- published: 28 Apr 2017
- views: 4645
Coordinates: 53°N 23°E / 53°N 23°E / 53; 23
Belarus (i/bɛləˈruːs/ bel-ə-ROOSS; Belarusian: Белару́сь, tr. Bielaruś, IPA: [bʲɛlaˈrusʲ]; Russian: Белоруссия, tr. Byelorussiya; IPA: [bʲɪloˈrussɪʲɐ]), officially the Republic of Belarus, is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe bordered by Russia to the northeast, Ukraine to the south, Poland to the west, and Lithuania and Latvia to the northwest. Its capital is Minsk; other major cities include Brest, Hrodna (Grodno), Homiel (Gomel), Mahilioŭ (Mogilev) and Vitsebsk (Vitebsk). Over 40% of its 207,600 square kilometres (80,200 sq mi) is forested. Its strongest economic sectors are service industries and manufacturing.
Until the 20th century, different states at various times controlled the lands of modern-day Belarus: for example: the Principality of Polotsk (11th to 14th centuries), the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, and the Russian Empire. In the aftermath of the 1917 Russian Revolution, Belarus declared independence as the Belarusian People's Republic, succeeded by the Socialist Soviet Republic of Byelorussia, which became a founding constituent republic of the Soviet Union in 1922 and was renamed as the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic (Byelorussian SSR). Belarus lost almost half of its territory to Poland after the Polish-Soviet war of 1919-1921. Much of the borders of Belarus took their modern shape in 1939 when some lands of the Second Polish Republic were reintegrated into it after the Soviet invasion of Poland and were finalized after World War II. During World War II, military operations devastated Belarus, which lost about a third of its population and more than half of its economic resources. The republic was redeveloped in the post-war years. In 1945 Belarus became a founding member of the United Nations, along with the Soviet Union and the Ukrainian SSR.
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9 мая! Лукашенко. Выступление в День Победы! Беларусь, Минск (!)УБЕДИТЕЛЬНАЯ просьба все претензии или предложения писать в личку либо на e-mail. Подписывайтесь на канал и ставьте лайки к видео! https://www.youtube.com/SeriousModelTV Делитесь роликами с друзьями и знакомыми в соц. сетях, это важно. Интересные обновления на разные темы каждый день! Всем Удачи и приятного просмотра! Подкинуть Webmoney на развитие и поддержку канала, будет еще больше интересных и качественных роликов: R236175853541 Z406085415121 U895134401884 Или PerfectMoney: G13104723 U13599409 E13325970 B13631789 Или PAYEER: P29754258 Будем Вам весьма благодарны и будем развиваться дальше :) Спасибо! Высказывайте пожелания по поводу того, какой бы вы хотели видеть материал на канале в первую очередь. Обязательно пр...
http://belsat.eu/?p=518408 Жыццё не па сродках. Прадстаўнікі нацыянальнага банку, у інтэрвʼю агенцтву Белапан, патлумачылі, што, у чаканні завяршэння эканамічнага крызісу, насельніцтва працягвае праядаць свае валютныя зберажэнні, назапашаныя ў мінулыя гады.
В этом выпуске мы поговорим про страну, которая когда то была часть одного большого Советского Союза Социалистических Республик. Это 10 интересных фактов про Республику Беларусь. -- 10 ИНТЕРЕСНЫХ ФАКТОВ ПРО КАРТОШКУ - https://goo.gl/7QcVA3 10 ИНТЕРЕСНЫХ ФАКТОВ ПРО КАЗАХСТАН - https://goo.gl/6fMIYz 10 ИНТЕРЕСНЫХ ФАКТОВ ПРО СМЕРТНУЮ КАЗНЬ - https://goo.gl/x1Jwmj -- ИСТОЧНИКИ: http://bdg.by/news/authors/srednyaya-zarplata-v-belarusi-v-yanvare-2016-go-v-sravnenii-s-drugimi-stranami - средняя зарплата в Беларуси https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%91%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%83%D1%81%D1%81%D0%B8%D1%8F - Беларусь на википедии https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9B%D1%83%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%88%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%BE,_%D0%90%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%81%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B4%D1%80_%D0%93%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B3%D0%BE%...
Марат Минский: последние новости и события Беларусь (РБ) сегодня покажут, что тунеядцы, на самом деле не существует. Я попробовал связать Декрет 3 Лукашенко и НДС. И в этом видео, мы подробно обсудим тот момент, что, тунеядцы, по факту, не существуют, ведь, каждый из нас, приобретая товар или услугу, автоматически, принимает участие в финансировании государственных расходов. Это не политика, это экономика, странно, что многие блогеры и каналы, типа, Белсат не обратили внимание на этот момент. Тем более тема актуальна на фоне тех репрессий, марш рассерженных беларусов, суд, митинг и т.д. которые были в Беларуси, прошедшей зимой. Если Вы не смотрите БТ, а смотрите NEXTA, Белсат, Радыё Свабода (Радио Свобода), Гарантий НЕТ, Заграница нам поможет, Вестник Войны, Alex TV, Николай Масловский...
Минск готовится к большому протесту, Лукашенко готовит массовые аресты. Уже не первый месяц по всей стране люди выходят на площади. Сначала это были недовольные налогом на тунеядство. Но постепенно антиналоговые протесты трансформировались в общее неприятие власти, которая, как говорят участники демонстраций, «довела Беларусь до нищеты». Список жалоб составил Юрий Тоболин. Сайт: http://www.rtvi.com Страница в facebook: http://facebook.com/myRTVi Страница в VK: http://vk.com/rtvichannel Твиттер: http://twitter.com/rtvi
Подробности на: http://www.onliner.by/ Подписывайтесь на уютный паблик в ВК: http://vk.com/onliner Использование материалов Onliner.by возможно только с разрешения редакции. -------------------- Канал сайта Onliner.by: видеорепортажи собственного производства, аварии, обзоры техники.
Новый цикл программ в которых я подробно и последовательно расскажу о каждом шаге, при переезде в Беларусь В первом выпуске я расскажу о плюсах и минусах такого переезда, что бы вы могли окончательно принять решение в ту или иную сторону
На этот раз ведущие Мария Ивакова и Егор Калейников отправятся на шопинг в Беларусь. В страну, где до сих пор работают мощные машиностроительные заводы, где знаменитый белорусский трикотаж шьется по государственным стандартам, а люди продолжают трудиться в колхозах и боятся сказать на камеру что-то неугодное. Маша прокатилась за рулем БелАЗа и побывала на Минском тракторном заводе, тщательно исследовала белорусскую моду и познакомилась с необычными дизайнерами. Егор попытался бесплатно получить квартиру в агрогородке. Узнал, что существует фиолетовый картофель и накупил себе знаменитого трикотажа. Что продают и что покупают в Беларуси, и как там живут люди - смотрите в новом выпуске программы. --- "Интер" - общенациональный телеканал. В украинском эфире он появился 20 октября 1996 год...
цейтраферная съемка в движении (experimental) снято на Canon 5D mark II, оптика: sigma 14mm/2.8, sigma 24mm/1.8, nikkor 35-70mm, canon 50mm/1.4, canon 70-300mm is песня: kasabian - underdog Download this video(330 Mb): http://narod.ru/disk/19386423001/Minsk2010-1080p.mp4.html
Часам дастаткова хаця б раз убачыць сапраўднае зорнае неба, каб назаўсёды палюбіць яго. А часам дастаткова проста аднойчы убачыць сваю краіну пад зорным небам, каб яшчэ больш закахацца ў яе. Крыштальная роўнядзь Браслаўскіх азёраў, палярнае ззянне над Вілейскім водасховішчам, Млечны Шлях між старых дубоў і над мурамі старых храмаў і замкаў… У гэтым кароткім фільме Беларусь – на фоне Космасу, пад бяскрайнім начным небам, у абдымках зорак. Welcome to discover Belarus under the starry sky! It’s a not large country in Eastern Europe bordered by Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania. Due to northern latitudes we are not able to see the Galaxy center and bright southern constellations. But we have romantic bright summer twilights, long winter nights with plenty of stars, we can observe silver noctilucent ...
Ролик сделан для Министерства иностранных дел Республики Беларусь. МИНСК/Беларусь 2011(Minsk/Belarus) Цейтраферная съемка в движении / time-lapse photography in motion музыка: Денис Воронцов Canon 5D Mark II Canon 60D tokina 11-16mm/2.8 sigma 14mm/2.8 sigma 24mm/1.8 мир24 35mm/2.0(tilt) canon 50mm/1.4 canon 70-200mm/4lis NDx16, NDx1000, NDx2000, c-pl Download this video (566 Mb): http://narod.ru/disk/40871443001/MID_1080p-.mp4.html
Разбітае Сэрца Пацана - Wall-e http://www.myspace.com/byrsp Кліп, рэжысэрам якога выступіў Макс Сіры, зьняты адным планам (бяз мантажу!) на фотаапарат canon 5D mark II за адную ноч у хатцы ў цэнтры Менску. Ня ведаем, каму было складаней: апэратару глядзець на дзікія танцы цягам ночы ці мастаку, які размалёўваў целы пацаноў у стылі robo corpse paint (гл. гурт Kiss, мульты "Футурама" і "Wall-e"). Акрамя саміх удзельнікаў гурта, у кліпе "ва ўсёй красе" зьняўся вядомы ў музычных колах гукарэжысэр Андрэй Жукаў. Паказальна, што за некалькі начных гадзінаў, што кліп правісеў на Youtube, яго праглядзілі каля 200 карыстальнікаў. Рэжысэр - Макс Сіры Апэратар - Паліна Казыбаева Харэаграфія - Марына Юрэвіч Бодзі-арт - Дзяніс Волкаў
Timelapse. Grodno/Belarus. 2012 vk.com/jdreddex © John Doroshenko vk.com/jd.photo Camera: Canon 500D Lens: Kit 18-55mm, Helios 55mm, Jupiter 135mm Music: New Century Classics - Children Of An Uncertain Future http://www.newcenturyclassics.pl Таймлапс.Цейтраферная съёмка в движении. Гродно/Беларусь. 2012 vk.com/jdreddex © Дорошенко Иван Камера: Canon 500D Оптика: Kit 18-55mm, Helios 55mm, Jupiter 135mm Музыка: New Century Classics - Children Of An Uncertain Future http://www.newcenturyclassics.pl
Цейтраферная съемка в движении This is my first motion Time Lapse Shot on the Canon 550d canon 18-55mm IS Kit canon 75-300mm III and tripod Summer/Autumn 2011 music by 1M1 Music Ultrasonic Download this video in HD (370 Mb) http://narod.ru/disk/32343393001/MINSK%20TIME%20LAPSE%20PHOTO%20MOTION%201080p.mp4.html
Лука запретил, но мы покажем, смотри.
Belarusian Ministry of Tourism and National Tourism Agency promo video. Belarusian Videocentre
Minsk, Belarus is an exciting City to visit with a deep old History and culture. We explore some of the highlights and spots every tourist must see when coming to Minsk. There are strict visa requirements to enter the country which can be purchased prior to visiting Belarus if you want to reduce the expense. This short virtual tour of the city of Minsk explores the famous squares, churches, & people. Visit us at: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Digi-Art-Productions/122696224458755
Planning to visit Belarus? Check out our Belarus Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Belarus. Top Places to visit in Belarus: Church of Saints Simon and Helena, Białowieża Forest, Mir Castle Complex, Kalozha Church, Gomel Palace, Minsk Botanical Garden, National Academic Big Opera and Ballet Theatre, Chizhovka Arena, Brest Fortress, Minsk Zoo, Braslaw Lakes, Gorky Park, Marc Chagall Museum, Pripyatskiy National Park, Tower of Kamyenyets Subscribe to Social Bubble: https://www.youtube.com/c/SocialBubbleNashik?sub_confirmation=1 To go to the World Travel Guide playlist go to: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3wNXIKi7sz3IilVSbByNJzEsCmsbIgv1 Visit our Website: http://socialbubble.global Follow us on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+SocialBubbleNashik Follow ...
Hi beautys! So I have been MIA for the last couple of weeks because I have been in Belarus! I had such a wonderful time and vlogged a little bit of my trip. I hope you like my video. Give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you do ♡ LETS BE FRIENDS! INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/emmatara BLOG: http://emmatara123.blogspot.com.au TWITTER: https://twitter.com/emmatara123 For Business Inquiries: emmatarapr@yahoo.com
Minsk, Belarus is an exciting City to visit with a deep old History and culture. We explore some of the highlights and spots every tourist must see when coming to Minsk. There are strict visa requirements to enter the country which can be purchased prior to visiting Belarus if you want to reduce the expense. This short virtual tour of the city of Minsk explores the famous squares, churches, & people.
QuickyBaby's guide to Belarus. SUBSCRIBE!: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=QuickyBabyTV Find out more about me and our community on the official forums: http://www.quickybaby.com Checkout my LIVESTREAMS http://www.twitch.tv/quickybaby Tuesdays Thursdays and Sundays From 18:00-CET / 17:00-GMT / 12:00-EST Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/quickybaby Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/quickybaby Also get all the latest games cheaper than Steam on my web-store! http://www.gamefanshop.com/partner-QuickyBaby/
www.theredquest.com I fly into the heartland of European Communism, or other words, Minsk, and find it to be quite enjoyable, thank you very much. Read my book about visiting every former Soviet Republic. Visit www.theredquest.com
Belarus Travel Video - Eastern Europes outcast, Belarus lies at the edge of the region and seems determined to avoid integration with the rest of the continent at all costs. Taking its lead from the Soviet Union rather than the European Union, this pint-sized dictatorship may seem like a strange choice for travellers, but its isolation remains at the heart of its appeal. While the rest of Eastern Europe has charged headlong into capitalism, Belarus offers a chance to visit a Europe with almost no advertising, litter or graffiti. Far more than just the last dictatorship in Europe - Condoleezza Rices phrase has come to haunt Alexander Lukashenkos democratically challenged country - Belarus is a land of earthy humour, friendly people and courage in the face of bleak political adversity. Out...
This is the result of a one week trip to Minsk. My Vlog includes footage from nightclubs, Belarusian girls, the beautiful city of Minsk, police brutality, the surveillance State, world war II museum, medieval swordfights and more. Minsk is a fantastic picturesque city with Europe's most beautiful girls. It is safe and easy to navigate from one part of the city to the next using the metro system. I also found Belorussians to be most welcoming and friendly with tourists. The exception is people who work for the government. They are mean and ridiculously rude. Stay away from them at all costs. To travel to Minsk you must obtain an invitation to the country which a travel agency can help you with. Apartments in cities around Belarus are pricier than in her neighboring countries. I recommen...
Welcome to belarus, a small republic in eastern Europe is ready to welcome you with friendly. More than 11,000 small lake a tourist destination from all over the world. Belarus has a budget accommodation with a number of lodgings that much. To adventure and explore every detail of this country enough to ground transportation only. Men are more numerous than women in Belarus. The main points of Inclusive Vacations are a great war monument in the city center. you just download this video to find it. Visit www.inclusive-vacations.net All INCLUSIVE VACATIONS right here. Reviews, tips, and much more. Get free INCLUSIVE VACATIONS guide PLEASE SUBCRIBE
http://www.expedia.com/Moscow-and-vicinity.d178289.Destination-Travel-Guides Moscow is situated in western Russia, close to the country’s border with the Ukraine, Belarus and Estonia. Lying on the Moskva River, it is the country’s capital and its largest and richest city. Moscow holds a special place in the world’s imagination. Opulent, spectacular and grandiose, Moscow has been at the epicentre of some of history’s most pivotal moments. It echoes with stories of triumph, tragedy and innovation. Stories of legendary tsars and literary greats…..,political revolutions and the international space race that changed the world forever. Today Moscow continues to fascinate. Thoroughly modern and with a European air, it has a population of more than 11 million people, the world’s highest concen...
Minsk, Belarus is an exciting City to visit with a deep old History and culture. We explore some of the highlights and spots every tourist must see when coming to Minsk. There are strict visa requirements to enter the country which can be purchased prior to visiting Belarus if you want to reduce the expense. This short virtual tour of the city of Minsk explores the famous squares, churches, & people.