Police say Melbourne pensioner funded top IS propagandist, fighter in Syria

Police say Melbourne pensioner funded top IS propagandist, fighter in Syria

A 43-year-old disability pensioner from Melbourne's outer suburbs is suspected of funnelling cash to an American-born senior Islamic State fighter.

Hampton Park father Isa Kocoglu – who is on a pension because he is morbidly obese – was charged on Tuesday morning, accused of donating money to Yahya al-Bahrumi.

Bahrumi, born in Texas as John Georgelas, is considered to be IS's top producer of "high-end English language propaganda", according to an investigation by The Atlantic.

Mr Kocoglu has been charged with one count of giving money or performing services for a person who intends to engage in hostile activity in a foreign state. The offence carries a maximum 10 years in jail.

Isa Kocoglu is suspected of funneling cash to an IS fighter.

Isa Kocoglu is suspected of funneling cash to an IS fighter.

Photo: Facebook

Federal agent Rhys Hart told the Melbourne Magistrates Court that Mr Kocoglu is believed to have donated about $4000 to IS by sending money to Bahrumi.

​Mr Hart said Mr Kocoglu sent money so Bahrumi could access satellite internet, but knew it would be used for other purposes.

Mr Kocoglu was aware Bahrumi was fighting for IS, the agent said, and was found in possession of images that showed shrapnel wounds the IS fighter suffered in April 2014 during an attack on a Syrian army airfield.

Authorities believe IS smuggled Bahrumi out of Syria to Turkey for medical treatment, and had since returned him to Syria to continue fighting.

US man John Georgelas, aka Yahya al-Bahrumi, has been described as Islamic State's chief English-language propagandist.

US man John Georgelas, aka Yahya al-Bahrumi, has been described as Islamic State's chief English-language propagandist.

Photo: Supplied

Mr Kocoglu was also sent Bahrumi's Turkish medical records so the Australian man could translate them, the court was told.

In raising funds for Bahrumi, Mr Kocoglu told others online that the fighter was in Syria for "humanitarian reasons" and needed money for internet access. He later denied to Australian Federal Police that Bahrumi was fighting for IS.

Isa Kocoglu has been on a disability pension for several years.

Isa Kocoglu has been on a disability pension for several years.

Photo: Facebook

Mr Hart said Mr Kocoglu was also an administrator for Bahrumi's websites, where devotees of IS could ask questions about the organisation's fighting and its rigid interpretation of Islam.

Questions included queries about how much women could pluck their eyebrows and whether their elbows could touch the ground when praying, the court heard.

Magistrate Luisa Bazzani refused Mr Kocoglu bail – despite prosecutor Aman Dhillon not opposing bail – over concerns he was at risk of offending and fleeing Australia.

The court heard Mr Kocoglu continued communicating Bahrumi after August 2014, and still pledged support for IS.

"ISIS is a terrorist organisation and he is actively supporting that organisation ... and I'm told his ideology is unchanged," Ms Bazzani said.

His lawyer Stephanie Joosten said her client intended to contest the charge he faced.

Mr Kocoglu has been on a disability pension for several years because he is morbidly obese, and travelled to Turkey in 2015. He was born in Australia and has dual Turkish citizenship.

Mr Kocoglu was remanded in custody to return to court on January 29 next year.

Police alleged earlier on Tuesday there were up to 10 transactions, amounting to almost $4000, funnelled to the American from April 2013 to November 2014.

The court heard Mr Kocoglu paid money from his account in Kogarah, NSW, into the PayPal account of an associate of Bahrumi.

There was no one in court to support the married Hampton Park man on Tuesday. Fairfax Media understands Mr Kocoglu lost one of his twin sons in a horrific explosion in the garage of his parents' Hampton Park home in 2011.

The boys, aged four, had been playing with matches before fire engulfed the shed. Both suffered horrific burns. One survived and the other died more than two months later.

Bahrumi is an American national of Greek descent who first travelled to Syria in December 2001. The Atlantic reported that Bahrumi received treatment in Syria from an Australian alleged jihadist nurse whose case is currently before the courts in Melbourne.

European and Australian jihadists, including another Melbourne man facing charges he planned to fight for IS, learned about Islam from Bahrumi via his extremist teachings.

Bahrumi was also believed to be close to Abu Muhammad al-Adnani, the IS spokesperson who was head strategist and head of foreign terror operations before he was killed in 2016.​

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