Fast and Healthy Snacks

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Being in college is one of the most exciting times of a woman’s life—it doesn’t get much better than spending time with your friends and roommates, visiting your favorite campus hangouts and making the rounds at all of the parties.  … Continued

5 Reasons you should run a 5k

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I knew I hated running the moment I heard it involved moving your legs for an extended period of time. I vowed to never run, ever. Against my will, my dad signed me up for a 5K and a weird … Continued

What is The Barre Method?

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I was never meant to be a ballerina. Actually, I never made it through a single class due to my habit of bursting into tears each time my mom left the room as a child. This past fall I decided … Continued

4 Tips to Eliminate Stress

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Whether it is with school, work or relationships, we all have sources of worry in our lives. Stress causes our bodies to go into the fight or flight response which, in small doses, can actually be beneficial. More blood goes … Continued

Guide to Holistic Healing

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Acupuncture – A highly valued method using the painless application of needles to particular points of the body with the aim of correcting the flow of energy, bringing about a change in functions of the body Allergy Testing – Using … Continued

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