Premium Edge Announcement re Withdrawal of Certain Cat Foods

October 2nd, 2009


Diamond Pet Foods has withdrawn from distribution the following date codes of Premium Edge Finicky Adult Cat and Premium Edge Hairball cat:  RAF0501A22X 18lb., RAF0501A2X 6 lb., RAH0501A22X 18 lb., RAH0501A2X 6lb.  The calls from pet owners or veterinarians regarding this issue have been centered in the Rochester, NY area.  All retail outlets shipped the above lots were contacted, asking them to pull the product from the store shelves.  The retailers were also asked to contact their customers via email or telephone requesting them to check the date code of the food.    However, if you or anyone you know has these date codes of Premium Edge cat food, please return them to your retailer.  
Symptoms displayed by an affected cat will be neurological in nature.  Any cats fed these date codes that display these symptoms should be immediately taken to a veterinarian.

Product testing proved no contaminants were discovered in the cat food; however the cat foods were deficient in thiamine.  Diamond tracked the vitamin premix lot number that was utilized in these particular cat foods and have performed testing on another lot of Premium Edge cat food that used the same vitamin premix, and it was not deficient in thiamine.  No other neurological signs have been reported on any other product manufactured by Diamond Pet Foods.


Premium Edge Cat Food Withdrawal/Possible Thiamine Deficient Premix

October 2nd, 2009

Rumors were swirling yesterday via Twitter regarding “possible” problems with a cat food called Premium Edge.  Those rumors reported that a Dr. Hubbard from Stone Ridge Veterinary Hospital in Rochester, NY, was looking for any other vets who might be treating cats with neurological symptoms who had eaten certain lots/dates of Premium Edge Finky Adult and Hairball products.  (585) 227-4990

Susan Thixton reports that she has contacted Diamond Pet Food (manufacturer of Premium Edge) and confirmed that certain lots are being withdrawn from retail outlets.

See Susan’s blog for further details, including affected date codes.

If you have been feeding your cats this product and particular lots/dates and your cats are exhibiting decreased appetite followed by neurological symptoms, please contact your vet, Dr. Hubbard, and Diamond Pet Food.

Discussion in Itchmo Forums.;msg138589;topicseen#msg138589

Menu Foods Reaches Settlement Agreement

April 1st, 2008

Menu Foods

Here is a press release dated April 1 on Menu Foods website:

Menu Foods Income Fund (TSX: MEW.UN) announced that the parties to the Pet Food Multi-District Litigation (including Menu Foods) today advised the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey that their mediation has produced a comprehensive, cross-border agreement in principle between the parties, addressing all major terms of settlement.

The settlement in principle is subject to several conditions, including the approval of certain other parties, the execution of a definitive settlement agreement and review and approval of the U.S. District Court and the Canadian courts. The parties advised the court that they are confident that a definitive settlement agreement can be reached.

The definitive terms of settlement, together with a motion for preliminary approval thereof, are scheduled to be filed with the U.S. District Court on May 1, 2008, with the hearing scheduled to occur at 11:00 a.m. on May 14, 2008. The scheduling for Canadian court approval has not yet been determined, but is expected to occur in a similar time frame.

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Help for Low-Income Pets

March 25th, 2008


Last week I was half-watching TV while surfing the net, and saw a commercial promoting a charitable venture in Rhode Island that helps lower-income people pay vet’s bills. I was a little surprised because let’s face it, that’s not the sort of thing you see on TV very often. I jotted down the name of the organization and looked them up on the net. Sure enough, there it was: The RIVMA Companion Animal Foundation. Launched in 2004, the Foundation’s mission is to provide funds to the state’s participating veterinary practitioners for compassionate care of pets whose owners are unable to pay. I looked around the web site for awhile, thinking about what a great idea this is, and wondering what other resources are available to folks who love their pets but can’t afford to care for them when they are injured or sick.

Now, I’ve heard all the arguments about why the poor should not own pets, but whether you think this is so or not, the reality is that poor people do own pets. Saying that they shouldn’t doesn’t help those pets one little bit. This article is about finding the means to service animals in crisis, and not about whether their owners deserve to be helped. For me, it isn’t even a debatable question. I decided to do some research to find out just how extensive a safety net is available to low-income pets.

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An Interview With Nermal

March 21st, 2008

nermal.jpgThe following is an interview with Nermal, Rochester’s housemate. Shortly before his death, Rochester wrote his final piece for Itchmo. In it, he told his faithful readers that Nermal would attempt to fill the void left by his passing. Nermal has been practicing his cat-to-human communication skills and should be ready to write his own articles soon.

Reporter: Hello, Nermal. Thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to talk to us today.

Nermal: Did you bring any cat candy? I was told there would be cat candy.

Reporter: Can we do the interview first?

Nermal: Ok, but don’t forget.

Reporter: Nermal is an unusual name. How did you get that name?

Nermal: Auntie named me after a kitten in the Garfield cartoons. Nermal is the cutest kitten in the world.

Reporter: So you’re the cutest kitten in the world?

Nermal: I guess so. Except I’m not a kitten. Auntie never saw me when I was a kitten. Is it time for cat candy yet?

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8-Year-Old Girl Raises Money For Dog’s Operation

March 17th, 2008

TannerIt was love at first sight. When Katherine Hawkins, an eight-year-old girl from Atlanta, first saw Rocky’s picture on the Internet, she just fell in love with this golden retriever who was looking for a new home.

But Rocky needed surgery because he had been hit by a car and his previous owners had never treated his broken leg.

Without ever meeting Rocky, Katherine started to raise money to pay for Rocky’s surgery. She first gave up her allowance and then started selling cookies.

Katherine’s mother said, “You cannot resist a little 8-year-old girl holding this envelope saying would you please give money to help this dog that’s been run over.”

This motivated young girl raised over $1,000 dollars which was about half of what Rocky’s surgery would cost.

Adopt-A-Golden, where Rocky was staying, was so impressed with Katherine’s efforts that they knew that she would make a loving and caring owner for Rocky.

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Pet Sitting 101

March 17th, 2008


I guess that sooner or later, just about everyone is pressed into service as a pet sitter. It can be a pleasant experience if you follow a few simple guidelines. To illustrate some basic tenets of the craft, I will use Annie Maguire and her guardians as an example. This isn’t intended to be a guide to professional pet sitting. I pet-sit only for friends and animals with whom I have an established relationship. For information on professional pet sitting, see

Annie is a golden retriever, approximately four years old. Her guardians, Jane and Joel, are experienced and dedicated dog lovers. Over the years, they have shared their home with some marvelous canines. They raised Annie from puppyhood, and their general joie de vive is reflected in her personality.

Taking care of Annie Maguire is the pet-sitting equivalent of winning the Irish Sweepstakes. The Maguires’ home is one of the more comfortable residences on the island, and Annie is intelligent, affectionate and humorous. So let’s just say that I don’t shrink from the prospect of staying in that gorgeous home, taking care of that lovable dog.

In a general sense, it’s best to have a pre-care visit with pet and guardians. The Maguires always write down all the things I need to know about Annie’s routine: what she’s eating, how much to feed her and how often; what medications or supplements she might be taking… that kind of thing. They also let me know how to reach them in an emergency, and give me the contact information for their veterinarian.
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Animal Activists Sued By University Of California Regents For Threatening University Reseachers

March 17th, 2008

In 2006, according to court documents, animal rights activists harassed UCLA professor Dario Ringach and other scientists who conduct research with laboratory animals.

Documents stated that they hurled firecrackers at his house and planted Molotov-cocktail-like explosives at the homes of other faculty members and threatened to burn down their houses.

Ringach was afraid for his family and their safety and wrote an email to the animal activists begging to be left alone: “Effectively immediately, I am no longer doing animal research. Please don’t bother my family anymore.”

In response to the threats by the activists, the University of California regents are suing UCLA Primate Freedom, the Animal Liberation Brigade, the Animal Liberation Front and five people allegedly affiliated with this group.

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Itchmo Reader Dog Pictures

March 17th, 2008



Pictures sent in by Sherri.

Duncan: one-year-old Soft Coated Wheaten. He LOVES the snow.

Northwest Indiana- Lake effect snow. They had 15 inches fall in one night- on top of the 3 that fell the night before.

In Memory Of…

March 16th, 2008

As today marks the one year anniversary of the pet food recalls, this is an open thread for anyone to speak their mind, share their thoughts, express their loss or simply encourage and support each other.

From the Itchmo Forums, JustMe made a memorial for the victims of the pet food recalls:

Member: 3Catkidneyfailure

Doozie: A 10-year-old Cat.
Suffered kidney failure from poisoned cat food.
Euthanized: February 10, 2007.

IQ: A 16-year-old Cat.
Suffered kidney failure from poisoned pet food,
January, 2007.
A survivor, under treatment.

SMORGI: A 15-year-old Cat.
Suffered kidney failure from poisoned pet food.
A survivor, under treatment.


Member: Arlo


BART: A 5-year-old Spaniel Dog.
Poisoned by pet food. Renal Failure.
Euthanized May, 2007.

ELLIE MAY: A black and white, Domestic Short Hair cat.
Poisoned by pet food. Acute Renal Failure.
A survivor who sustained chronic renal failure.

JETHRO BODINE: A black and white tuxedo, Domestic Short Hair Cat.
Poisoned by pet food. Acute Renal Failure.
Euthanized April, 2007.


Member: Carol

JESSICA: A 16-year-old Cat.
Diagnosed with Acute Renal Failure due to poisoned cat food,
February 17, 2007.
Euthanized December 26, 2007.

SMUDGE: A 14-year-old Cat.
Diagnosed with Acute Renal Failure due to poisoned cat food,
March 12, 2007.
A survivor, currently under treatment for Chronic Renal Failure.


Member: Catbird

PHANTOM: A 12-year-old Domestic Short Hair Cat.
Sickened by poisoned cat food.
A survivor.

ISIS: A 10-year-old, Burmese mix Cat.
Ate poisoned cat food, sustained heart disease.
A survior.


Member: SusanP/MrsP

LADYCAT: An approximately 13-year-old Cat.
Poisoned by pet food.
Euthanized July 10, 2007.

MUNCHKIN: An approximately 7-year-old Cat.
Poisoned by pet food.
A survivor.

TEENYCAT: A 4-year-old Cat.
Poisoned by pet food.
A survivor.


Member: Catmom5

CJ: A 12-year-old, Catgirl.
Suffered acute renal failure in November, 2006,
from posioned cat food.
A survivor with multiple serious health issues.


Member: Dyginge

DYLAN: An approximately 11-year-old Cat.
Acute renal failure from poisoned cat food.
Euthanized February 23, 2007.


Member: Kittylyda

PEANUT: Between 17-20 years old Cat.
Poisoned by cat food, diagnosed with renal insuffiency.
A Survivor, under treatment.

TIG: A 12-year-old Cat.
Poisoned by cat food.
A survivor, under treatment.


Member: Trudy

NUTMEG: Cinnamon Bengal Girl Cat.
Kidney Failure, 2006

BECAUSE: Tortoiseshell Manx Cat.
Oral cancer, 2007

SUNSHINE: Yellow Rescue Girl Cat
Cat food, 2007

BOB: Big Boy Rescue, Part Maine Coon Cat
Cancer, 2007

GREY THING: Little Grey Manx Rescue Cat
Cat food, 2007.

INKY: Black and White Manx Rescue Cat.
Pancreas, 2008

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Ohio Vet Board Has No Authority To Suspend Vets Suspected Of Mistreating Animals In Care

March 15th, 2008

The Ohio Veterinary Board may not have as much power as it seems to have to discipline veterinarians that have mistreated animals while in their care.

Colleen Keszer brought in Duke, her chocolate Labrador, to veterinarian Lisa Hart. Keszer said that Hart “came outside and she grabbed him by his collar and he looked so scared.”

Keszer complained to the Ohio Veterinary Board last October, when she first brought her dog in. She said that Hart didn’t find anything wrong with Duke and released him to go home.

But Keszer said that four days later, Duke had to go back to the vet because he was extremely sick. He died within a week and Keszer blamed Hart for her dog’s death and filed a complaint.

Last November, when a news team was investigating Hart, they found out the Ohio vet was already on probation when another dog was burned by a heating pad.

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Remembering The Recall: A Reading List

March 14th, 2008


The pet food recall in March 2007 did more than change everything I believed about the “right” way to feed pets. We lost our cat, Kisses. Sometimes grief competes with happy memories when I think about her, a sad trend which seems to slowly improve over time.

As this unpleasant anniversary approaches, a friend suggested I focus on the season as a new beginning –- appropriate advice for spring. Kisses will always have a special place in our hearts, and the two cats who joined our family after her death are unique, irreplaceable gifts. Her legacy includes the information I gathered while working with our wonderful vet to prolong her life.

After Kisses was gone, I sent friends the titles of all the books I discovered during her illness, and I share my bookshelf inventory with Itchmo readers now to honor her memory. I also dedicate this entry to thousands of other grieving pet parents.

Note: Books containing recipes for cats have one asterisk* and those with recipes for dogs and cats have two asterisks.** If you’d like to pick up a few toys along with your books, consider pet supply shops like Only Natural Pet Store (see the Hard Goods category) or Robbins Pet Care. Used booksellers such as are a great way to locate out-of-print books. Older titles may recommend certain commercial foods that have changed ingredients and/or ownership over the years. Use caution.

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Man Clinging To Boat Asks To Have Dog Saved First

March 14th, 2008

Randy Earl just wanted to make sure his dog, Lacy, would be safe.

When Earl and his black spaniel mix were fishing, the small boat capsized. When the boat flipped over, Earl put Lacy on top of the boat to make sure she stayed safe. He stayed in the water wearing his life jacket.

Earl continued to hold on the boat’s hull while waiting for rescuers. The water temperature was about 50 degrees.

Another fisherman, who watched as a state trooper paddled out to Earl and Lacy, said that Earl asked the state trooper to take the dog first.

Earl said that Lacy is like a child to him and his wife and has meant a lot to him especially since they lost both of their children in a car accident 15 years ago.

Source: Yahoo News

(Thanks Nancy)

Itchmo Reader Dog Pictures

March 14th, 2008



These dogs really love cheeseburgers (or cheezburgers)!

Top: Picture sent in by Kelly. Her chihuahua Oliver and his cheezburger.

Bottom: Picture sent in by bearsmyers.

Canadian Food Inspection Agency: Salmonella Warning On Rollover Pork Tenders Dog Treat

March 13th, 2008

Here is a release by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency in regards to Rollover Pork Tenders Premium Dog Treats:

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Rollover Premium Pet Food Ltd. are warning consumers not to purchase or use the Rollover Pork Tenders Premium Dog Treat described below. This product may be contaminated with the bacteria responsible for salmonellosis in humans.

The affected Rollover Pork Tenders Premium Dog Treat was sold in 50 g packages bearing

UPC 0 60766 88138 1. All lots up to and including 07 MAR 10 are affected by this alert.

Rollover Pork Tenders Premium Dog Treat was distributed nationally.

There has been one illness reported associated with this product.

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