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Current Issue of The Guardian

October 25, 2017 - click here for index of articles.


Is there a more ludicrous sight than the prime minister of this wealthy, first-world country on the campaign trail in the 21st century, promising people that their lights won’t go out this Summer? Australia is a sparsely-populated nation of only 22 million people with an abundance of means to deliver power to the homes of every person. So, how does such a peculiar situation arise?  more ...

Editorial – Unity is the key

Organised labour is under attack around the world as the economic crisis bites deeper and the corporate class goes on the offensive against workers and their trade unions in pursuit of ever higher profits. In Australia, government offensives include the Heydon Royal Commission, Productivity Commission inquiry, anti-union legislation, increasing the powers of the Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC), as well as a massive smear campaign aimed at criminalising and demonising legitimate trade union activity and militant unionists.  more ...

Commemorate the Russian Revolution

All over the world, people are preparing to celebrate the centenary of the Russian Revolution. The largely bloodless uprising took place on November 7 (October 25 in the pre-revolutionary Julian calendar) and changed the world forever. It inspired other socialist revolutions, national liberation struggles and spelled the end of the old colonial system. It gave fresh impetus to the many strike and other struggles in Australia, such as the rail strike of 1917, and even had an impact on the second plebiscite that defeated moves to impose conscription during WW1.  more ...

Sydney rally says “No War In Korea”

Peace activists rallied outside the Sydney offices of the Department of Defence on October 13 calling for the de-escalation of the drive to war over Korea.  more ...

Keep Australian content on our screens

Some of the giants of Australian film and TV last week descended upon Parliament House in Canberra to directly lobby politicians to support the industry’s future.  more ...

Taking Issue – Requiem for a democracy

The Australian security agencies have asked again for further powers to enable them to prevent terrorist attacks. Among the requests made are for extended detention powers, increasing the time a “terror suspect” can be detained without charge from 14 to 28 days.  more ...

Britain’s “subversives” were proved right by history

Solomon Hughes fears MI5 and Special Branch can’t and won’t put an end to their ineffectual, irritating and life-destroying tactics.  more ...

The Russian Revolution at 100

November 7, 2017 marks the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution and the establishment of the world’s first socialist state.  more ...

Culture & Life – A dystopian future?

When I was a child in the late 1940s, one of the comic books in my collection was set after nuclear war had devastated Earth (a hot topic in the ’40s and ’50s when America’s leaders were belligerently threatening to “nuke” any country that defied their diktat). I remember, the main health consequence of the “atomic war” in the comic was blindness caused by “the flash”.  more ...

Quote of the Week

The tree of liberty does not flourish unless moistened with the blood of kings.

Lawyer Bertrand Barere, voting on the fate of Louis XVI – The French Revolution

This web page was last updated: Tuesday, October 24, 2017

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