Manifesto :

Declare yourself!

Manifesto is a content management system and an extensible framework for web development.

Written in highly object-oriented PHP, Manifesto consists of a core set of classes, controllers and templates that provide the building blocks for extending and expanding its basic functionality. The core provides authentication services, database connectivity, user accounts and roles, date objects, error handling, logging, stylesheet management, categories, media management tools, and a function library full of useful routines.


Manifesto Features

  • Mature and feature-rich
  • Themeable, skinnable, and extensible
  • Modular with excellent interoperability
  • Flexible, but consistent
  • The simplicity of a CMS
  • The utility of a framework
  • Content-editor friendly
  • Carefully engineered architecture

Get Hosted!

dada typo, the developers of Manifesto, offer managed web hosting and a variety of web-based services like file sharing, private analytics, and custom integration software development. If you're using Manifesto, there's no better place to get started. Call us at 443-420-7470, or send us an email at and we'll take care of you.

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