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  1. Przypięty tweet

    I’ve discovered what the country is missing right now – someone with heart, patriotism & passion. Bobby Kennedy: A Raging Spirit. Out 11/7.

  2. General Kelly acted presidential today. He acted like a leader and a father. Maybe he should give Trump some lessons.

  3. 18.10
    W odpowiedzi do

    And a country that loses its moral direction will face a terrible time finding the patriotic unity that is the heart of national strength. 5

  4. 18.10
    W odpowiedzi do

    The decision was to blockade the island rather than invade it. It worked. Today, we have a leader who appears to lack a moral compass. 4/

  5. 18.10
    W odpowiedzi do

    "For 175 years," Bobby said, "we had not been that kind of country. It would be like the US carrying out a Pearl Harbor in reverse.” 3/

  6. 18.10
    W odpowiedzi do

    But on October 18, Attorney General Bobby Kennedy raised a second argument against a Cuban invasion. 2/

  7. 18.10

    55 years ago, President JFK was confronted by the Cuban Missile Crisis. Our first reaction was to carry out a surprise attack on Cuba. 1/

  8. 18.10

    If progressives don't vote in the next election, then the people who care about Confederate statues will.

  9. podał/a dalej

    . on Trump: "If you can't believe most of what he says, how can you believe anything?!" WATCH:

  10. podał/a dalej

    This is a great tribute to from a great institution

  11. 15.10
    W odpowiedzi do

    And my book about Bobby Kennedy is coming out October 31st. You can pre-order it here:

  12. 14.10

    On this day in 1962 a spy plane found Russian missiles in Cuba, starting the Cuban Missile Crisis. Bobby Kennedy played a crucial role.

  13. podał/a dalej

    in 1962, a spy plane finds Russian missiles in Cuba, thus starting the Cuban Missile Crisis. discusses RFK's role.

  14. podał/a dalej

    . has a new book coming out. Bobby Kennedy will be on store shelves October 31st. WATCH:

    Watch more on
  15. 13.10

    Go Holy Cross! Beat Yale!

  16. 12.10
  17. 12.10

    Did you see that has chickened out on bump stocks? They're doing NOTHING on Las Vegas. Nada.

  18. podał/a dalej

    During the 2016 campaign, then Candidate Trump refused to rule out using nuclear weapons in Europe and the Middle East.

    Trump: Not ruling out nuclear weapons in Europe
  19. 11.10

    New poll: 29% say Trump's level headed. 38% approve of his job. That means 10% approve his job but don't think he's level headed. Go figure.

  20. 11.10

    During my interview with then Candidate Trump, he refused to rule out using nuclear weapons in Europe! So this doesn't surprise me.

  21. 10.10

    You know who Trump sounds like when he says he's smart? Fredo from The Godfather.

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