- published: 31 Jan 2016
- views: 18540
Hydrogen sulfide is the chemical compound with the formula H
2S. It is a colorless gas with the characteristic foul odor of rotten eggs; it is heavier than air, very poisonous, corrosive, flammable, and explosive.
Hydrogen sulfide often results from the bacterial breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen gas, such as in swamps and sewers; this process is commonly known as anaerobic digestion. H
2S also occurs in volcanic gases, natural gas, and in some sources of well water. It is also present in natural halite type rock salts, most notably in Himalayan Black Salt, which is mostly harvested from the mineral-rich Salt Range mountains of Pakistan. The human body produces small amounts of H
2S and uses it as a signaling molecule.
Dissolved in water, hydrogen sulfide is known as hydrosulfuric acid or sulfhydric acid, a weak acid.
Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele is credited with having discovered hydrogen sulfide in 1777.
The British English spelling of this compound is hydrogen sulphide, but this spelling is not recommended by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry or the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Hydrogen is a chemical element with chemical symbol H and atomic number 1. With an atomic weight of 7000100794000000000♠1.00794 u, hydrogen is the lightest element on the periodic table. Its monatomic form (H) is the most abundant chemical substance in the Universe, constituting roughly 75% of all baryonic mass. Non-remnant stars are mainly composed of hydrogen in its plasma state. The most common isotope of hydrogen, termed protium (name rarely used, symbol 1H), has one proton and no neutrons.
The universal emergence of atomic hydrogen first occurred during the recombination epoch. At standard temperature and pressure, hydrogen is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic, nonmetallic, highly combustible diatomic gas with the molecular formula H2. Since hydrogen readily forms covalent compounds with most non-metallic elements, most of the hydrogen on Earth exists in molecular forms such as in the form of water or organic compounds. Hydrogen plays a particularly important role in acid–base reactions as many acid-base reactions involve the exchange of protons between soluble molecules. In ionic compounds, hydrogen can take the form of a negative charge (i.e., anion) when it is known as a hydride, or as a positively charged (i.e., cation) species denoted by the symbol H+. The hydrogen cation is written as though composed of a bare proton, but in reality, hydrogen cations in ionic compounds are always more complex species than that would suggest. As the only neutral atom for which the Schrödinger equation can be solved analytically, study of the energetics and bonding of the hydrogen atom has played a key role in the development of quantum mechanics.
H2S may refer to:
"Safety Training" is the twentieth episode of the third season of the American comedy television series The Office. Written by B. J. Novak, who also acts in the show as sales representative Ryan Howard, and directed by Caddyshack and National Lampoon's Vacation director Harold Ramis, the episode aired in the United States on April 12, 2007 on NBC.
In the episode, Michael attempts to prove life in an office is dangerous after Darryl berates him about the dangers of the warehouse. The attempts lead him to the roof of the building, where he tries to show that depression caused by an office can lead to desperate circumstances. Meanwhile, gambling between the other employees of the office leads Karen to discover that she is still an outsider.
When Michael Scott (Steve Carell) repeatedly disrupts Darryl Philbin's (Craig Robinson) warehouse safety training session, Lonny Collins (Patrice O'Neal) and Darryl mock the office workers' safety session in retaliation, claiming that office work does not entail physical danger. Offended by Darryl's disdain for office safety training, Michael decides to demonstrate the risk of depression and suicide by jumping off the roof, landing on a hidden trampoline. When Michael tests out the trampoline by dropping a watermelon from the roof, it bounces off and hits an office worker's car, prompting it to be replaced by a bouncy castle hidden from the general view of the parking lot. From the roof of the building, Michael talks dramatically about the dangers of depression. When the bouncy castle is discovered, Jim and Pam realize that Michael is "going to kill himself pretending to kill himself." The employees collectively talk Michael down from the roof, with Darryl doing most of the talking, to assure Michael that he is brave simply by living as himself. At the end, the car that was hit by the watermelon is revealed to be Stanley's (Leslie David Baker), who is shocked to see the mess.
Identifying Hydrogen Sulfide - H2S - Safety video
H2S (Hydrogen Sulfide) Gas Incident
How to make a Hydrogen Sulfide Generator
Trailer: Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Gas Safety Awareness Training
Hydrogen Sulfide What You Can Remember Could Save a Life!
Hydrogen Sulfide & Human Exposure Risks
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S): A Matter of Life or Death
Synthesis of Copper monosulfide and Hydrogen sulfide
H2S safety monitor goes off funny oilfield
Hydrogen Sulfide Awareness: Theory Part 1.1
Hydrogen Sulfide - H2S - Safety Training
Hydrogen sulfide and sodium hydrogen sulfide synthesis
Hydrogen Sulfide Awareness
How to deal with hydrogen sulphide
Hydrogen Sulphide Bomb (Man-Made)
Bacterial Production of Hydrogen Sulfide
Hydrogen Sulfide Poisoning
Left Undone H2S Movie
The Dangers of H2S (Hydrogen Sulfide)
Chemical Suicide "Detergent Suicide" - Voice over version
Quite often a lot of people asking me such a silly quitestions that I have a moral duty to publish safety videos. Remember! Working with chemicals is a dangerous thing if you do not know what you are doing. Plaese watch this quick video about dangers of Hydrogen Sylfide. How to Identify it and how to treat a casualty. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydroge...
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S): Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless, flammable, extremely hazardous gas with a “rotten egg” smell. It occurs naturally in crude petroleum and natural gas, and can be produced by the breakdown of organic matter and human/ animal wastes (e.g., sewage). It is heavier than air and can collect in low-lying and enclosed, poorly ventilated areas such as basements, manholes, sewer lines and underground telephone/electrical vaults. Detection by Smell: Can be smelled at low levels, but with continuous low level exposure or at higher concentrations you lose your ability to smell the gas even though it is still present. At high concentrations – your ability to smell the gas can be lost instantly. DO NOT depend on your sense of smell for indicating the continuing presence of this...
NOTE: REDUPLOADED DUE TO AN ERROR IN TERMINOLOGY. Warning: H2S is EXTREMELY toxic. Do NOT do this indoors and avoid using H2S if you can. In this video, I generate hydrogen sulfide using hydrochloric acid (HCl) and iron sulfide (FeS). I bubble the gas through a saturated solution of copper sulfate to limit the amount of H2S released into the environment and to demonstrate it's (old) use as an analytical chemistry technique.
To know more about the Product: https://goo.gl/Gs4bYP Our training and awareness movie works on a global scale and yet connects with people locally. It meets the best practices and training norms of any organization facing such a challenge. Program includes: • 3D animated movie; which is rich in content, slick in pace and a visual treat • Thorough booklet with information on H2S & assessment questionnaire • Movie in multiple global languages ★ Features ★ ► Audio-Visual appeal ► Interactive Experience ► Addressing multi-lingual needs ► Highlighting Processes and Relationship ► Usage of Modern Techniques ► Applicability ► Skill & Ability Improvements ► Consistent
Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless, flammable, and potentially extremely hazardous gas that has a "rotten egg" smell. It occurs naturally in crude petroleum, natural gas and hot springs. It is also produced by the microbial breakdown of organic materials, including human and animal wastes. Examples of industrial activities that can produce hydrogen sulfide include petroleum and natural gas drilling, refining, wastewater treatment, coke ovens, tanneries and some types of paper mill processing. Hydrogen sulfide is heavier than air and may travel along the ground. It can collect in low-lying and enclosed, poorly-ventilated areas such as basements, manholes, sewer lines, underground telephone vaults and manure pits. For work within confined spaces or where the gas may collect, people need to ...
Hydrogen sulfide is the chemical compound with the formula H2S. It is a colorless gas with the characteristic foul odor of rotten eggs; it is heavier than air, very . Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S): Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless, flammable, extremely hazardous gas with a “rotten egg” smell. It occurs naturally in crude petroleum . H2S EMERGENCY DONNING on 15min.Sabre Flite Supplied Air Breathing Apparatus (SABA) Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) is colorless,extremely poisonous/toxic . Free Charge Safety Training Videos. Subscribe To Receive New Videos
More in depth in this video than I normally am as far as description goes, thanks to my buddy Frankium. He suggested that I add the reaction mechanism into the video, and I think that it turned out nicely. Go check his channel out! He's got some awesome videos that you can't miss out on.
H2s Monitor goes off funny oilfield video of guy who panics when his h2s monitor goes off
Do the course: http://tangenttraining.teachable.com/p/hydrogen-sulfide-sample-lesson This H2S awareness course is designed for oil, gas, mining and construction workers. It satisfies all the requirements for global standards and is delivered via phone, tablet or PC. Full reporting and completion data available for employees. Check out our sample.
Hydrogen Sulfide - H2S - Safety Training http://www.oilfieldmag.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ofm.oilfieldmag
In this video, we prepare hydrogen sulfide from iron sulfide and hydrochloric acid. The hydrogen sulfide is then used to synthesize sodium hydrogen sulfide. Enjoy!
Five minutes awareness & training video on H2S safety
safety video - How to deal with hydrogen sulphide
Do not try this at home.
Hydrogen sulfide production by desulfococcus using hydrogen, bicarbonate and sulfate ions. Yes, I'm aware that the bond angle in hydrogen sulfide is incorrect. 3ds Max animation.
This is one of my favorite flashcards. Here you see Travis on the toilet making something special for the guys below. Hydrogen sulfide is what gives your gas that occasional rotten egg odor (TMI), so in theory, concentrated farts could kill you. Olfactory fatigue explains why Travis isn't so distressed in the bathroom. To learn more visit: www.klossandbruce.com
This movie was professionally done by Express Energy Services with the help of a Expert film crew and Actor. We thank them for bringing further awareness of the dangers of Hydrogen Sulfide in the Oil and Gas Industry. Visit Texas Training Center at TTCsafety.com
This was a really crappy night. The laziness of others put my life at risk. This job comes with risks which I totally accept but when it's something as stupid as a moron pinching off the vent line by carelessly driving over it that's a situation that really pisses me off. Sound effect: Freesound.org genelythgow__intense-ambeint-rhythmic-pulse.wav
Update to the previous upload to include voice over and current published articles.
Hydrogen sulfide is the chemical compound with the formula H2S. It is a colorless gas with the characteristic foul odor of rotten eggs; it is heavier than air, very . Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S): Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless, flammable, extremely hazardous gas with a “rotten egg” smell. It occurs naturally in crude petroleum . H2S EMERGENCY DONNING on 15min.Sabre Flite Supplied Air Breathing Apparatus (SABA) Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) is colorless,extremely poisonous/toxic . Free Charge Safety Training Videos. Subscribe To Receive New Videos
This movie was professionally done by Express Energy Services with the help of a Expert film crew and Actor. We thank them for bringing further awareness of the dangers of Hydrogen Sulfide in the Oil and Gas Industry. Visit Texas Training Center at TTCsafety.com
Recently Dr Greg Nigh and Dr Jacobi both presented at the SIBO SOS Summit. Dr Jacobi loved Dr Nigh’s talk on hydrogen sulfide and has invited him on the show to discuss sulfur metabolism and his unique ideas about hydrogen sulfide and sulfur imbalances.
Manure Gasses: Hydrogen Sulfide and Your Safety - Dr. Dan Andersen, Iowa State University, from the 2016 Iowa Pork Congress, January 27-28, Des Moines, IA, USA. More presentations at http://www.swinecast.com/2016-iowa-pork-congress
This webinar features CAIROX® CR Potassium Permanganate Tablets as a unique controlled-release (CR) formulation that dispenses permanganate slowly into flowing water. CAIRO CR Tablets are a safe, easy-to-handle oxidant technology designed to treat odors in municipal and industrial wastewater at remote sites, lift stations, or where feed equipment is not practical. The CR technology is very fast reacting with H2S (on the order of seconds) and other organic odor-producing compounds, making it an excellent choice when retention times are very short. In the fall of 2015, a Midwestern Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) with typical daily flows of three million gallons per day was receiving neighborhood complaints about strong H2S odors coming from gravity interceptors. This presentation highligh...
In this episode we dive into hydrogen sulfide sibo with John Brisson from Fixyourgut.com. We discuss why this can occur, what someone can do to test for it, and how you can relieve symptoms. It can be one of the trickiest cases of sibo.
Iron oxide, hematite, sodium hydroxide, quartz crystal. Activated with hydrogen sulfide/selenide/telluride and dry ice.
Australia’s $40 billion of concrete sewage infrastructure, if left untreated, could corrode away in 8 years from sulphide attack. Concrete sewer manholes are highly prone to corrosion due to acid attack. The corrosion mechanism is fairly simple: Generation of H2S in sewer lines fills up the Manhole; Oxidisation of H2S to H2SO4 by auto oxidation reduces pH; Sulphide Oxidising Bacteria (SOB) form colonies as pH drops; Convert H2S to H2SO4 (sulphuric acid) = corrosion of manhole. One of the solutions to stop corrosion is by spraying PROTECTA-Mag™ (Magnesium Hydroxide coating) on the surface of concrete sewers. PROTECTA-Mag is 7 times cheaper than other available technologies over the life cycle of the asset and does not require flow diversion or man entry for application. Watch this vide...
Industrial processes such as oil and gas production facilities, refining, chemical production and power generation often involve toxic and combustible gases, which can create serious hazards if they escape into the air. Toxic hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and combustible methane (CH4) are among the most widely produced and most dangerous industrial gases. To minimize risk to plant safety and the surrounding community, plants often deploy early warning devices such as gas detection systems that require expensive infrastructure and seldom cover all the potential leak points. In this video, United Electric Controls’ Wil Chin, Vice President of Marketing and Business Development, and Joe Mancini, Sr. Product Manager, discuss augmenting existing wired gas detection coverage with new, WirelessHART gas...
Smartsibotest and Allison Siebecker discuss hydrogen sulphide, hydrogen and methane types of SIBO along with SIBO testing. Weight gain and weight loss, probiotics and SIBO. How long it takes to get rid of SIBO and what you can do to prevent it coming back.
This DVD has been produced by a cross industry workgroup to heighten the awareness of the risks of H2S and other hazardous gasses associated with the back loading and transportation of oil contaminated wet bulk waste (slops) from offshore installations on Offshore Support Vessels. The DVD highlights the criticality of adhering to the guidance and procedures found within the recently updated “Guidelines for Offshore Marine Operations” (GOMO)
H2S training conducted by Mr.Michael Embog at DISS
Bentley's Dr. Tom Walski explains the problems faced with hydrogen sulfide formation in collection systems and how to model this in SewerGEMS or CivilStorm. Topics covered: - H2S chemistry and issues in wastewater collection systems - Producing average concentration runs - Displaying H2S result maps of the network - Comparing H2S formation according to various conditions such as temperature Learn More: https://communities.bentley.com/products/hydraulics___hydrology/w/hydraulics_and_hydrology__wiki/35136.modeling-septicity-hydrogen-sulfide-h2s
©2013 Express Energy Services This is the groundbreaking safety film produced by Express Energy Services to spotlight the hazards of H2S. 2013 Oil & Gas Awards Winner “Excellence in Health & Safety” Like us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Expres... For more info: www.eeslp.com For Careers: www.eeslp.com/p-career-center
This webinar will feature CAIROX® CR Potassium Permanganate Tablets as a unique controlled-release (CR) formulation that dispenses permanganate slowly into flowing water. CAIROX CR Tablets are a safe, easy-to-handle oxidant technology designed to treat odors in municipal and industrial wastewater at remote sites, lift stations, or where feed equipment is not practical. The CR technology is very fast reacting with H2S (on the order of seconds) and other organic odor-producing compounds, making it an excellent choice when retention times are very short. In the fall of 2015, a Midwestern Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) with typical daily flows of three million gallons per day was receiving neighborhood complaints about strong H2S odors coming from gravity interceptors. This presentation wil...