About StoryCorps

About StoryCorps

StoryCorps’ mission is to preserve and share humanity’s stories in order to build connections between people and create a more just and compassionate world.

We do this to remind one another of our shared humanity, to strengthen and build the connections between people, to teach the value of listening, and to weave into the fabric of our culture the understanding that everyone’s story matters. At the same time, we are creating an invaluable archive for future generations.

An introduction to StoryCorps

Learn more about StoryCorps in this conversation between StoryCorps Founder Dave Isay and his nephew.

Our Core Principles

StoryCorps is built on an uncompromising commitment to excellence throughout the organization that includes an intense focus on the collecting, sharing, and preserving of people’s stories; high-quality organizational management; and the care and support of an extraordinary work environment where respect and dignity are paramount.

1. The interview session is at the heart of StoryCorps. We treat participants with the utmost respect, care, and dignity.

2. StoryCorps maintains a relentless focus on serving a wide diversity of participants.

3. StoryCorps is a public service.

Our History

October 2003 StoryCorps is born with the opening of a StoryBooth in Grand Central Terminal in New York City.

2005 StoryCorps launches two MobileBooths from the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. Our weekly broadcasts debut on NPR’s Morning Edition.

2007 StoryCorps receives a rare Institutional Peabody Award. The first StoryCorps book, Listening is an Act of Love, is released and becomes a New York Times-bestseller.

2008 StoryCorps opens a permanent StoryBooth in San Francisco. Today, there are additional booths in Atlanta and Chicago. StoryCorps’ Griot Initiative becomes the largest collection of African American stories collected in history.

2010 StoryCorps’ second book, Mom: A Celebration of Mothers from StoryCorps, is released. Our first series of Animated Shorts premieres on public television and online.

2012 StoryCorps’ third book, All There Is: Love Stories from StoryCorps, is released. StoryCorps receives a Peabody Award for animations and audio commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. StoryCorps, NPR, and POV share the Alfred I. duPont-Columbia University Award for the series StoryCorps 9/11.

2013 StoryCorps wins a $1 million MacArthur Award for Creative and Effective Institutions. Our fourth book, Ties That Bind: Stories of Love and Gratitude From the First Ten Years of StoryCorps, is released.

October 2013 StoryCorps’ 10th Anniversary is celebrated with an inaugural gala hosted by Stephen Colbert.

2014 StoryCorps launches Outloud, an initiative to collection the stories of LGBT people in America. StoryCorps founder Dave Isay is named the recipient of the 2015 TED Prize.

2015 StoryCorps uses the $1 million TED Prize to launch the StoryCorps App, an all-new tool for collecting the wisdom of humanity. The Great Thanksgiving Listen launches as StoryCorps works with teachers and high school students across the country to preserve the voices and stories of an entire generation of Americans over a single holiday weekend.

2016 StoryCorps’ fifth book, Callings: The Purpose and Passion of Work, is released.

Work with Us

To view a complete list of employment and internship opportunities, click here.

Support Our Work

StoryCorps is an independently funded 501(c)(3) organization. We rely on support from institutions, corporations and individuals to advance our mission. Join us in listening more so we can ensure that we make our society more just and compassionate, one conversation at a time.

Each week, the StoryCorps podcast shares these unscripted conversations, revealing the wisdom, courage, and poetry in the words of people you might not notice walking down the street.