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02 Wadan Narsey EBooks

As part of my efforts to make a lasting contribution to community education in Fiji, I am in the process of producing eBooks which bring together my writings on Fiji’s development problems over the last thirty years: 2 on economics, 1 on social issues and 1 on politics, as well as others and some which are more “academic” in nature.

Some of the eBooks (such as Issues in the 2014 Elections and the Aftermath,  will be free for downloading. Some (Volumes 1, 2 of Fiji Developing) will have a reasonable price because I am spending considerable time making them “reader-friendly”.  Unfortunately, all these books have had to be “one man shows” with the entire production being done by myself (with some help from an anonymous friend on the cover), unlike many fortunate academics abroad who have institutional support for all their books.

The four volumes of Fiji Developing ought to be useful resources for students, teachers, social leaders, Members of Parliament,  journalists, researchers, donors, consultants and others).

The  first two economics volumes will have

(a) glossaries of specialist terms used in Fiji’s development dialogue
(b) glossaries of Fiji terms
(c) acronyms and abbreviations commonly used in Fiji
(d) list of governments and political parties since 1970
(e) key words for each reading
(e) linked to comprehensive indexes
(f) and student/teacher questions for each reading to broaden their thinking

While I would have liked to have these books printed on paper (hence be more accessible to those who do not have computers), there are no outlets in Fiji willing to stock my books or even pay in advance for a small proportion. As these eBooks become finalized, they will be available for purchase (or free download) on this page.

Fiji Developing:  Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4.

Endorsements by (the late) Ratu Joni Madraiwiwi, Hank Arts, Fred Wesley, Professor Biman Prasad, Richard Naidu, Dr. Vanessa Griffen.

Foreword by (the late) Ratu Joni Madraiwiwi

Preface to Volumes 1, 2, 3 and 4 (by Professor Wadan Narsey)

Volume 1:   Growing the Economy
(xxvii, 570 p.)

Cover of Volume 1

Preface to Volume 1

Contents of Volume 1: Growing the Economy

Volume 2    A Fair Go for All

Cover of Volume 2

Contents of Volume 2

Volume 3    A Decent and Inclusive Fiji

Cover of Volume 3

Contents of Volume 3

Volume 4    Fiji’s Political Meanderings

Cover of Volume 4

Contents of Volume 4


Issues for the 2014 Elections and Its Aftermath




