
Miki Perkins

Miki Perkins is a senior reporter at The Age who writes about social affairs. Her stories cover family violence, social trends, the status of women, families, sexuality, disability and much more. Miki has previously covered city, education, courts and general reporting.

Genevieve Grieves next to the Captain James Cook statue at Cook's Cottage in Fitzroy Gardens.

Not set in stone: History's missing figures

When Genevieve Grieves embarked on her doctorate a few years ago, she surveyed the monuments in Melbourne's CBD to pinpoint who was being commemorated and why. Her findings were stark.

Clinton Pryor has worn his way through five pairs of shoes.

Clinton's nationwide walk for justice

Over the past nine months Clinton Pryor's feet have carried him almost 4800 kilometres as he traverses the continent to protest against the treatment of Aboriginal people.