- published: 30 Oct 2017
- views: 4446
Dane or Danes may refer to:
The Great Dane is a large German breed of domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) known for its enormous body and great height. The German name of the breed is Deutsche Dogge, or German Mastiff. The French name is Dogue Allemand.
The Great Dane is one of the world's tallest dog breeds. The world record holder for tallest dog was a Great Dane called Zeus (died September 2014; aged 5), who measured 112 cm (44 in) from paw to shoulder. Great Danes are known for seeking physical affection from their owners.
Extremely large boarhounds resembling the Great Dane appear in ancient Greece; in frescoes from Tiryns dating back to 14th–13th century BC. These large boarhounds or Molossian hounds continue to appear throughout ancient Greece in subsequent centuries right up to the Hellenistic era. The Molossian hound, Suliot dog and specific imports from Greece were used in the 18th century to increase the stature of the boarhounds in Austria and Germany and the wolfhounds in Ireland.
Bigger dogs are depicted on numerous runestones in Scandinavia, on coinage in Denmark from the 5th century AD and in the collection of Old Norse poems, known in English as Poetic Edda. The University of Copenhagen Zoological Museum holds at least seven skeletons of very large hunting dogs, dating from the 5th century BC going forward through to the year 1000 AD.
Great may refer to:
Judge Ruled That Descendants Of Cherokee Freedman Can Have Tribal Citizenship - Dane Calloway Live!
Hearthstone: Sindragosa and The Random Legends
Silly Silly Dane Trào lưu đang hot trên mạng
Toddler and Deaf Great Dane Share an Adorable Friendship
Funny Great Dane Complains His Dinner is Late
SPECIAL Great Dane Dog Gets PERFECT Brother: Best Animal Videos | The Dodo Daily
Great Dane and Baby Compilation
10 Funniest Great Dane Videos #2
¿Sabe qué es el DANE?
Great Dane - Great Dane [FULL ALBUM]
Fahad Bhai dane pe dana gane per dance karna chahta hoon
Funny Great Dane SMILES for a Chicken Treat
🔥 DARN. 🔥
Great Dane Growth
Dane Cook - Breaking and Entering (Vicious Circle) HD
Hearthstone: Is This Too Powerful?
Kallebi - Que Se Dane ♫♪ (Nova 2016)
Neşet Ertaş - Dane dane benleri var yüzünde.
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 14, 2017 ( Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org )
NEW VISITORS CAN SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL HERE - (Thumbs up this video!) http://youtube.com/c/DaneCalloway HELP SUPPORT MY CHANNEL & CONTENT HERE - (Contribute to keep this ship sailing & earn rewards!) http://patreon.com/danecalloway DONATE TO ME DIRECTING HERE - (Secure & safe one-time user friendly method!) http://paypal.me/danecalloway CHECK OUT MY WEBSITE HERE - (Don't forget to share whichever article you like!) http://imjustheretomakeyouthink.com #IJHTMYT MERCHANDISE HERE - (Get 15% off limited time coupon!) https://goo.gl/s9Fsid ••USEFUL INFORMATION•• 📌Trace Your Native Tribe - http://goo.gl/Z23LP9 📌Establish Your True Nationality - https://goo.gl/9Ap6hh 📌Raise Your Credit Score - https://goo.gl/6bQUWM ••MY SOCIAL SITES•• 📎Facebook - http://goo.gl/AcoQ7J 📎Twi...
Sindragosa and The Random Legends # AAEBAf0EHk2KAcABuwKrBO0ElgXeBe0FuQbsB7kN2Q33DYEOwxaFF+CsAoK1Aum6Ati7AsHBAsrBApjEAt/EAtPFApbHAsfLAoLOAvLTAgAA # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone Twitter: @DaneHearth Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/danehearth
© 2016 By Recording Industry Association of Vietnam - RIAV All rights reserved ¤ PLEASE DO NOT RE-UPLOAD! Bản quyền thuộc về Hiệp Hội Công Nghiệp Ghi Âm Việt Nam - RIAV Network - Vui lòng không đăng tải lại dưới mọi hình thức. Rất cảm ơn các anh chị, các bạn đã ủng hộ chúng tôi trong suốt thời gian qua!
Walking the dog has never been more adorable. 17-month-old Jennie and her Great Dane, Echo, look forward to their daily walks, where Jennie insists on holding the leash. Her mom says these besties have been inseparable since Jennie was born. Even though Echo is deaf and has limited sight, the two are still able to communicate in their own ways. InsideEdition.com's Mara Montalbano (https://twitter.com/MaraMontalbano) has more.
Max the Great Dane has a really good sense of time. Max knows that his dinner is usually served at five o'oclock. Watch and laugh as Max complains that dinner is late, and then enjoys a bite of chicken appetizer. Max celebrates his snack with a high five for his Dad.
Best Animal Videos include: Great Dane Brothers Help Each Other Through Everything; Kitten Survives After Being Left At A Gas Station; Rescuers Help Injured Puppy Make A Full Recovery; Lab Rabbits Take Their First Steps Outside; Family Moves So They Can Keep Their Pig. Love Animals? Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCINb0wqPz-A0dV9nARjJlOQ?sub_confirmation=1 Great Dane Brothers Help Each Other Through Everything Keep up with these very special brothers on Instagram for more of their adventures: http://thedo.do/quinnsstory. Kitten Survives After Being Left At A Gas Station To help support the ongoing care Champ the abandoned kitty, please visit his rescuers at Animals in Distress: http://thedo.do/aid Rescuers Help Injured Puppy Make A Full Recovery Special thanks to Lilybug (h...
Great Danes are big and gentle creatures. A perfect companion for a baby. Babies and great dane dogs playing together is so adorable! Feel free to leave a comment! Share this video in Facebook/Twitter/Google+ and show to your friends! Have a GREAT Day :) Copyright Disclaimer: No copyright intended. All content used in adherence to "Fair Use" copyright law. Copyright issue? Send us a message and we'll get it resolved.
JOIN THE FUZZIES! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=worldsfuzziestvideos NEW VIDS FRIDAYS !! LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE!!! ******************************************* TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/michael_mrucz FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/michaelmrucz INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/michael_mrucz ******************************************* MUSIC: Our Ego [Feat. Different Visitor] by Broke For Free http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Broke_For_Free/Slam_Funk/Broke_For_Free_-_Slam_Funk_-_12_Our_Ego_-Feat_Different_Visitor-
Available on iTunes! https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/great-dane/id970233066 0:00 - Grrrreat 2:02 - DVN3 5:05 - My God 7:48 - Cosmotronique 10:28 - Devil Dance 13:05 - My People Outside 15:45 - Fairhaven 19:32 - Conception 23:35 - Wes 28:38 - June 2nd (feat. King Henry) 32:05 - Interlude 32:56 - Pixxelporn 35:44 - West Coast Stand Up 38:43 - Feelin Good on a Wednesday 40:18 - Perfect Dad Day 42:16 - Bat Whore 44:43 - Sensitive Dirt 47:41 - 307 50:18 - Flight to Cali 53:21 - Until We Meet Again Music video for Great Dane [FULL ALBUM] performed by Great Dane. Site: http://www.imagreatdane.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/grrrreatdane Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/grrreatdane Instagram: http://instagram.com/grrrreatdane Copyright (C) 2015 Alpha Pup Records. -- Powered by http://www...
Host: The enigmatic and charismatic Fahad Mustafa. Theme: A show like no other, where the fun never stops and the prizes just keep on coming. A thrilling segment based game show, with twists and turns beyond imagination. With excitement and riches around every corner, conducted in front of the Live audiences, where almost all of the crowd will not go home empty handed. In addition to the Live audiences prizes will also be given to those lucky viewers who join in through Live phone calls. Watch ‘Jeeto Pakistan’ Friday & Sunday at 7:30 pm only on ARY Digital.
Katie the Great Dane loves Publix fried chicken tenders. Watch and laugh as Katie SMILES at her brother Max as they both enjoy a table side treat.
Thanks so much for 300,000 subscribers! So… I dunno, here’s another TF2 parody album? I guess this is a thing now. Listen to these songs in the order they’re meant to be presented here, OR listen to them individually on all different sorts of platforms. YouTube (on my second channel): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3P2kb81tk_qKi45g1L2wWaMa0kP8GmUH Bandcamp: https://uncledane.bandcamp.com/album/darn Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/uncle-dane/sets/darn TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 - Feel Like Playin’ Engineer (ft. iDubbbzTV & Mac) 3:20 - MED DOWN 6:06 - Valve Drive Thru (ft. Ben Zimmer) 8:21 - Lenny Bind 10:26 - 6v6 14:18 - Interlude (ft. ArraySeven) 14:49 - Engie Man 16:51 - Build A Sentry 20:12 - My Pocket (ft. FreddieTF2) 23:47 - Nope 27:25 - Casual Mode Anthem 29:21 - Ambassador 31:45 ...
Watch Zidane growing 2 Weeks- 10 Months old. Great Dane male puppy.
Aired: September 4th, 2006 Vicious Circle: A stand-up comedy special hosted by HBO & CC. "What goes around has come around" Subscribe. Instagram.com/alexwelhaf Soundcloud.com/alexwelhaf
Trying out the new interaction with giants and Naga Sea Witch Deck List: # AAEBAR8G+wb+DJAOx64CmM0ChtMCDIoB0wGHBOEH+AeXCPcNuRHUEcsU3hbTzQIA # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone Twitter: @DaneHearth Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/danehearth
► Inscreva-se no canal: https://goo.gl/HpFHxT ► Inscreva-se ✔Novo canal: https://goo.gl/nK3dIu ► Download Da Musica:https://goo.gl/eMRzo5 ►Download Da Nossa Vinheta - https://goo.gl/m8Zdy5 📷 INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/rob.tuningplayart 🐦TWITTER: https://goo.gl/JvAJss 🚹 FACEBOOK: https://goo.gl/evWaUj Contato profissional: ►tuningplayart@gmail.com Video Retirado do canal: doistwo link do canal abaixo! https://www.youtube.com/user/canal2two Kallebi Apresenta - Que se Dane ♪ . . (SDG - Studio) Letra... Saiu sem direção saiu pela contra mão, sem ver... A cabeça ja esta parecendo um Vulcão quase em erupção de tanto beber... . Quatro da madrugada! E a intenção dos man e só de pegar. Então bora cair pra casa, e sem pensar duas vezes ela aceitar... E fala: Refrão... - Qu...
Neset ertas allah rahmet eylesin usta Abone olun lutfen
http://GeoengineeringWatch.org TO READ OR POST COMMENTS ON THIS VIDEO, PLEASE GO DIRECTLY TO THE ARTICLE http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/geoengineering-watch-global-alert-news-october-14-2017/ Our hope and goal is for this video to be shared far and wide, DO NOT re-upload this copyrighted video without prior written permission and conditions from GeoengineeringWatch.org From record hurricanes to public massacres to unprecedented firestorms, each new catastrophe is providing cover for the power structure while they continue to prepare for collapse. Each new catastrophe helps to eclipse the former disasters from the public’s consciousness. More and more of the population is starting to suspect that there is more to the recent string of disasters than what they have been told by “official...
His action is somewhat disappointing. But well within what I expected.
Local CT Hip Hop artist Dane Franco preforms a setlist of his original songs at The Space in Hamden, CT. This is a promo I filmed and edited from his show. Check out his music in the links below on Spotify and SoundCloud! Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0sQmE71tvHmKXAAZ5sI3Dq SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/dane-franco Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danefranco/
los recontra aaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...
Max the Great Dane is all decked out in his Halloween costume. Watch and laugh as he takes a break from filming and decided he needs a drink and is too lazy to walk back to the pool. Another advantage of being a tall dog, you can drink right out of the faucet. Mom was so thrilled that he didn't take his mane for a swim! Source & embed code: https://rumble.com/v3uadf-halloween-great-dane-enjoys-a-drink-from-the-tap.html. For licensing, please email licensing@rumble.com.
Max and Katie the Great Dane met up with some friends on their afternoon golf cart ride. Watch and enjoy as Katie goes for a stroll and Max rides with Dad around the lake. Frasier and Niles the resident Sand Hill Cranes were out for their afternoon stroll and complained loudly about Max and Katie joining with walk.
Whoop whoop time for a free lps review :D Lemme know if you've ever gotten littlest pet shops from this seller before in the comments! ↓ ↓ More info and links below. Sellers eBay username - fastmatrix1 eBay Store Link - https://www.ebay.com/sch/fastmatrix1/m.html?item=362016395743&hash;=item5449dbd1df&rt;=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562 Store Link - http://stores.ebay.com/Toys-Explorer Subscribe to know when I make new videos! https://www.youtube.com/c/LpsHoneyOfficial?sub_confirmation=1 Make sure to click the bell too! 🔔 ☆’.・.・:★’.・.・:☆’.・.・:★'.・.・:☆’.・.・:★’.・.・:☆’.・.・:★'.・.・:☆’.・.・:★’.・.・:☆’.・.・ ☆ ----- CONNECT WITH ME ----- ☆ ♡ INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/lpshoneyofficial/ ♡ FIGURE CHANNEL - https://www.youtube.com/user/LpsBean ☆’.・.・:★’.・.・:☆’.・.・:★'.・.・:☆’.・.・:★’.・.・:☆’.・.・...
my and my new friend had a lot of fun!!!!!!!
2006 Great Dane Dual Temp Reefer Trailer http://www.quickbye.com For more information on this vehicle and our full inventory, call us at 855-573-2311 Select Vehicle Marketing 2006 Great Dane Dual Temp Reefer Trailer For Sale in Omaha, Nebraska If you are looking for a top of the line trailer that is prepared to handle anything life throws at it then look no further because this 2006 Great Dane Dual Temp Reefer Trailer is perfect for you! It has been very well maintained both inside and out which has enabled this durable trailer's excellent condition for it's year. This 2006 Great Dane Dual Temp Reefer Trailer is extremely versatile. It comes with premium features that are indispensable to any hardworking individual. It offers a motor and compressor replaced in 2014, Independent R...
*ติดต่อดีเจได้ที่. facebook(ส่วนตัว).https://m.facebook.com/mini.mix.1232?... เพจ.https://m.facebook.com/DJ-TLE-RMX-106... ============================== ❂►ไม่อนุญาติให้ก็อปปี้ไปลงซ้ำทั้ง Facebook และ Youtube◄❂ ============================== ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ ==============================
Strong Puppy With All The Odds Stacked Against Her Surprises Everyone | People said this puppy wasn't worth saving — but her mom didn't believe them 💜 | To help with Lumen's ongoing medical needs, you can support Luvable Dog Rescue's fundraiser: http://thedo.do/savelumen. Keep up with her comeback on Instagram: http://thedo.do/lumen. Special thanks to her rescuers at the Animal Pad: http://thedo.do/pad. Love Animals? Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCINb0wqPz-A0dV9nARjJlOQ?sub_confirmation=1 Follow The Dodo: Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thedodosite/timeline Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/dodo Watch us on Snapchat Discover: https://www.snapchat.com/discover/The-Dodo/4978545017 Love our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thedodo/ Check out our sit...
It's got a bit of everything this interview!! Floodlight switch down and a cheeky dub! Big Dane talks the media team through the shootout and progression in the FA Youth Cup
Sindragosa and The Random Legends # AAEBAf0EHk2KAcABuwKrBO0ElgXeBe0FuQbsB7kN2Q33DYEOwxaFF+CsAoK1Aum6Ati7AsHBAsrBApjEAt/EAtPFApbHAsfLAoLOAvLTAgAA # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone Twitter: @DaneHearth Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/danehearth
© 2016 By Recording Industry Association of Vietnam - RIAV All rights reserved ¤ PLEASE DO NOT RE-UPLOAD! Bản quyền thuộc về Hiệp Hội Công Nghiệp Ghi Âm Việt Nam - RIAV Network - Vui lòng không đăng tải lại dưới mọi hình thức. Rất cảm ơn các anh chị, các bạn đã ủng hộ chúng tôi trong suốt thời gian qua!
Join the Uncle Dane Community Discord: https://discord.gg/uncledane The Jungle Inferno Update is finally here. The most highly anticipated patch in recent history has brought us a new Pyro Pack, new maps, new Contracts and a completely overhauled lobby UI. But did Engineer survive the forest fire? Music is from Donkey Kong and TF2. Engineer Jackhammer Song: Running In The 90's by Max Coveri ►Support me on Patreon: https://goo.gl/CkKQLF ►Second Channel: https://goo.gl/uNHJ6X ►Steam Group: http://goo.gl/ZrjyjE ►My TFcrew Community Servers: https://play.crew.tf ►Twitch: http://goo.gl/PsBRD5 ►Discord Community: https://goo.gl/ckdrfo ►Twitter: https://goo.gl/t62ocd ►Instagram: https://goo.gl/5BQuPu ►Soundcloud: https://goo.gl/nWX6eb I use BudHud. Download it here: http://huds.tf/forum/show...
http://GeoengineeringWatch.org TO READ OR POST COMMENTS ON THIS VIDEO, PLEASE GO DIRECTLY TO THE ARTICLE http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/geoengineering-watch-global-alert-news-october-14-2017/ Our hope and goal is for this video to be shared far and wide, DO NOT re-upload this copyrighted video without prior written permission and conditions from GeoengineeringWatch.org From record hurricanes to public massacres to unprecedented firestorms, each new catastrophe is providing cover for the power structure while they continue to prepare for collapse. Each new catastrophe helps to eclipse the former disasters from the public’s consciousness. More and more of the population is starting to suspect that there is more to the recent string of disasters than what they have been told by “official...
Available on iTunes! https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/great-dane/id970233066 0:00 - Grrrreat 2:02 - DVN3 5:05 - My God 7:48 - Cosmotronique 10:28 - Devil Dance 13:05 - My People Outside 15:45 - Fairhaven 19:32 - Conception 23:35 - Wes 28:38 - June 2nd (feat. King Henry) 32:05 - Interlude 32:56 - Pixxelporn 35:44 - West Coast Stand Up 38:43 - Feelin Good on a Wednesday 40:18 - Perfect Dad Day 42:16 - Bat Whore 44:43 - Sensitive Dirt 47:41 - 307 50:18 - Flight to Cali 53:21 - Until We Meet Again Music video for Great Dane [FULL ALBUM] performed by Great Dane. Site: http://www.imagreatdane.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/grrrreatdane Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/grrreatdane Instagram: http://instagram.com/grrrreatdane Copyright (C) 2015 Alpha Pup Records. -- Powered by http://www...
Thanks so much for 300,000 subscribers! So… I dunno, here’s another TF2 parody album? I guess this is a thing now. Listen to these songs in the order they’re meant to be presented here, OR listen to them individually on all different sorts of platforms. YouTube (on my second channel): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3P2kb81tk_qKi45g1L2wWaMa0kP8GmUH Bandcamp: https://uncledane.bandcamp.com/album/darn Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/uncle-dane/sets/darn TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 - Feel Like Playin’ Engineer (ft. iDubbbzTV & Mac) 3:20 - MED DOWN 6:06 - Valve Drive Thru (ft. Ben Zimmer) 8:21 - Lenny Bind 10:26 - 6v6 14:18 - Interlude (ft. ArraySeven) 14:49 - Engie Man 16:51 - Build A Sentry 20:12 - My Pocket (ft. FreddieTF2) 23:47 - Nope 27:25 - Casual Mode Anthem 29:21 - Ambassador 31:45 ...
How can you sell out 20,000-seat arenas, star in several Hollywood films, record the biggest selling comedy album in 30 years, and still be called “polarizing?” Dane Cook stops by the garage to talk about being Dane Cook and whether that might be more complicated than it seems. Meanwhile, Marc tries to kick his nicotine addiction. This may not end well. DANE COOK Interview WTF with Marc Maron Podcast EPISODE 85 JUNE 28, 2010 DANE COOK WTF with Marc Maron - DANE COOK Interview
Retaliation is the second album by American comedian Dane Cook. It was released on July 26, 2005 by Comedy Central Records. The CDs contain a concert done by Cook at The Comedy Connection in Boston, Massachusetts. The DVD contains Dane's appearances on Shorties Watchin' Shorties and Crank Yankers, Comedy Central's Denis Leary Roast and Comedy Central's Bar Mitzvah Bash. The Crank Yankers call Foreign Guy English Lessons is previously unreleased. The album debuted at #4 on the Billboard 200, which was the most successful comedy album debut since Steve Martin's A Wild and Crazy Guy in 1978. It went gold six days after its initial release and platinum on November 30, 2005. As of April 16, 2008, the album has sold 1,264,748 copies in the U.S. Disc 2 - Need "Intro / The Dane Train" -- 0:53 "...
[Danish Legend from Viking Age] Havelok the Dane : A Legend of Old Grimsby and Lincoln (Audiobook) adapted by Charles Watts Whistler
Full Alpha Dog album by Great Dane. Any weird cut-sounds are due to my editing/combining of all fourteen songs. All rights reserved to Great Dane and other artists, (and any recording companies used). Songs: 1. Alpha Dog 0:00-1:16 2. Invite Only 1:17-3:54 3. Still So Clean (feat. King Henry) 3:55-6:45 4. Freeka 6:46-9:32 5. Mongrel 9:33-11:55 6. All Over (feat. Nocando) 11:56-14:48 7. Late Man 14:49-17:22 8. Our Life 17:23-20:01 9. Yeezy ...
Ever since his very first LCS split, there was never any doubt that Søren "Bjergsen" Bjerg was destined for greatness. He’s a prodigy who has forged his own path through the world of League of Legends to become not only one of the game's most decorated and celebrated players, but quite possibly the best Western player of all time. From his start in Europe to leading Team SoloMid to domestic glory in the North American LCS, Bjergsen has earned his success through hard work and an unwavering dedication. This is his story. Edited and Narrated by: @Dyna_Sean Written by: @NicDoucet Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”). List of Footage/Image Courtesies: Corsair Vengeance Cup Courtesy: KaosTV Link: https://youtu.be/cfR247VWFr8 Bjergsen First LCS Win - time...
The fan-favorite and long-running series is back for another round of MvM with a bunch of my personal favorite people and content creators. Hope you enjoy watching us have a bit of robot-ass-kicking fun! Check these gamers out: Soundsmith: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0Eqb484X8EiNrFLSUQVsaA PeterScraps: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyiIPtd-GmZBWnZ86hXPeaA Sir Stanger: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyNyMoDJhEc-W9lA806bJ5Q Lady Stanger: https://www.twitch.tv/ladystanger Exany: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH9_JtHvtfg-miPhUvEqDXg Music: Rusted Root - Send Me On My Way War - Low Rider Enya - Only Time Hans Zimmer - Wonder Woman Theme It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia Theme The X-Files Theme Eric Andre Jingle Square Dance Remix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYR7iOtyS4w ►...
Download Carl the Super Truck Roadworks here! Android: http://smarturl.it/And_CarlSuperTruckRo iOS: http://smarturl.it/iOS_CarlSuperTruckRo Wach the latest episode of Troy the Train here : ➢ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA5WxhnkgnM-RkZAw4W-kOybE7hBD6Y50 Troy the train is a cartoon for children. Troy the train is the fastest and smartest train in Train Town! He can transform himself in any vehicle: ambulance, tow truck, police car, fire truck, excavator, monster truck and any kind of transport with the help of his friend, Teddy! This cartoon for children about trucks is ideal for boys and girls who are interested in cars and trains! ➢ Subscribe for more train cartoons for children: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8n1T1pxn83UbNz1Uc80Vvg?sub_confirmation=1 Welcome to Car C...
Requested by hansel4150. Well, hansel4150 wanted Dane Cook's December 2010 appearance on the show, but I found no evidence of that ever happening. This took place a year earlier and features Dane Cook, Bill Burr and Bob Kelly. ----- To listen to The Opie & Anthony Show live, five days a week between 6am-10am ET on XM 103 / Sirius 206, subscribe to Sirius XM over at siriusxm.com. For a free 30 day trial, sign up at siriusxm.com/freetrial. If you don't live in the United States, you can subscribe via Audible: bit.ly/162fNV9. Please support the show if you like what they do. - @OandAShow: http://twitter.com/oandashow - @OpieRadio: http://twitter.com/opieradio - @AnthonyCumia: http://twitter.com/anthonycumia - @JimNorton: http://twitter.com/jimnorton - @NotSam: http://twitter.com/notsam - @...
A sexy little matrix (dusborne) of this classic show. Some parts are a bit washed out... but when it's on... mother of god 01 Loose Lucy 00:00 02 Beat It On Down The Line 07:03 03 Brown Eyed Women 10:56 04 Mexicali Blues 15:50 05 Tennessee Jed 19:24 06 Looks Like Rain 27:25 07 Box of Rain 34:56 08 Row Jimmy 40:11 09 Jack Straw 48:08 10 China Cat Sunflower ~ 52:59 11 I Know You Rider 59:31 12 Me & My Uncle 01:04:53 13 Bertha 01:07:51 14 Playing In The Band 01:13:43 15 Casey Jones 01:29:02 16 Here Comes Sunshine 01:35:52 17 El Paso 01:45:46 18 You Ain't Woman Enough * 01:50:19 19 They Love Each Other * 01:53:51 20 Big River * 01:58:41 21 Dark Star ~ 02:03:21 22 Eyes of the World ~ 02:22:38 23 China Doll 02:42:43 24 Promised Land 02:49:51 25 Sugaree 02:54:03 26 Sug...
Publish Date 26/07/2005 - 1:09am GMT - Retaliation is the second album by American comedian Dane Cook. It was released on July 26, 2005 by Comedy Central Records. Release date: July 26, 2005 Artist: Dane Cook Retaliation [CD+DVD] Amazon.com - http://www.amazon.com/Retaliation-W-Dvd-Dane-Cook/dp/B0009W5ITW Track listing: Disc 1 - Want 1. "Intro / Riot" -- 2:00 2. "Struck by a Vehicle" -- 3:33 3. "Superbleeder" -- 0:39 4. "Legacy" -- 1:15 5. "Someone S#!t on the Coats" -- 1:33 6. "Abducted" -- 2:54 7. "Punkass / Are You Out of Your F!#kin' Mind?!" -- 1:13 8. "Driveway Intruder" -- 1:15 9. "Car Alarm" -- 3:42 10. "Heist / Monkey" -- 4:38 11. "BAMF" -- 2:20 12. "Dream House" -- 3:59 13. "At the Wall" -- 10:44 14. "The Chicken Sangwich the Heckler and the Kabbash" -- 12:31
Ayy ayy ayy ok ok juicy gucci juicy gucci half a brick, half a brick, zaytoven, zaytiggi, ayy ayy ayy ok ok ok ayy ayy so icey entertainment
[Over intro: Tony Yayo]
Yea, half a brick, yeaaaa
Ayyy, ayyy, okkk, ayyyy
Yea, g-unit
[Chorus: x2]
Quarter Brick, half a brick,
Whole brick (Aaay!)
Quarter pound, half a pound,
Whole pound (Okay!)
100 pillz, 1000 pillz, servin major
JuiceMan and Gucci Mane make the trap
[Tony Yayo:]
Quarter brick, half a brick, whole key and yay
Got me in that louie, gucci and that hermeez
200 thousand that's 3 bricks a day
170 real cats the other 30's like flake
I'm an og in the a, looking fresh to death
I gotta thousand e pills and that crystal meth
I got that rose breath, I got them dior feet
And we lookin like money on bolter cresh street
[Chorus x2]
[OJ Da Juiceman:]
I'm boomin I'm buggin I'm termin all the
Rap game ezy but da dope game gravy
Young juice man and my life is the
With stupid fruity crazy swag jumpin in
Yo lader
Banana donk chevy interior like the
Lebron james wrist when I'm fuckin with
Hit the trap, stay down watch the paper
Wake up
Boomin out da house and J askin for a
Half a brick whole brick got me buyin jacob
Worried still walking in a head of a gator
Half a brick whole brick got me buyin jacob
Worried still walking in a head of a gator
[Chorus x2]
[Gucci Mane:]
I'm twerkin birds in so we workin
Packin a truck stop to train a back in
We big flip jug we tote it off the
The way my plug kick ya think he
Had a black belt
My scale so big big boy can weight
It's damn self
2000 pounds of mid I sold dat shit my
Damn self
Washer full of cash dryer full of X
Red rag in my pocket same color my
Vette is
My number lower than a ese from texas a
Quarter mil in da mail is an investment
A sniper rifle like a soldier in the
A eagle on me boy I'm known to tote a
I sack a ounce up before I sold a
He won't a brick I told him meet me by
The checkers
I sack a pound up before I sold a
He want a bet I told him meet me by
The checkers
[Chorus x2]
[OJ Da Juiceman:]
Young juice man God dammit I'm the shit
Boomin on the chain working with 50 bricks
1000 pound bail tryna make a mega grill
Posted on the cresh with that 4.5 on my hip
34, 34 tuck behind my heel
Tell 60 dawg with that extra limb
502 dark dawg with thate extra kid
I got that stupid bank cause I got that stupid wheel
[Chorus x2]
Ayy ayy ayy ok
Damn damn say say
Dam damn damn juice juice