Action Center

We seek to create a system that benefits everyone. Whether we’re stopping destructive corporate boondoggles or pushing for stronger government pollution standards, we aim to make it possible for all people to enjoy the planet’s bounty.

Our work focuses on the economic drivers of environmental degradation — from government subsidies and permits to societal issues like the externalized costs of pollution — to limit and eventually end the destruction of the planet.

To continue this work, we must join together to stop the Trump agenda. He has appointed climate deniers, corporate lobbyists, and Big Oil cronies to his administration. They have the power to unravel decades of hard-fought victories for people and the planet. Now more than ever, we must combine our strength and stand proud to protect our precious Earth and all the life it supports.

Help save the EPA from Trump and his Big Oil cronies

Donald Trump is about to propose more massive cuts to the EPA. The cuts would gut water protections, support for state environmental programs, and the Superfund clean up program. 

Bristol BayDon’t let Trump and Pruitt destroy Bristol Bay!

Pruitt cut a back-room deal with a coal company that would build the massive Pebble Mine in Bristol Bay Watershed. This mine could generate dangerous waste, wipe out salmon streams and pollute surrounding wetlands, ponds and lakes.

Tell Congress: No trade deals that benefit Monsanto

The Trump administration just released its detailed plan to renegotiate the NAFTA which would further attack our environment and public health.


Bees pollinate a flowerSave bees from Bayer’s neonicotinoid pesticides

Bees are dying at alarming rates, largely thanks to Bayer’s neonicotinoid pesticides. But Bayer is pouring millions of dollars into a PR machine to avoid blame for the bee crisis!




Don’t make it easier to build Keystone XL and other pipelines!

Friends of the Earth is suing the Trump administration to stop Keystone XL on the grounds that it violates the Endangered Species Act. But at the same time, Trump and his enablers in Congress are trying to gut that law — clearing the way for them to build the pipeline. We need your help to stop them!

Tell Kroger to stop selling food produced with neonics!

Bees are in trouble largely thanks to neonicotinoid pesticides. But Kroger could stop this. It could stop selling food produced with neonics. We’ve convinced the world’s largest garden retailers, including Lowe’s and Home Depot, to stop selling neonics. Now, we need your help to push Kroger to act too.

Tell the governor of Edo State: Protect forests and local land rights!

Edo State is facing some of the highest rates of deforestation in Africa. And a recent order by the state’s governor will give over 345,000 acres of land to a foreign palm oil company. We need your help to urge to governor of Edo State to cancel this palm oil concession!