
ToTW: Anarchist PR and Recruitment

  • Posted on: 13 November 2017
  • By: thecollective

Anarchism has a bad PR problem. For those who are not familiar with anarchism, the image that it has in the mainstream media is that of a bunch of violent crazy people who are up to no good. The way that anarchists often present themselves does not help matters either, with them often giving people the impression that anarchists are all self-righteous arrogant jerks. If the goal is to recruit people to anarchism, i.e., to have there be more anarchists in the world, these are some significant barriers to having new people becoming interested in anarchism.

TOTW: Privacy

  • Posted on: 6 November 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

As many of you know we at https://anarchistnews.org have attempted to preserve your privacy since our founding. The core server does not maintain logs (except when troubleshooting and then they are removed), the Drupal software at the heart of @news has the Indymedia log clearing plugin installed (and removes logs every 20 minutes), we, as a rule, try to remove legal name information. Our question is, does anyone care?

Yes, this $375 ‘antifa’ jacket from Barneys is actually real

  • Posted on: 5 November 2017
  • By: thecollective

From The Daily Dot

Those who identify with the antifa movement are against fascism and, usually, capitalism. So, naturally, Barneys is selling an ‘anarchy jacket’ for $375. The military-style field jacket is adorned with an anarchist symbol and various on-brand statements. The front says “REVOLUTION” across the chest with a couple of backwards letters to evoke just the right amount of edge, and the back says “Seek Truth” and “The Devil Made Me Do it,” complete with a small illustration of a devil’s tail. The jacket looks like something that teens have been making themselves for years with sharpies and patches.

TOTW: Reading

  • Posted on: 30 October 2017
  • By: thecollective

It’s safe to say that anarchists in general put a lot of value in reading. Some groups like Crimethinc invest a high amount of effort in producing slick, accessible reading material that helps to create baby anarchists. Some even requires potential members to read a curriculum of anarchist writings as a prerequisite for membership. From publishing projects and distros to bookfairs and zine swaps, writing is everywhere.

On the 11th Anniversay of the Assassination of Anarchist Activist Brad Will

  • Posted on: 27 October 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)


11 years ago today, I heard that one of my best friends, a true comrade and someone who was my only family, a brother to me, would never come home again. The news that our beloved anarchist activist friend Brad Will had been fatally shot by police, while filming an uprising in Oaxaca, Mexico, eventually reached his family and friends. Around the world, hundreds of people mourned Brad, who had touched many lives in the movements he had participated in and loved. The people of Oaxaca also expressed their appreciation for his solidarity and sacrifice. They paraded down the street with his coffin and picture. To them, he was not just a “gringo” who came as a spectator, but someone who cared about their resistance enough to risk his personal comfort and safety for their community and political struggle.

São Paulo Calling: Boycott the LA Anarchist Book Fair

  • Posted on: 23 October 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

I hate having to denounce events and collectives that at least, nominally, are associated with anarchism. In the instance of the Los Angeles Anarchist Book Fair (LAABF) and the collective that is implementing it, I have no choice. The LAABF has encouraged hatred among comrades, they have provided a platform for state socialists and marxist pseudo-economic analysis, and they have banned one of the most important North American anarchist publishing groups from tabling. Payback time.

TOTW: What is Anarchism in 2017?

  • Posted on: 2 October 2017
  • By: thecollective

This week we ask a perennial question. What is anarchism today? Is it the activity of anarchists? Is it an ideology of negatives (no state, no capitalism)? How about an ideology of positives (mutual aid, solidarity, and sharing)?

How do modern anarchistic activities map to our definition of anarchism? How do you describe anarchism to your grandmother in such a way as she understands and agrees with your choice to be an anarchist? Have you convinced her to join you (us)?
