climate change

Canberra smoke 2020

Workers must not pay the cost of climate-fuelled bushfire disasters

This blog post is 1 year old. Please, when reading this, be mindful of its age. This article was originally published in The Canberra Times. The bush fire crisis exposes the failures of the Federal government and industry to prepare for the catastrophic impacts of global warming. And it also demonstrates that well-intentioned governments like …

Workers must not pay the cost of climate-fuelled bushfire disasters Read More »

Sorry policy-makers, the two-degrees warming policy is a road to disaster

This blog post is 6 years old. Please, when reading this, be mindful of its age.Originally posted on my Guardian blog. Global consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers has released a timely analysis on economic growth and carbon emissions, which makes the point that there is a “disconnect between the global climate negotiations aiming for a 2°C limit …

Sorry policy-makers, the two-degrees warming policy is a road to disaster Read More »

Science alone won’t change climate opinions, but it matters

This blog post is 7 years old. Please, when reading this, be mindful of its age. I’ve often highlighted useful articles about cognitive and behavioural insights that I believe are useful for unions and progressive campaigners. This time, I’ve decided to republish an entire article by Ben Newell from The Conversation, because I want to …

Science alone won’t change climate opinions, but it matters Read More »

Should Australian progressives pay attention to George Lakoff?

This blog post is 7 years old. Please, when reading this, be mindful of its age.We live in a post-fact world. I assert this for two reasons. Firstly, because it crystallises the conservative approach to public discourse, which is largely exemplified by lying, lying loudly and lying often. Secondly, because increasing scientific research demonstrates that …

Should Australian progressives pay attention to George Lakoff? Read More »