
CCTV catches MP's wife posting 'vote no' sign at Capalaba MP's office

The marriage-equality issue has warmed up in the Redlands, with the wife of LNP Oodgeroo MP Mark Robinson putting a poster reading “it’s OK to vote no” on the electorate office window of the Labor Capalaba MP.

Capalaba MP Don Brown said his office was defaced on Saturday with the poster.

Julie Robinson was caught on CCTV posting signs on the Labor MP's office.

Julie Robinson was caught on CCTV posting signs on the Labor MP's office.

Federal Liberal MP Andrew Laming waded into the tiff on social media, labelling Julie Robinson a “hero amongst us this weekend”.

Mr Laming said Mr Brown had taken a brave stand against “two ladies and a blu-tack sign”.

“I'd let it slide mate, unless they left a smudge on your office window,” Mr Laming advised Mr Brown.


Mr Brown said Ms Robinson had been caught red-handed by security footage.

He said he was disappointed that a person of such standing in the community had been reduced to such a childish act.

“It just shows how desperate the no campaigners have got,” he said.

Mr Brown said what he found more unusual was the fact that Mr Laming would defend such actions, given his claims to impartiality in regard to same-sex marriage.

“Andrew Laming says he is impartial in regards to this debate and has been outraged by an SMS from the yes campaign but now defends the no campaign defacing someone else's property,” he said.

“He says he is impartial but his actions tell a completely different story.”

Mr Laming said that in contrast to his impartial approach, Mr Brown had used his office and resources to campaign for the yes case.

“On those grounds, it is hard to begrudge a campaigner briefly blu-tacking a sign on his window and posting a photograph reminding locals of their side of the debate,” he said.

He said Mr Brown had made social-media allegations of defacement of taxpayers’ property and vandalism.

“I have challenged him to release a photograph of the damage or back up his words with actions and approach Queensland Police,” he said.

Mr Brown said he retained his right to make a complaint to police but would rather a public apology from Ms Robinson.

Ms Robinson responded on Tuesday morning, saying on Twitter she was sorry for posting the sign momentarily.

Mr Brown said he was happy to accept her apology.

Mr Robinson said his wife did nothing illegal in the incident, which was to take a photograph.

“Blu-tacking a no poster for a moment on a window is all that happened,” he said.

“... She is an amazing working mum who has raised seven children and is passionate about marriage. I'm proud of her,” he said.

The latest ABS statistics show that more than 30 per cent of Australians are yet to take part in the marriage survey.

This article originally appeared on The Redland City Bulletin.

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