- published: 02 Aug 2017
- views: 802
MRJ, Mrj or mrj may refer to:
Mitsubishi Aircraft Company may refer to:
Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation (三菱航空機株式会社, Mitsubishi Kōkūki Kabushiki-gaisha) is a Japanese company dedicated to the development, production, sales and support of the Mitsubishi Regional Jet passenger airliner. The manufacturing of the aircraft is carried out by parent company Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI).
MAC was established on April 1, 2008. MHI controls the company with a 64% shareholding. Toyota Motor Corporation and Mitsubishi Corporation each own 10% shares; other shareholders include Sumitomo Corporation and Mitsui & Co.
MAC is headquartered at Nagoya Airfield in Komaki in Aichi Prefecture, adjacent to the MRJ production facilities. It has branch offices in Nagoya and Tokyo which are co-located with MHI offices. MAC has overseas subsidiaries based in Amsterdam and in Plano, Texas.
CEO Teruaki Kawai has indicated that the company will not produce aircraft larger than the MRJ, as MHI is a major supplier to Boeing (including manufacturing wings for the Boeing 787), and the group generally lacks the capability to compete with Airbus and Boeing.
The Mitsubishi Group (三菱グループ, Mitsubishi Gurūpu) (also known as the Mitsubishi Group of Companies or Mitsubishi Companies) is a group of autonomous Japanese multinational companies covering a range of businesses which share the Mitsubishi brand, trademark, and legacy.
The Mitsubishi group of companies form a loose entity, the Mitsubishi Keiretsu, which is often referenced in Japanese and US media and official reports; in general these companies all descend from the zaibatsu of the same name. The top 25 companies are also members of the Mitsubishi Kin'yōkai, or "Friday Club", and meet monthly. The Mitsubishi.com Committee facilitate communication and access to the Mitsubishi brand through a portal web site.
The Mitsubishi company was established as a shipping firm by Yatarō Iwasaki (1834–1885) in 1870. In 1873, its name was changed to Mitsubishi Shokai. The name Mitsubishi (三菱) consists of two parts: "mitsu" meaning "three" and "hishi" (which becomes "bishi" under rendaku) meaning "water caltrop" (also called "water chestnut"), and hence "rhombus", which is reflected in the company's logo. It is also translated as "three diamonds".
ザ ビッグ プロジェクト
Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation successfully completed the ferry flight to the U. S. flight test base for the First Test Aircraft (FTA-1) of the MRJ (Mitsubishi Regional Jet), the next-generation regional jet. Mitsubishi Aircraft is continuing flight test at this new base, Moses Lake Flight Test Center, to accelerate the development of the MRJ toward type certificate. FTA-1 took off from Nagoya Airfield at 1:28 pm on September 26 (JST), and arrived at Grant County International Airport in Washington, the U.S. at 9:44am on September 29 (JST) (5:44pm on September 28 in local time) via Chitose airport (Sapporo, Japan), Yelizovo airport (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russian Federation), Ted Stevens Anchorage International airport (Alaska, the U.S.) Total flight time : 13 hour 9 minutes Total d...
The MRJ is a family of 70- to 90-seat next-generation regional jets under development by Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation. The clean sheet MRJ will offer substantially higher fuel efficiency combined with reductions in noise and emissions, and also provide spacious cabin comfort on a level unprecedented in regional jets to date. The MRJ will change the way you fly. http://www.flythemrj.com Copyright ©2016 Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation All Rights Reserved.
MRJ 飛行試験状況について、あとは内部機器の完成度 ★チャンネル登録はこちら https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFYhzNMpOK1eWh9LTIy3uwg ※関連動画 ・【日本ニュース】パリ航空ショー開幕 MRJなど日本勢に注目(2017/06/20) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQbay277jU8 ・MRJ、パリ航空ショーに展示へ ANAの青デザイン https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rkb6L1NUEpM ・MRJ、試験態勢を増強へ パリ航空ショー開幕 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2htM8u8sgiU ・【三菱航空機社長】世界最大規模のパリ航空ショーでのMRJ新規受注は難しいとの見通しを示す…! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RIKPX0GhsI ・6月19日ニュース ・フランスのパリ国際航空ショーで国産MRJを展示!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqnJwGVoNRw 参考記事:トラベル Watch('17年06月20日)
いつも動画をご視聴いただきありがとうございます。 宜しければ【チャンネル登録】お願い致します。 コチラ⇒ https://goo.gl/P5MNoH 【衝撃】航空自衛隊も唖然www 国産ジェット機「MRJ」の素晴らしい性能と実力に感動! 米国飛行試験の結果はどうなった? 驚愕の真相!『海外の反応』 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 関連動画 【衝撃】加藤シルビアさんのボディコン衣装に共演者も釘付け!?www(※画像まとめ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imhzJV3Epk4 【衝撃】諸國沙代子アナのウェットスーツ姿が魅力的すぎ!?www(※画像まとめ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YREnbBDTlo4 【衝撃】ありえない緊急着陸6選 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aihg9AptIBs 【衝撃】X-2先進技術実証機「心神」のトンデモない実力とは?航空自衛隊も驚愕する機密の塊…「最高速度」と「ステルス性能」ヤバ過ぎwww 凄すぎる日本の技 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLqr2ZyBGKc 【衝撃】海上自衛隊を見下していたアメリカ海軍… 驚愕の「あること」をキッカケにその考えを改めざるを得なくなる… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxf95vvkob4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 「引用」 ...
The Mitsubishi Regional Jet made an important appearance at the Paris Air Show this week, marking its debut at Le Bourget. The MRJ is powered by Pratt & Whitney PurePower® PW1200G engines.
MRJ パリ航空ショーに向け、ル・ブルジェ空港に到着 ★チャンネル登録はこちら https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5zxg4DvingZKsasb4REc0g ※関連動画 ・MRJに搭載されたPW1200G「ギアード・ターボファン・エンジン」とは https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAfh5xoJWfI ・MRJ最新情報 飛行試験の進捗状況 (2017 4 21) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNNonPJaLR4&t;=5s ・MRJ最新情報 全4機にて飛行試験を加速 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXbe5OKUgYc&t;=19s ・MRJに搭載するギヤードターボファンエンジンがFAA型式証明を取得 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQnR9fJ3VFE ・MRJ 最新情報 2号機飛行試験順調 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Y4r7ErISJE
★ちゃんねる登録お願いします★ http://ur2.link/DXgy 航空自衛隊も驚愕!国産ジェット機「MRJ」奇跡の性能と実力に感動…!米国での飛行試験の真相は?【海外の反応】 ■関連動画■ 【素早い動作が頼もしい】自衛隊のPAC3が在日米軍基地へ機動展開 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XH3qBII54CA 【衝撃】自衛隊の潜水艦の実力にイギリス海軍が対抗? そうりゅう型もビビるトンデモない形の潜水艦を英国が開発? 驚愕の事実!『海外の反応』 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFGPbGeni_w 中国警戒「日本の潜水艦技術で、海上自衛隊は弾道ミサイル原子力潜水艦を維持できる」開発能力は間違いない。米専門家の見解 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFXOZfdWQMM 海外の反応 驚愕!!多くの人命を救った自衛隊の飛行艇の超絶ヤバすぎる性能に世界が衝撃を受けた瞬間!!外国人ビックリ仰天「日本は世界最高の飛行艇を作ってくる!」 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNb6JMzNaMk 【8/29速報!!】新大型輸送機C-2、小牧に初飛来!!【空自】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8sQtkl-zHk 引用:http://www.sankei.com/ https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ http://blog.livedoor.jp/corez18c24-mili777/ 音楽引用:https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music
================================================= 逮捕の夫 遺体発見前日に昇任試験落ちる|日テレNEWS24: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I54-GfeICXk 緊急検証 米・中・朝の駆け引き|日テレNEWS24: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hP35zHlhSCE 海老名駅で盗撮 神奈川県警巡査部長を逮捕|日テレNEWS24 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rRrjdvOCcs 仏マクロン大統領の“勢力”過半数獲得か|日テレNEWS24 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLK-Rv1FDMg =================================== 登録はこちら https://goo.gl/JvoM8d
【まっきーちゃんねる】登録よろしくお願いします。 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNfIsnbWFXRUywCW5rbHsMw/featured 国産初のジェット旅客機MRJ (三菱リージョナルジェット)試験機の製造について 「秋ごろに再開したい」と述べた。 安全性能の強化に向けた設計見直しの影響で 新規製造を中断しているが、 見直し作業が順調に進んでいるため2機の製造を 再開する方針だ。 続きは本編で・・・ 【著作権について】 ↓ 当チャンネルは著作権の侵害を目的として 運営はしておりません。 万が一、それに該当する箇所がありましたら コメント欄に記載していただければ迅速に対処、 又は、削除致します。 よろしくお願いいたします。 引用元:https://mainichi.jp https://thepage.jp http://www.sankei.com 音楽引用元(フリー音源): https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/...
The MRJ has been successfully cleared the first flight mission by Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation(MITAC). Aircraft: Flight Test Aircraft No.1(FTA-1), MSN(Manufacturing Serial Number): 10001 Provisional Registration: JA21MJ Date: November 11, 2015 Flight Time: 87 minutes (09:35 ~ 11:02) Japan standard time Place: Nagoya Airfield - Japan, over Pacific Ocean and surrounding Nagoya Maximum Altitude: 15,000 feet Maximum Airspeed: 150 knots Aircraft Configuration: Landing (landing gears, slats and flaps full down), throughout the flight Crew: 5 men include pilots Chaser: Mitsubishi Aircraft, Hawker 400A (JA78MA), JASDF Air Development and Test Wing, T-4 Trainer (06-5651) Camera: Diamond Air Service, MU-300(JA30DA) Weather Observation: JAXA, Model 680 Citation Sovereign (JA68CE) Helicopter...
チャンネル登録はこちらから↓↓↓ ↓↓↓ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTEMhj6-obFQU_rhL1iRXeQ?sub_confirmation=1 [三菱MRJ!!] 納入時期に「影響なし」米国で飛行試験再開 [おすすめ動画] [衝撃の真相!!三菱MRJ] の苦難の道のりと未来を決めるのは・・・・・・ https://youtu.be/-Cfya02dqbo [三菱MRJ!!] 失地回復できるのか?パリ航空ショーに初参加 して・・・ https://youtu.be/WrD34JAkkQM [世界が注目!三菱MRJ!!] 70席を新しく製造着手 米飛行試験は機体 https://youtu.be/8p703Q3qgM4 三菱重工業がリニア中央新幹線の製造事業から撤退へ!国産ジェット旅客 https://youtu.be/JoQ-DFZFH5k 引用: フリー音楽素材 H/MIX GALLERY http://www.hmix.net/ https://www.google.co.jp
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Company profile commercial and presentation of MRJ jet.
Mitsubishi MRJ-90 JA21MJ passes through a cold desert runway with a missed approach before continuing on with its day of test flying. Filmed: December 2016 KMWH Grant County Int'l Airport in Moses Lake, WA USA.
Margie I'm always thinking of you Margie
I'll tell the world I love you don't forget your promise to me
I will buy you a home and ring and everything
For Margie you've been my inspiration days are never blue
After all is said and done there is really only one, oh Margie Margie it's you
(Margie I'm always thinking of you Margie
I'll tell the world I love you don't forget your promise to me
I will buy you a home and ring and everything...
[ guitar ]