Veterans' Resource Center

The Veterans' Resource Center serves as a liaison between Everett Community College and the US Department of Veterans Affairs. The center is located in Baker Hall rooms 203 and 204.

Activating Benefits

A representative is available to assist veterans and activate all veterans' educational benefits. A complete description of the educational benefits available to veteran (and their dependents if applicable) can be obtained from the Department of Veterans Affairs website. External Site Link

Please provide a certified copy of the veteran's DD-214 member 4 to the Veterans Office.

Educational benefits are also available to eligible members of the National Guard and selected reserves. A Notice of Basic Eligibility (or NOBE) needs to be requested from your unit and brought to the Veterans' Resource Center to start the application process.

Important: It is the responsibility of the veteran or dependent receiving benefits to ensure that the veteran's coordinator receives a copy of his/her class schedule each quarter. Changes in the schedule must also be reported to the coordinator. Failure to do so may result in an overpayment, which must be repaid to the government.

Veterans Readmission Process

Veteran students that are required to leave their academic studies due to active military service do not need to reapply to the College should they return within five years of his/her last quarter of attendance.  The veteran student should, if possible, contact their instructor(s) to request a withdrawal, grade or an incomplete.  If unable to reach instructor(s), Enrollment Services will in turn notify the instructor(s).

When returning to the College, the veteran student will need to supply to Enrollment Services a copy of the DD214 or orders to verify their service.  At this point, the veteran student should work with an academic adviser to help in attaining their program requirements.  If gone for more than one year, special considerations will be made to assist the veteran student to graduate with their selected program.

US Department of Veterans Affairs

You may also contact the Department of Veterans Affairs at the following:

Education information (888) 442-4551
Other VA information (800) 827-1000
VA monthly certification (827) 823-2378
Website External Site Link