregnant Silence

It’s about time we discussed the real population crisis. Read more.

The Dawning

How I caught a glimpse, through the unlikely medium of roadkill, of what lies beneath. Read more.

Slim Chance

New evidence suggests that obesity might be incurable. So why does the government propose to punish sufferers? Read more.

Ploughing On Regardless

Almost all other issues are superficial by comparison to soil loss. So why don’t we talk about it? Read more.


Every child should visit an abattoir. If you disagree, ask yourself why. Read more.

Wrong About Being Wrong

The argument seems, once more, decisively to favour veganism. Read more.

Recipes for Disaster

Isn’t it about time the media stopped publishing recipes for threatened fish? Read more.

The Mind Thieves

The evidence linking Alzheimer’s disease to the food industry is strong and growing. Read more.

Hunger Games

The rich world is causing the famines it claims to be preventing. Read more.

Mutually Assured Depletion

The EU, Norway, Iceland and the Faroes all blame each other for smashing the last great fish stock. All are wrong. Read more.


The government and the industry promised that they had dealt with aminopyralid poisoning. They haven’t. Read more.

The Press Gang

How to make and store your own apple juice. Read more.

Strong Meat

A new book has forced me to reconsider my views on food. Read more.

Towering Lunacy

Green enthusiasm for vertical farms shows that no one is untouched by magical thinking. Read more.

Strange Fruit

A hard commercial logic dictates that the only way to get good fruit today is to grow your own. Read more.

Manufactured Famine

A new wave of food colonialism is snatching food from the mouths of the poor. Read more.

The Pleasures of the Flesh

If you care about hunger, eat less meat. Read more.