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My son has thrived at a boys' school, my girls are fine with co-ed

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As I count down the final two weeks of the HSC, I feel a tremendous sense of relief. I've got one kid safely through high school. Only two to go.

My son attended a private boys' school. I am a graduate of a co-ed school and never expected to send my child to a single-sex school. Life isn't single sex, and so a single-sex education makes little sense to me. All my kids were enrolled in a lovely co-ed school and my girls remain there to this day.

But my son was unhappy. He struggled to make friends, he wasn't challenged academically and he began refusing to enter the school gates in the morning. After endless discussions with family, his teachers, mental health professionals and other school communities, we moved him in year 5.

My son has thrived at the boys' school. The environment suits him very well. And my girls remain happy and settled in their co-ed environments.

Around us, the debate regarding single sex verses co-ed education rages. In June this year, research from the University College, London, found that converting single-sex schools to co-ed resulted in falling academic results for boys and girls.

On the other hand, Australian research this month found that students in co-ed schools improved more quickly than their single-sex schooled cohort in reading and at a similar rate in numeracy. Australian Council for Educational Research fellow Katherine Dix argued there was "no value add-on" in students' education in single-sex schools.


But even those findings were contentious. Single-sex schools were found to outperform co-ed schools in overall achievement, leading the executive officer of the Alliance of Girl's Schools Australasia, Loren Bridge, to claim the findings as a win.

Like breast v bottle, sleep training v baby-led, day care v home, there is endless research, many impassioned experts and very little uncontroversial data. It can be overwhelming and frustrating for parents to process, leaving us feeling damned if we do and damned if we don't.

So what is a conscientious parent to do? How do we make sense of all the mixed messages and do the right thing by our kids?

Well, first up, I think we need to calm right down. No matter what the experts tell us, there is no clear "right" way when it comes to parenting. There are many ways to raise a child and there are certainly many ways to educate one.

Single sex v co-ed is just one binary classification. There are dozens of ways to classify and assess a school. There is religious v secular, public v private, academically selective v inclusive, specialised v generalist.

Even more significantly, every single school has a unique culture and ethos, informed by the student body, the parent body, the teachers and the location. The school's approach to learning, its pastoral care, and the quality of the teaching staff is far more important than the gender mix in the classroom.

What's more, every child is different, and what suits one child will not suit another. My son did well in a single-sex school. My friend's son, who socialises primarily with girls, would not.

And finally, academic achievement is not everything. I am reminded of this so keenly today, as my son sits his maths exam. I hope, of course, that he will do well, but his ATAR is but one measure of his school achievements. What is far more important to me is the moral character he has developed, his resilience, his empathy and his sense of joy in the world.

We parents spend far too much time agonising over our parenting choices and listening to "experts" and far too little time enjoying our children. A percentile point here and there really doesn't matter, as long as our kids are happy and settled and secure. Let's just calm right down and get our priorities in order. There is so much more to parenting and to life.

Kerri Sackville is a Sydney writer.

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