

The missionary FAO founded the first Protestant mission on the former battlefield of Lössi...

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 The cliffs can be visited with a local guide

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Botanical garden "Chez Felix"

Delightful vanilla plantation set in the heart of a forest. You will be warmly welcomed.

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Chapel of n.d. Lourdes at Easo

Landing place of the Catholic missionaries, who built this chapel in 1898.

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A vast white sandy beach.

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Easo site

A development with traditional Melanesian huts for cruise ship passengers.

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Jinek bay

Snorkelling site.

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Jokin cliffs

40m high cliffs, overhanging crystal clear waters teeming with fish.

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KiKi Beach

Come to discover a splendid beach.

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luengöni beach

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A white sandy beach dotted with caves and numerous creeks.

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The great Hut of Hnathalo tribe

The Great Hut of the Hnathalo tribe, 3km from Wanaham aerodrome.

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Vanilla House at Hnathalo tribe

Discover the secrets of vanilla,

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Mebuet Beach

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Historical monument commemorating the arrival of the Christian missionaries on the island of...

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The beaches of Yedjélé and Wabao

Endless beaches of white sand bordered by coconut palms

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A 40 meters deep vertical cavity hollowed out in the limestone rocks.

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The natural aquarium

The natural aquarium near Tadine is fed by the sea flowing under the coral formations

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" In the beginning, the terraces of Shabadran"

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The village of la Roche and its fortress

La Roche is the island's second largest center.

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The warrior's leap

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The Yeiwene Yeiwene cultural center

Open Monday

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Coconut oil distillery

Located in Hwadrilla village in the Fayaoué district (near Hwadrilla quay).

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Mouli snorkelling site

In the extreme south of the island, the landscape is beautiful, the view on the first island south of...

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Ouvéa soap factory

The factory is in Hwadrilla near the quay.

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Saint Joseph brings together the Takedji, an independent tribe from Wallis and Heo, whose...

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The bay of Lekiny and the island of Fayawa

Lekiny a superb sheltered stretch of water glinting with iridescent colours is a protected...

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The beach of Fayaoué

Between Mouli and St-Joseph, the coast road runs alongside a magnificient beach of fine white...

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The blue hole of Hanawa

A series of waterholes where fresh water and salt water remain separate.

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The cave of Hulup

Located at the foot of Ceu cliffs, the Hulup cave is an authentic and peaceful resting place of...

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The Lekiny cliffs

Twelve kilometres south of Fayaoué the grey cliffs of Lekiny, pitted with caves facing the bay are...

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The Mouli bridge

Built in 1984, the Mouli bridge spans the strait separating Ouvéa from Mouli.

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Tiberia snorkelling site

Bottom of stairs, this great beach is ideal for the family,

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Turtles hole

Circular deep chasm, the water is almost sweet, swimming is possible.

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Vanilla plantation

Tel: 45 7137 Vanico, St-Paul's tribe

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