The rise of bitcoin and other blockchain-based digital ''currencies'' represents the biggest threat to the existing ...

Speculating on the future of money

The cryptocurrency story is about much more than just the skyrocketing price of bitcoin; it's a bet on what the future of money will look like.

PM faces by-election, loses majority

The government faces a testing byelection, risks reversal of ministerial decisions and has lost its majority after the High Court's citizenship decision.

AWU overreach backfires

The Turnbull government may have finally gone too far in its pursuit of unions at the expense of substantial workplace reform.

US regulators rejected a proposed from the Winklevoss twins for an exchange-traded fund based on bitcoin, wiping out ...

The case for a digital $A

A proposal for a Digital Australian Dollar says it will help private blockchains incorporate efficient payments.


Tony Boyd

Macquarie leads the banking pack

It is not fashionable to write positive things about Australian banks but it is impossible to avoid commenting on the strong half year profit result from Macquarie Group.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has bolstered his power by conducting a fierce anti-corruption campaign that has removed ...

Why Xi's plan is a winner

For a country as large as China, a development model that relies on one party's leadership ability to learn and adapt makes sense.

Personal Finance